Chapter 26-The Plan

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*•.•*•.•*Louis' POV*•.•*•.•*

Could I have been any stupider? Of course it wasn't really Alex! It was a girl! For crying out loud, Louis, get your head in the game! You're smarter then this! And again, I was talking to myself. Niall's starting to get into my head. Though, I do wanna know what those unicorns look like . . .

The girl climbed the ladder and stood before us. "Oh, One Direction isn't it?" She said. "I still don't care. But I do care about what happens to those six girls behind you."

From the corner of my eye, I could see Melissa struggling with her hands tied behind her back. Turning my attention back to the girl, she was smirking at Meli. "Would you like help with that, darling?" The girl sarcastically asked. "CAPTION BILL! HELP THE GIRL FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!"

A buff - and I mean buff - man walked through the barn door. "Yes, Abby. Anything for you," Bill said, climbing the ladder and walking towards Melissa.

"Stop!" I ordered. "Just leave everyone be, okay? We'll write you a check right now. How much money do you want?" I pleaded. "These girls are my life. Take them away, and I'll break every single bone in your body." Bill glared at me. "When he's not there."

The girl - Abby? - laughed. Thinking this was a joke. "Oh, you're not kidding." Her checks turned a hot pink. "Look, I don't want any money. I want revenge."

Everyone nodded. "Revenge can be . . . friendly, I guess, but please just let us go with a warning. I promise you, no harm will be done." Liam said.

Zayn, Harry, Niall, and I all nodded our heads. "Caption Bill." Abby sighed. "Let's go." Abby leaded the way out of the barn, Bill on her tail.

Melissa looked so relieved. To be honest we all were. "Liam, I think you have a special kind of super persuasive mind." Niall joked, nudging him. We all laughed.

"Let's just get out of here."


"Meli, babe, have you seen my nice jeans?" I asked, searching my bag on the bus trying, to find my new pair of jeans.

I could hear Melissa's cute giggle from the bathroom. "You already lost them? We just bought them a week ago," she replied. "In other words; no, I haven't seen them."

I groaned. We have a concert in Charlottetown and were almost there. The girls are taking a break this time, but tomorrow they're preforming. They're still scared to get kidnapped, so we have security outside every inch of this bus. That stupid fool, Abby, won't touch my Meli-Beli again. I'll make sure of that. As long as Bill isn't there . . .

In case you're wondering, Haylee ran out of that barn so fast after Abby left, that we didn't even have a chance to say a word to her.

I threw my bag across the room, griping my hair, sitting down on the bed. I feel so frustrated! Like I'm losing everything! First Meli, now my jeans! What is my life coming to?

Melissa came over to me. "Louis," she worriedly walked towards me. "What's wrong? It's just a pair of jeans. I can buy you more."

I lifted my head, shaking it. "No." I stated. "I'll end up losing them, just like I lost you. I can't let that happen!" I shouted.

"Louis," Meli firmly said. "Calm down. Me and your jeans aren't going anywhere. I promise I will find them."

"Don't make promises you can't keep." I stood up, marching to the bathroom.

*•.•*•.•*Leah's POV*•.•*•.•*

Apparently, Meli and Louis are in a fight about . . . jeans. I'm just as confused as you are. The boys left for soundcheck five minutes ago and all us girls are in the bus' game room. "He just acted like I was the jeans. Like losing them would mean losing me," Meli said. "I just don't understand anymore."

I nodded. "Well," I said. "Maybe it is hard for them. We're getting them into a lot of trouble if we stay with them."

"So," Kendell said, making everyone turn their heads to her. "What you're saying is we should leave them. But only for their safety."

Mallory looked horrified. "You know," Malo said. "That does sound kind of risky."

I groaned. "Think about it," I said. "They well probably die because of us! Their whole family will blame it on us, too. Why would we want to do this to them?"

Meli stayed quiet. For once. "What about our relationships? We can't just leave them." Rachel pointed out.

"We'll leave a note. Just to say, well, ya know--"

"No," Meli said, interrupting me.

"Excuse me?" I asked, more harsh then I expected.

"Are you deaf, Leah?" Meli asked, the same harshness in her tone. "I said, No."

I glared at her. "Why?"

Meli looked at her nails, playing around with them. "Louis and me may be in a fight, but I heard him say he loved me. And I might love him back," Meli slowly said. "I can't leave the one boyfriend who loves me and understands me."

Kendell looked like a lightbulb went off in her head. "This is about Mike. Isn't it, Meli?" she asked, still shaky from her experience with him.

Melissa nodded. "I'm scared," she said. "Louis is the guy. He would never be like Mike. The way Mike treated you was not acceptable. I don't want to end up marrying a guy like him."

The look on Mallory's face was full of confusion, mixed with concern. "I'm sure Mike was a mean and nasty guy - just by the tone of Kenny's voice - but we have to keep our boys safe. Even if that means leaving them."

We all nodded, except Meli. She was off in a trance of some kind. "Is that right, Meli?" Rachel asked.

Melissa snapped right out of her trance and turn to us. "Oh-uh, yeah. I guess," she said. "As long as all five of us stay together."

"Of course," I said. "Together forever."

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