Chapter 28-It's Over

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Chapter 28-It's Over

*•.•*•.•*Harry's POV*•.•*•.•*

As soon as I tweeted it, I regretted it. I just got this strange feeling in my stomach and knew I shouldn't have sent that. So, I deleted it just thirteen minutes later.

Then it came to me. I lost her. Again. Wasn't Rachel getting kidnapped good enough? I don't know where she is, or if she even got kidnapped again, but I do know she wouldn't leave on purpose. I just know it. And if she did, there has to be a good explanation for it.

Niall looked cranky in his seat, Louis looked lost, but was trying to cover it, Liam was on the phone with some guy, and Zayn, well, Zayn was tracing his tattoos.

My phone started to vibrate in my pocket, but I let it be. "Aren't you going to get that?" Louis asked, glaring at me from two seats away. Right now, we're all sitting in the Charlottetown arena and we're not happy. I shook my head.

"Nothing is important anymore. Nothing," I said feeling completely useless.

Liam hung up with the guy who was on the other end. "They left," he said.

Zayn rolled his eyes. "No, really? I thought they were on the bus." Liam glared at an annoyed Zayn.

"I meant they left as in it was their decision. And apparently Paul drove them to the airport," Liam said. "Our tour manager saw him leaving with five girls in a car. It had to be them."

Niall shook his head. "Why would they even think about doing that? It doesn't make any since what-so-ever." He repositioned himself on his chair.

Louis stood up. "So, they left us. Cool. We're One Direction. We're a band. We need to stay focused on this tour if we're going to finish it. Who gives a crap about silly crushes anyways. We can't let this get to us."

I nodded. "Louis' right. We need to focus. Not just for our band, but for our fans." The boys looked a little hesitant but agreed when they thought it over.

"It's time to forget and move on, boys." We all had a group hug.

*•.•*•.•*Rachel's POV*•.•*•.•*

As I stacked my clothes on my new dresser, I sighed. We've arrived in Australia just a couple of hours ago, and we've already gotten over the boys. Well, some of us.

"I just." Meli blew her name in a tissue. "Miss him. I mean, we didn't leave on very good terms and I think he hates me. I don't want it to end this way, Rach," Meli ranted to me.

I sat beside her on my bed, putting my arm over her shoulder and letting her cry into my shirt. "I know, Meli. I know." I stroked her hair slowly.

"Rachel have you seen--" Leah stopped mid-sentence to take a glance at Meli. "Is she ok?" she asked quietly.

I shrugged. "Anyways, what were you saying?"

Leah snapped her fingers. "Oh, yes. Have you seen my--" Leah got interrupted -- yet again -- by Meli's sobs. "Are you sure she's ok?" she asked.

I shook my head, no. "She's not ok. Even though she may say she is, she isn't. Leah, none of us are ok. I think we should go back."

Leah shook her head variously. "No, no, no, no, no! We can't go back now. It's too late. We've left them and it's over now. We need to start over."

"But Leah, look at Meli," I signalled towards my shirt that Meli was clutching rather tightly. "We may all be like this, forever."

She shook her head again. "Rachel, no. It's over. We're in too deep to go back. Just imagine how mad and furious they'd be. They wouldn't even want us back."

I sighed as I continued to stroke Meli's hair. "You're right." And she was right, I mean, Leah was always right.

It was that day that I realized I didn't need a guy to make me happy. I needed my friends and my family. They need me, and I need them. At the time, I didn't think I needed anything else. Especially not a boy. I'm happy now, and that's all that really matters.


omfg guys, its finally over. its all over and im really proud of myself at the moment.

but ive been thinking yet again

and i think a sequel would be nice, but the updates would be terribly slow.

im sorry, really, but ive got a blog to run, and internet friends to entertain.

feedback and opinions in the comments would be appreciated (-:

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⏰ Última actualización: Aug 01, 2013 ⏰

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