Chapter 25-At Last

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Chapter 25-

*•.•*•.•*Niall's POV*•.•*•.•*

I felt a couple of warm tears go down my cheeks. She's gone. Leah's gone. She can't be! She's the one I'm suppose to marry! To have my children with! To share wonderful moments with her. She's not gone. I can feel her. She's not too far either. Not at all.

"Niall! Stay on board! We have to find them!" Louis snapped. "Stop going into dream land where unicorns live. It's shit like this that's gonna make us lose them!" We all stared at Louis. Without Meli, it's like he's Liam. He wants everything to be on track, nothing going wrong.

I held back a sob. "We already lost them," Harry said.

"No!" I shouted. All their heads turned to me in a flash. Even Paul's. "I can feel Leah! She's here! On this island and were going to find them!" I put my head in my hands and started to cry like a maniac.

Liam rubbed my back. "We'll find them, Niall. We just need to find out who kidnapped them," He soothed me.

I nodded slowly, just so he'd leave me alone so they can figure this out. I'm not myself right now. Actually, all of us aren't ourselves. "Did you find Alex's address, Paul?" Zayn asked quietly. "He's the biggest suspect right now."

Paul sighed. "I did, but boys, please be careful when you--"

"--Alright thanks Paul!" I lifted my head to see Louis running to the car outside.

"We'll be careful, Paul. Just don't tell Simon about any of this," Liam said and walked out the door after Louis.

Harry stood up from the hotel's dining room table. "C'mon Niall. We need you too." He patted my shoulder. I stood up slowly. "You coming Zayn?" Harry looked over his own shoulder at Zayn.

Zayn nodded. "Just give me a sec." I slumped out the door. Why can't I just rewind time? Go back to the moment when Leah was with me. I'd do anything to get her back. I just want my Leah!

"Niall." Harry caught up to me. It didn't take long, I'm walking quite slow today. "You've got to stay with it. We can't find the girls if you're not trying. Get yourself together, mate. Like you said before, We're gonna find them." Harry smiled at me.

I nodded, cheering up a bit. Harry has always had this why of making everyone smile at a random time. He's just that special.


"814, 814, 814," Louis kept on repeating. That's Alex's address. I have a feeling all of us are going to remember, 814. "Stop!" Louis demanded, which caused Zayn, the driver, to stop instantly. "Let's get him boys." Louis charged out the van's sliding door. I ran after him.

"Louis! Slow your horses! He could be on to us you idiot!" Harry shouted in Louis' direction. Louis stopped running almost instantly, just enough time for the rest of us to catch up to him.

"Alex could have a gun on him. We want to be careful and calm," Liam said. "Just be careful."

After a lot of fighting, me and Louis knocked on his house front door together. The other boys went to the back. "One second!" A women sing songed.

"Well, what do we have here? A couple of girl scouts?" She questioned. She looked to be in her late forties. Her long and flary skirt was floral, and her light pink shirt bright in the sun light. I assumed she was his mom.

Louis chuckled. "No, ma'am we're looking for Alex, Alex Pulger." I informed her, with a giant smile on my face. Of course fake. How could I smile a real smile if I'm not my loving self?

"Oh." She looked puzzled, trying to remember. "He was in the back shop yesterday, he hasn't been back since." She shrugged.

I hugged her. "Thank you, Miss." I turned and ran to go find the other boys, Louis on my tail. "She and the girls are in the back shed!" I screamed, hoping the boys would just follow me instead. They probably couldn't even make out my voice 'cause I'm running so fast.

"Niall!" Louis yelled. "It could be a trap!" I froze in my tracks. No way. After I hugged her, she lies? That makes no damn sense. She looked so innocent, yet guilty.

"They're in there." I didn't sound completely sure of myself. I gulped, taking a step back. She has to be in there. They have to be. Where else would they be? In China probably.

"Niall. It is a possibility, but it could also be a trap. We can't risk it." Liam put his arm over my shoulder. The boys all agreed except Louis.

Louis shook his head, no. "It is a possibility, but." He paused to look over at the rusty old shed. "If I have to risk my life, I will. Melissa and some of my best friends are in there. I'm not giving up, Liam. I don't care if I'm "risking it" I wanna be Meli's superman. I love her to death and I'm not letting her go." That may have just been the most sweetest thing I've ever heard Louis say about a girl. I should have filmed that.

Liam sucked in a deep breath. "Fine. We're already in a mess, so why not screw it up even more?" Liam shrugged, walking towards the old shed. We all followed behind him.

"Papa Payne, keep dem bad boys away." Harry pouted. I rolled my eyes at Harry. Can he be anymore childish? Seriously, at a time like this?

Liam stopped, all of us boys tumbling a bit from his sudden halt. "There's a lock on it. I think I need some pliers," Liam said, rubbing the bit if stubble on his chin.

"Oh." Zayn dug in his pockets. "I have a pair of pliers in my pocket." We all gave him strange looks. "What?!" He exclaimed. "I have needs too," Zayn stated, setting the pair of pliers in Liam's hands.

"Whatever," I mumbled, turning back to Liam. "Can we hurry up, before Alex comes back? That lady probably called him." Liam nodded, trying to break the lock.

*•.•*•.•*Meli's POV*•.•*•.•*

All I could think about is Louis. Louis, Louis, Louis. He's my everything. I hope he's actually trying to help me. I mean us. No, I meant me. I need him.

I rolled my head off the wall, towards Rachel, just to see if she's okay. Apparently she's "dying" first. If anyone deserves to die first, it's me. She was sleeping in a very uncomfortable looking position. Her head was rolled to the right, her hair in her face. I could never sleep like that. Especially in that wooden chair.

"Niall!" A voice shouted. I gasped. It was them! They're here to save us! "It could be a trap!" Louis! It's my Louis! I just realized that living without Louis would be hard. Super hard.

The boys were in a huge argument, but all I heard was Louis' voice. "It is a possibility, but." He paused. "If I have to risk my life, I will. Melissa and some of my best friends are in there. I'm not giving up, Liam. I don't care if I'm "risking it" I wanna be Meli's superman. I love her to death and I'm not letting her go." Every single one of his words meant everything to me. I love Louis.

I heard Liam asking about pliers and then a click. The lock has been broken. They pushed the door open and ran through every inch of the barn looking for us. We're on the top, not the bottom. They can't see us. I need to yell, but my voice is lost.

I started to tap around me to find something to throw. I found hay, hay, and more hay. Right beside my left foot felt like a dead rat, but I didn't care at the time, I threw it like the wind. "Woah," Harry said. "Was that a flying dead animal?" Harry asked.

"No! There's an upstairs! It came from up there!" Niall exclaimed looking for a ladder or something to climb.

"But there's nothing here to climb." Zayn pointed out.

I let out a small whimper. "Meli? Babe, hold on for just a little longer. I promise I'll be with you in a minute," Louis said.

After Louis said that, all I heard was rustling of things below. At least I know he's trying. "Ah ha!" Liam shouted. "I found a ladder!" He exclaimed.

I sighed in relief. We're saved. I heard a clank and Louis head popped up. "Melissa!" He ran towards me, wrapping his warm arms around me. "I found you. At last . . ." He trailed off.

"Eh, I think not," Abby's voice smirked.

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