Chapter 14-Meeting The Artist

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Chapter 14-Meeting The Artist



Three weeks later....

*•.•*•.•*Melissa's POV*•.•*•.•*

"LOOOOUUUIIISSSS! GIVE. ME. MY. UNDERWEAR!" I yelled in his face. He smirked and ran for the ocean. I on the other hand was only in a towel and my bra.. I ran after him I finally got him by falling on him. Kendell was video taping this the whole time.. He smirked and looked at my cleavage. I smirked and slapped his arm. He got up and started screaming,

"LLLEEEYYUUMM! MELISSA HIT ME!" In a girly tone. I just laughed walking into the beach house. These last three weeks has been super fun! But now we all have to leave for the tour. Simon decided that we don't have to go back and see our family's because we will be anyway. We are touring in Canada. Anyways, I went upstairs but not without slapping Kenny on the arm! I put my favourite hairstyle in. A fish tail braid. It was loose kinda and on the side. I put my lime green jeans on with my white moustache shirt. Louis walked into our room. Yes, we decided to change rooms so we were sharing with our boyfriends.

"Ready?" He asked taking our suitcases.

"Ready!" I chirped running in front of him. He chuckled and I could feel him eyeing my butt. I turned around and saw him run into a wall. I chuckled.

"That's what you get for looking at my bumm.." I sing songed. He glared.

"It's a nice bum." He stated. I guess I never told you but Haylee quit the band Giream. We were majorly crying for two weeks. Haylee was our friend. But now we need someone new and we're going on tour without someone for now.. The first concert we will have only us perform. Hopefully we can find that person! We went downstairs and I sat on the couch while Louis put our bags in the limo. He came back and have me a peck on the lips.

"HURRY UP!" I yelled up the stairs.

"HOLD YOUR BLOOMERS!" Someone said. Couldn't make out the voice. Leah and Niall came down the stairs followed by Kenny and Liam then Zayn.

"Where's Rachel and Harry?" I asked. Harry's still being a wussy and hasn't asked out Rachel yet! Harry shares a room with Zayn.. Zayn needs a girlfriend!

"They're upstairs." Zayn pointed to the stairs.


"We're right here!" They yelled in at the same time. They came downstairs.

"Leggo!" Rachel said.

"Yeah Buddy!" Niall shouted. We all got in the limo. Frank the driver, wasn't happy to see Me and Louis! Haha, sucka!

"Why hello there, Flank!" I said his name wrong on purpose. He chuckled.

"It's Frank.." He said proudly that he was sticking up for himself.

"Well Flank, why don't you start the car?" Louis asked him.


When we got to the place where the tour bus was we all cheered. It wasn't that long, only an hour drive. When I looked out the window I saw that the tour bus was black with '1D ft. Giream!' In red. I love it, But it needs more green.. We all got out and ran to the bus. Before we could walk in Simon stepped in front of us.

"This bus has just been cleaned. The beds are made, the floor is waxed so you won't run on it, the kitchen is fully stocked, and just don't make a mess. The girls' bunks are the farthest, the boys' are the closest to the door. The bus driver, Bert likes quiet at night. Don't make that much noise! Now, go go go!" Simon instructed. We all ran into the bus. Paul and Glens will probably bring our luggage in..

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