Chapter 27-It's Complicated

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*•.•*•.•*Mallory's POV*•.•*•.•*

Why I'm feeling these knots in my stomach, I have no idea. Why don't you tell me? Oh wait, I know. I feel guilty. Guilty, because I'm leaving the best boyfriend - and best friends - I've ever had. Even though I've known them for, what? One month? I haven't been keeping track. I'll I know is that they've treated me like family, and I will love anybody who treats me like family.

"Agh," I muttered to myself, continuing to pack my bag.

"Need help?" Meli asked, her arms crossed, standing in the doorway.

I nodded. "If you wouldn't mind," I said. As I could hear the girls being silly outside our bunk room, this room stayed quiet. "Look, Meli," I said, her attention turning in my direction. "I know you love Louis -- I love Zayn, too -- but we need to do this. For their sake."

Melissa sighed, folding a pair of my shorts rather nicely. "I keep telling myself that," Meli replied. "And I just keep denying it. Maybe I do just need a break for a while. Louis is starting to really pull my strings lately."

"You have to understand," I said, closing my full suitcase. "We aren't coming back. This isn't a break. This is for life." Meli stared at her hands, a new habit I see.

"Yeah," she said. "Okay."


"Are you sure you want to do this, girls?" Paul asked, still uneasy about the whole leaving idea. Right now, we're on our way to our familys' houses to say goodbye. Then, we're going to Australia.

"Paul, can you please not pressure us? We have a lot going on right now," Kenny said.

"It's just--"

"She said, please, Paul," Rachel interrupted him. "We won't be coming back. Can we just savour this moment? It will be the last. Well, with you anyway."

Paul nodded, keeping his eyes on the road. "You're right," he said. "So, have you seen my new baby son? I have a picture on my phone if you guys want to see it." I don't know if he's really trying, but why not try back?

"Yeah, I'd love to see him." I smiled sweetly at Paul. At least I hope he's trying.

"And here we are," Paul said, putting the car in park, making it click. "Kendell's house first."

Kendell nodded getting out of the van. "You guys can come too, ya know?" Kenny said, smiling.

I shrugged. "Why not?" I stood up, walking up Kenny's pathway, the other girls on my tail. When we reached the front door, Kenny took a deep breath and swiftly pushed it open. She took the first step inside, I was the second, kinda scared of what Kenny's mom will say. I was expecting a "Oh my gosh! You're home!" kind of reaction, but I heard the opposite.

"Kendell?!" her Mom shouted. "Y-you're not suppose to be home." She tried to cover something, blocking the kitchen doorway.

Kenny looked nervous. "Mom," she said slowly. "What is in the kitchen?"

Kendell's Mom sighed. "It's more like a person. Not an 'it'," she said, Kenny rushed to push her mom out of the way. "Wait! Kenny! It's not--"

"No way!" Kenny screamed, we all rushed into the kitchen with her. "Geoff? As in Geoff Payne? Liam's father? Mom! How could you do this! You knew I was dating Liam!"

Kenny's Mom was sitting at the kitchen counter on a stool, crying her eyes out. "Look, Kendell," Geoff said. "I was dating your mother before you even went on tour with my son. Trust me, I wouldn't have dated her if I could see the future. But I did, and now I know that I love her. With all my heart." I swear, I could see Meli crying out of the corner of my eye. I know she wouldn't admit it, so I let it be.

"I'm sorry, Mom," Kenny said. "I'm leaving for Australia in an hour, so I--"

"Swissy!" A small toddler came running into the kitchen, moving us aside. "You're home!" Kenny bent down to her size, hugging her tightly. Geoff wiped Fanny's - Kenny's mother - tears away from her eyes. They both joined in on the group hug as Kendell stood up from her position, the toddler still in her arms.

"Valerie, this is Mallory," Kenny introduced the toddler to me, as they wrapped up their group hug.

"Where's Hay-Hay?" Valerie asked confused, looking around the kitchen area for Haylee. As she didn't find her, she frowned.

Kenny hesitated. "She's not here right now."

Valerie nodded. Kendell handed her little sister to her mother. "I love you all, but I have to go," she said sadly. We turned around on our heels. "Oh, and , Geoff," Kenny said, turning around. "If Liam calls, we were never here."

Geoff looked confused, as did Fanny, but kept his mouth shout, nodding. "As long as you don't rob a bank." Kenny smiled at his humor and we continued walking out of her house.

"I have to admit," Kenny said, smiling. "I'm gonna miss them." She laughed as we walked down the driveway, towards Paul and the car.

I got in the passenger door and sat on my butt. As soon as we all packed into the car again - Leah on Rachel's lap - Paul put the car in drive. "Next up, Leah's house," he muttered to himself, checking both ways before driving right.

"Hurry we only have thirty minute left before your flight leaves," Paul said as Leah slammed the door shut. I'm not sure if she heard or not, but I'm pretty sure she'll be less then ten minutes.

"So, Paul," Rachel said. I wasn't really paying much attention because of Twitter. It's quite addicting now-a-days. As I skipped through my feed, I heard a front door slam and an angry Leah coming out of it. Great.

Leah opened the door quickly and plopped her bottom on Rachel again. "Can we leave and fast?" she asked, crossing her arms with attitude. Geez I'd hate to know what Chris said to her.

"Wait! Leah!" a deep voice called from outside the car, but it was too late. Paul was already on the road, driving away.

While we were half way to Rachel's house when Leah broke out in tears. "How can someone you love, not even remember you?" she asked, sobbing into her sweater, covering her hands.

Melissa looked over at Leah in horror. "He forgot about you?"

Leah looked up, her eyes completely red. If I wasn't in shotgun, I'd be hugging the guts out of Leah, just like Rachel and Kenny are right now. "Yes, Meli. He forgot about me. Happy?" I can't help but feel sorry for Paul. It must be super awkward for him right now.

Melissa shook her head in dissapointment, turning away to look at her window. Something is going on with them two and I won't rest until I find out what it is.

"Leah," Rachel softly said. "I have to say goodbye to my family before I go. Can you please get off of me for a second?" Leah lifted her weak body off of Rachel and sat on Kendell. Melissa was staring out her window even more intense then the last time. I don't know if she's scared to see her dad or if she's mad at one of us. It's hard to read some of her expressions.

Paul shifted in his seat a little. "Are you okay?" I asked him, silently laughing.

He chuckled. "Uh, yeah. Just a little ichy is all." I nodded, turning back to Twitter. But what I saw in my feed wasn't exactly funny. Which made my smile disappear.

@Harry_Styles: in my body, there is an empty spot. But in my heart, the letters of her name are printed in gold.


I guess the boys finished their concert.


I feel horrible for not making this longer since all the wait you guys had. I'm beary sorry. ):

It's actually 11:00PM and I'm still working on the next chapter. Wish me luck. (;






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