Chapter 22-Kidnapped?!

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Chapter 22-Kidnapped?!

______________________ A Week Later______________________

*•.•*•.•*Leah's POV*•.•*•.•*

"Can't wait!" Meli was jumping on the game room couch. "I can't wait to see my family!" She squealed.

It's now three in the morning. Meli has been keeping us up all night. She had two RedBull. She just won't stop! "Meli sit your ass down!" Kenny ordered with clenched teeth. Wow some one is cranky without her wittle bowyfriwnd. The boys are still a sleep. How can they sleep with 'this' in the bus.

"No," Meli crossed her arms.

"Yes," I stood up from the floor.

"No!" She grinned, "Make me."

I grabbed her legs and put her over my shoulder. "Put me down, Leah!" Meli ordered.

I shook my head, "Not until you, go. To. Sleep."

"Rachel, help me!" She pleaded.

Rachel shook her head, "No."

"Mallory?" Melissa fake wiped a tear from her eye.

"I agree. I'm excited to see my siblings, but I want sleep," Mallory agreed with both sides.

"Fine," Melissa crossed her arms, "I'll go to bed."

"Yes!" Me and the rest of the girls cheered. I carried Meli to her bunk. "Go. To. Bed."

She went under the the covers, "Night!"

I sighed and walked very slowly, kinda like a zombie over to my bed,"Night," I rolled my body in between the blankets. I kinda looked like a burrito.


"Leah!" I heard a male voice yell in my ear. I flew up and hit my head on Melissa's bunk.

"What?" I groaned. I opened my eyes and rubbed the morning stuff out of the corners. When I finally got good vision I just stared at the figure in front of me. "CHRIS?!" I jumped into his arms, "What are you doing here?!" I asked and he let me down.

"You didn't notice that your home?" He questioned.

I looked out the windows, "Oh my goodness," I gasped, "I'm finally home," I felt a tear slip out of my eye.

"Why are you crying? Your home now!" He smiled.

I frowned, "That's what I mean. The boys asked if we wanna move in with them."

"Oh," Chris looked heart broken. "Anyway! We'll talk about that later! I met your wittle! Niall," Chris joked in a baby voice.

I giggled then stopped, "What did you say to him, Chris?" I squinted my eyes at him, "Something embarrassing?" I glared.

"Actually I only said one embarrassing," He smiled like he won an award. I walked to the door and pushed it open. There right on the game room floor, is Niall laughing his ass off.

I turned back to Chris, "Only one?" I raised an eyebrow and crossed my arms.

He scratched the back of his neck, "Well you see, Niall just wouldn't stop asking for them so I--"

"Aahh!" I charged at him and knocked him on the game room floor. I sat on him, "What are you going to do if Niall asks you for a story?" I asked.

"Leah! Get off of me!" He ordered.

I shook my head no, "What are you going to do if Niall asks you for a story?!" I shouted this time.

"Walk away!"

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