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Yoongi POV

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Yoongi POV

"Okay listen which is better this sweater or this shirt with this sweater vest on top," I said holding up a sage green pullover and a white t-shirt and blue vest.

"Why are you getting all dressed up this is not a date or anything," Namjoon said tossing a ball while he lay on my bed.

"Don't crush my dreams! It could be date my first date!" I smiled holding up both clothes to my chest humming.

"Can't believe you made me come here before school just for this and you better pick something fast Jungkook will be here in" he said and checking his watch "10 minutes chop-chop" he said I pouted

"I invited you because your my best friend in the whole universe and I like this guy and I wanna look nice," I said picking the sage green sweater slipping it on.

Namjoon sighed and sat up "And as your best friend and I'm telling you this with kindness you actually don't like this guy," he said I gasped and looked at him while putting in my earrings the little hoops.

"Yes, I do," I said he shook his head.

"I think you're attracted to him and that he is handsome and charming but do you actually really like him?" he said I frowned and bit my lip.

"I do like him...I could see myself with him" I whispered spraying on some cologne.

"I just don't want you jumping into something because it's the first boy who showed interest in you because I will say this now your fucking amazing Yoongi and he is how do I say this...boring and kinda an asshole I think he is using you for something but I don't know what yet," he said I huffed and got my Air Jordans from the closet

"I'm not jumping into anything... I like him and as my best friend please just be there for me through all this and comfort me if I call you crying with a broken heart" I said he stood up and patted my shoulder.

"You look nice I hope everything goes well and I don't like conflict or violence but I will have Jungkook kick someone's ass if they hurt you," he said I chuckled and patted his head.

"Thank you now let go downstairs before Jungkook blares his horn in that rusty car of his," I said he nodded and we headed downstairs I grabbed my bag and keys kissed my grandmother goodbye, and left out the door.

Not knowing I was making the wrong choice in which guy I should be with tonight.

Jimin POV

I was tying up my laces in the locker room it's almost game time as the team around me murmured with excitement. I'm usually quiet before a game trying to get into the headspace but I'm excited as hell it's the first game of the season and Yoongi is here! So that's the cherry on top of everything.

I pull my socks up past my knee and check my shin guards making sure they are in place when Taemin comes up to me.

"Ready?" He asked I closed my locker grabbing my backpack that holds my water and some towels

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