1 | War At First Sight

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"Are we going to fall apart like Romeo and Juliet?" She cried while holding her favorite pop-up book. She's really cute.

"No. I promise that we will meet each other again-not now but soon," I said, patting her shoulder. She's been crying for hours now. We're in the middle of a very large garden, and it's spring. The morning sunlight was shining so brightly, and good thing she was wearing a hat.

"What if we don't?" She cried even harder this time.

"See this?" I removed my locket from my neck to show her. "You're going to keep it's key." I gave her the key, and she stopped crying for a moment. "You're going to open this in the future, and after that, I'm going to marry you," I assured her.

And it was as if time went slow when she looked at me. Her lips, her nose, and her eyes...

"Young master, wake up!" I suddenly opened my eyes, and the first face I saw was the face of Jongsuk Hyung.

"Yah! You almost gave me a heart attack!" I shouted and moved away from him. He then picked up my blanket and started folding it.

"Failing to wake up may result in a high chance of arriving late to your class," he said, opening the window.

"Because of you, I didn't see her face!" He always enters the scene at the wrong time.

"You have repeatedly stated that every dream featuring her ended with you startled awake just before she could lock eyes with you. It's a fact that you've reiterated numerous times." He is obviously annoyed as he arranges all my things before leaving my room, but before he leaves, he stops at the door and says, "Hurry up. You're really late." He then leaves.

Starting my day with this routine has been a constant for me. He abruptly interrupted my dream of her, then proceeded to tidy up my entire room and urge me to hurry, as I was running late. He's my dad's right hand. He shouldn't be doing this, but he still does, no matter how many times I ask him to stop.

After finishing my morning routine, I arrived at the main entrance gates to find them eagerly anticipating my arrival, a customary daily event.

"Be careful and take care, Young Master Jungkook!" They all shouted in unison. Ah! I hate this.

"Can you guys stop doing this? I told you many times, I don't want to be the heir of the Jeon Gang." I'm totally annoyed right now. They're always ruining my morning. I treat them as normal as I possibly could, and I just want them to treat me the same way.

"Aish, you're saying it again. Given that you are Master Jeon's sole offspring, naturally, you are the designated successor," Jongsuk Hyung reasoned.

"What's happening here?" And here comes my dad.

"Your son is saying those things again," Jongsuk Hyung said to my dad. Of course he did. Given the option, I'm almost certain he'd choose my father over me.

"Just accept your fate, son. Anyways, you need to go home earlier than usual tonight. I have something to discuss with you." And as always, he left without waiting for my response.


It's spring. I love it when the cherry blossoms bloom; it makes me feel like I have no problem at all. But of course, the problem won't leave me alone. I've been trying to lose them by going around the park, but Jongsuk Hyung took half the members of my father's gang just to follow me. The fact that certain shady people are following me might explain why my fellow students seem to be avoiding any interaction with me.

"You guys even followed me 'til here? What's wrong with you people?" I seriously can't stand them being around me.

"I have a strong sense that there may be other gangs or mafias waiting just out of sight." Here's his creepy sense again.

"Sensing a gangs or mafia group nearby is a nonsense talent because it cannot be proven scientifically. It is important to rely on facts and evidence rather than relying on intuition or feelings. It is also important to avoid making assumptions about people or groups based on stereotypes. Therefore, while it may seem like a cool talent, sensing a gangs or mafia group nearby is not a real thing," I explained, trying to make them think that sensing some mafias or gangs around isn't a thing.

"Whatever you say, Young Master Jungkook, despite the lack of evidence, I am holding firm to my belief that there are competing gangs or mafias in close proximity." I rolled my eyes as I tried not to shout at them. Keeping me safe is the task given to them ten years ago! That uncomfortable task of being followed by tens of adult men around is enough. They're not ruining my high school by doing the same thing.

"Well, I'm going to be late; I don't have time for your lame senses," I said and ran to the school gate.

"Be careful, Jungkook!" I even heard him shout, but I didn't bother to look back.

The gate is almost closing, so I hasten my pace and jump in the middle of a closing gate.

"Safe." I did some inhaling and exhaling before fixing up my uniform. I can't believe I ran that fast. My experience of running away and losing my father's men finally paid off.

"Move!" I heard a shout from outside the gate, so I instantly turned around, only to see a girl running towards me. She even has a piece of bread in her mouth. Sorry to that girl, the gate is already close. "I said move!" She suddenly stepped on the giant stone near the gate; she looked like she was doing some parkour. "Move! Move! Move!" She keeps shouting, but I was caught off guard by her unique appearance, and the next thing I knew, I was hit by her knees in the head. "Sorry! I did say move." She smiled and walked towards the building as if nothing happened, as if she hadn't just knelt me in the forehead.

I squint my eyes as I try to remember her. I hope to never cross paths with her. Though it's my first time seeing her, she looked so familiar. What was I doing again? Oh! I was fixing myself. I brushed off the dried grass and sand in my uniform. I touched my chest to see if my locket was okay. Oh gosh, it's not here! Did my locket fall when I fell? The impact is not that strong, so I'm sure it's just here somewhere.

"Aish, where is it?" Even though my head hurts, I still manage to stand up and look for my locket. I can't lose that locket; it's the only thing I have for finding my future wife.

"Are you looking for this?" I looked up and saw Mina holding my locket. She gracefully walked towards me and handed me the locket. This girl is the ideal girlfriend. She is a beautiful, kind, and well-mannered girl. Yes, I like her, and I always wished for her to be the girl that I promised to marry. It'll be amazing if she's that girl.

"Thank you," I said, quickly taking it from her hand. I even bowed a lot of times before leaving. I can't let her see me in this state; I probably look like a tomato now.

My morning is normal, just like any other student. After entering my classroom, I sat on my chair and just let my mind float away as I stared outside the window while waiting for Ms. Bae to arrive. As usual, Taehyung is bothering me again.

"It's already our last semester and our last year here in high school. I can't believe I still haven't found my true love." And he's talking about his true love again. He always does this every morning.

"Good morning, class! Today we have a new student from America." A cheerful tone echoed in the room as soon as Miss Bae entered. A new student? It's already our last semester, and it's rare to have transfer students during the last semester.

"This is it, Kook; I think this is my true love." Aish, when is he going to shut up?

"Tzuyu-ah, come in." Ms. Bae called the new student, and a familiar blonde girl entered.

"Hi, I'm Tzuyu." She just started talking, and one of my classmates is already whispering. That girl, that hair, that voice...

"She has blue eyes."

"Her hair is blonde, cool!"

"She looked like a goddess."

They've been whispering about how beautiful she is, but I focus my attention on her, not because she's beautiful. I'm pretty sure I've seen her before.

"I'm a mixed race. My dad is Chinese-Korean, and my mom is American. Please take care of me." I remember her now. She's...

"You!" I stood up and pointed at her. I finally remember her now! I almost had a concussion because of her, but I still remember her.

"Oh, it's you." She answered like I was the most boring person ever, and her low voice is still enough for all of us to hear. Her expression suddenly changed from a cheerful one to a bored one.

"Yes, it's me! The guy you hit with your knee!" I walked in front and pointed at her. Meeting her again is like being punished by the heavens, but at least I can let her know the damage she has done to a fellow student the moment she enters the school. Literally the moment she entered the school. Our classmates are gossiping again, especially the girls. They already look like ajummas.

"I already expressed my apologies earlier, and I think that is valid enough. It's a pity that the person I crossed paths with is actually one of the few people I have to blend in with for a short while."

"Well, your sorry didn't fix anything. I almost fainted because of how hard you hit me in my forehead." I reasoned out, and I even pointed out my forehead, which is still red from our encounter earlier. She's probably guilty now.

"You did?" She sarcastically asked. She didn't even look guilty. "I wouldn't wonder if you suddenly lose consciousness. You're really pale and thin, like a bean sprout." Did she just call me...

"B-bean sprout? Look lady, a bean sprout is so much better than a gorilla like you." She wanted to play the insult game, then I'll play with her.

Her expression suddenly changed, and it made me worry about the things that I said. "Gorilla?" She suddenly held my collar and lifted me up. Her eyes are blazing with anger as her grip tightens. What the... She's so strong! "Who are you calling a gorilla?" she shouted, and the next thing I knew, I'm already at the back of the class, and my back hurts. I was about to stand up when a big tub suddenly fell on my head. Where did that even come from?

She really is a gorilla!

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