17 | The Key Owner

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Tzuyu is acting weird; why would she suddenly shout 'UFO'? I'm also stupid for believing that there's one, but if there's ever one, at least I'll have a chance to see it before I die.

I dried my hair and wore my kimono robe before going out, and the first person I saw was an idiot named Taehyung.

"What?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

"You know, you'll never have a chance with Jungkook, so just let it go." I rolled my eyes at him before continuing to walk; he was still following me.

"I know that, okay. I just want to cherish every memory that I have with him. I'm always one step away from him."

"Then give up."

I annoyingly turned at him and smiled bitterly. "I already did, and I plan on supporting him and Tzuyu. Why are you even asking me this? Do you have a crush on me?" I gave him a goofy smile, so now it's his turn to glare at me.

"In your dreams." He rolled his eyes at me before walking away. He gets mad easily.

When I entered our room, which is Japanese-themed, I saw Mina sitting on a comforter on the floor while holding something.

"Is that a necklace? Who gave it to you? The person who gave you that is your boyfriend, right? When did he give that?" I asked as I moved close to her and tried not to mess with Tzuyu's comforter since the four of us, including Momo, share the same room.

She awkwardly smiled at me while holding a necklace with a key pendant.

"You know, you can talk to me about everything; I won't say a word." I zipped my mouth, so she laughed and sighed.

"You won't leave me alone, right?"

"Nope!" I said with a goofy smile before sitting in front of her.

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This past few days have been really chaotic-not the typical chaos I always face when I'm in America, but a fun kind of chaos. But sometimes I just want some alone time for myself. Away from my clan and Jungkook's clan, alone from him and my classmates too.

So here I am sitting on a tree log with a bonfire in front of me that's keeping me warm.

The sand statues they made earlier have light now. They even made giant sand words 'Romeo & Juliet' with a blue and pink color. They said they put up some lights so we could feel the vibe more. There's also a giant stick cross standing in the back part of the sand statues with white lights.

We actually have another practice tonight before we all go to bed, but here I am, sitting in a log in front of our supposed sand stage in a kimono.

I was just staring at the sea when what happened earlier suddenly crossed my mind.

What the heck did I just do in the hot spring earlier? I was naked that time! Did he see my body? Oh my gosh! He did; I knew he did! When he dived down earlier, he was holding my waist so he wouldn't float up.

I just realized the awful and embarrassing thing I did earlier! And I even cried when he found me in the forest.

I touched my face, and it's hot. Maybe because of the heat the fire is giving out, or it's because of the embarrassment, or it's because...

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