2 | It's Gonna Be Hell

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Aish! My back and forehead hurt so much. That damn blonde girl She actually looks so innocent and angelic, like Barbie, but she's a devil. Literally! She's much stronger than Taehyung, and the fact that Taehyung and I have the same physique isn't really helping much.

"You're finally home!" Jongsuk Hyung immediately ran out the moment he saw me entering the gate, and our gate is so far away from our house.

"Why are you acting so weird?" I frown at him. His sweat is falling from his forehead, and is that blood on his shoulder?

He suddenly dragged me inside our house.

"There was an ambush on us some time ago, resulting in several casualties amongst the group I had alongside me." What?! So his senses were right? I even bombarded him with some scientific explanation, and it turns out that his senses were actually right.

"Who's brave enough to attack the biggest gang in Korea? Is it another stupid gang?" They also got attacked last month, and those who attacked us joined my dad's gang.

"These are mafias, Jungkook, not just any ordinary gang." The heck! No gang has ever won a fight with the mafia before. This is seriously going to be the end of our gang.

I'm kind of happy and worried at the same time. If we ever lose in a battle with the mafias, I'll be relieved that I can finally have a regular life, but I'll also be scared because all those men, especially Jongsuk Hyung, who I've come to accept as my family, will be in danger. Our clan is going down.

"Son!" I heard my father's voice, so I turned my attention to him walking down the stairs like he owned the place. Well, he does own the place.

"Yes?" I slightly turn my head to my side, which is the thing I always do if I am curious about what he'll say next.

"I'm guessing Jongsuk already told you what happened. If we don't stop this right now, there will be a sea of blood." Oh, my dad is overreacting again. He's always overreacting. This gang boss, whom everyone in the Jeon clan is afraid of, is always overreacting. He was walking while talking, so I tried to catch up with him. This old man walks so fast.

"What sea of blood are you talking about? Are you talking nonsense again?" I scoff as we both stop in front of his office. He consistently employs phrases and words with complex meanings that are difficult for me to understand. This old man keeps coating his words.

"If we don't stop this war, there will be seething blood, the blood of our clan. It already happened, so there's only one way to stop it." Oh! I didn't expect him to come up with a solution right away. I don't need to worry about this after all.

"Well, I'll do everything I can to help." I badly wanted to have a normal life. My youth is already destroyed because of my dad's gang, but I can't just watch them fall apart. They're still my family, and family sticks together.

"My friend just arrived from another country. The mafias that our gang collided with earlier happen to be from his clan. Even though we're enemies, we're still friends. He also wanted to stop this, and we came up with a plan." So it's his longtime friend, or should I say, frenemy? No wonder he came up with a plan in a short period of time.

"Okay. What's your plan?" I tried to act interested, but I'm literally not interested. I'm not into fights like my gangster father and my gangster Hyung.

"He has a daughter; she's the same age as you. We thought that if you and his daughter have a relationship, our clans will stop fighting for the sake of you guys. I heard that his men are treating his daughter like a precious gem, a princess, since they have been around her since the moment she came into the world." Oh, I see where this is going now.

"I'm not having a relationship with someone I don't even know." I still haven't found that girl I promised to marry, and even if I do, having a girlfriend means I can't be with Mina.

"It's just a nisekoi, you idiot." My dad hit me in the head; he literally just made my headache worse.

"Nisekoi? I haven't heard that word before," I asked as I rubbed the back of my head.

"Nisekoi means 'Fake Love' in Japan; his daughter is learning Japan, and he happens to read that word in one of her books." Oh, so his daughter must be a genius one. "So meet Chou Tianlin and his daughter, Chou Tzuyu." My dad opened the door, and I saw a tall man talking to a blonde girl. Don't tell me that girl is...

"Jeon Junghe. Is that your son?" The tall man asked my dad, and he took my hand for a handshake, but my attention was still on his daughter at the back. That blonde hair with pink shades at the end... This must be a joke!

"Yes, he is. Is that girl your daughter?" My dad asked, and that blonde girl slowly turned around, acting all cute while moving her hair behind her ears. I was right, it's her. The girl who hit me in the forehead with her knee and threw me at the back of our class

Her eyes widened after she saw me. I bet she didn't think she would see me tonight. I didn't think I would see her tonight, either.

"Why is she/he here?" We both shouted in unison, which made our fathers laugh. What's so funny?

"She's going to be your fake girlfriend, Jungkook." My dad patted my shoulder. Tell me, this is just a dream. She must've hit my head really hard earlier when I started to hallucinate.

"And he's going to be your fake boyfriend, Tzuyu." Mr. Chou pulled me until I'm standing in front of her.

"No way in hell!" We both shouted in unison again.

"Don't worry, my princess, it's just a fake relationship. The both of you will eventually stop after we go back to the states." Mr. Chou patted the back of Tzuyu, who was glaring at me intently. "Your son is really handsome, Junghe." Oh, did Mr. Chou just compliment me?

"I can say the same to your daughter, Tianlin. She's so beautiful."

"Not really," we both said and stopped at the same time, again.

"You're not handsome or beautiful!" We said at the same time again. Why do we keep saying the same words over and over again? Aish! This is driving me crazy!

"Look at our kids; they're getting along really well," Dad suddenly said, and he put his arm around Tzuyu's dad like all old men do.

So fighting means getting along well? I really don't know how they think.

"It's going to be hell," she whispered, but I can obviously hear it. Why did she even bother whispering?

"I already know." I didn't even get to finish what I was about to say when the wall in my dad's office suddenly exploded.

"Oh sh*t! Haein is here!" Tzuyu said as she walked to where the hole in the wall was. Isn't she worried that it might collapse?

Who's Haein? Is he their opponent, and they attack them here in our house because Tzuyu's dad is here?

"Free my boss now! I know you guys've kidnapped him because you couldn't accept the fact that we defeated you earlier! Give our boss back or we'll destroy this lovely villa of yours!" Oh, it turned out to be Tzuyu's ally. He looked kind, but hey, Tzuyu looks kind too, but she's the opposite. Maybe this is the specialty of Tzuyu's clan-looking kind but actually a devil.

And if I heard it right, he said we kidnapped his boss. Is he talking about Mr. Chou Tianlin?

"Yah! We didn't kidnap your boss; we don't even know who your boss is!" Jongsuk Hyung shouted back. He's currently on the other side of the house.

"And you're even lying. My boss' phone GPS says that he's here. Give him back, Lee!" He shouted again. I can hear their conversation even if I'm still inside the house.

"Let's go, son!" My dad pushed me into the hole in the wall made by the explosion. Tzuyu is already standing there and just watching.

"Why didn't you stop him?" I said as I bumped at her to get her attention.

"Try stopping him, and you'll eventually find yourself in heaven." Is she serious, or is it sarcasm? I don't really know. I've known her for hours, and the only thing I truly know about her is how she talks. If she's serious or joking, she'll always sound sarcastic.

"They didn't kidnap us, Haein!" Mr. Chou shouted, and good thing that he did because that Haein guy was with a girl who's carrying a bazooka, and she was pointing it in our way. That girl looked innocent too, just like Haein and Tzuyu.

"Boss? Is that you? Are you okay?" He was really angry earlier, but now he looked like a lost puppy that finally found its owner. Two-faced jerk

"Yes, Haein! I just visited my old friend here, Junghe," Mr. Chou said as he and his dad were standing in the middle of the two groups.

"Master, both of you are friends?" Jongsuk Hyung was shocked; the same goes for our men.

"Yes, and you guys can't fight with each other again because Jungkook and Tzuyu are in a relationship." Wait! Did my dad just announce this fake relationship thing without even asking if me and Tzuyu agreed?

This is literally going to drive everyone in my clan crazy. I mean, I never had any girlfriends because I'm waiting for that girl that I promised to marry. They even thought I was interested in guys instead of girls.

"J-jungkook has a girlfriend?" Jongsuk Hyung even stuttered. They're going to take this very seriously.

"Young Master has a girlfriend!" Everyone in my clan started cheering, singing, and dancing. Like I said, this definitely drives them crazy. Even Jongsuk Hyung started singing and dancing with them too.

"Your clan is wierd." Tzuyu scoffed and bumped at me.

I smirked at her when her clan suddenly joined my clan. "I guess both of our clans aren't that different." I bump at her again.

"But someone isn't buying it." She had this serious expression on while staring at someone, so I also turned to see where she was looking and saw that Haein guy staring at us; even the girl with the bazooka is staring at us.

"That won't be a problem, right? He and that girl are the only people who aren't buying it." I nervously laughed.

He's really starting to scare me. Even that girl is starting to scare me.

"It's a big problem. He's my dad's right hand and the second who commands the whole mafia clan. If he wanted to cut your head off, he literally would." Tzuyu even looked at me while her thumb was in her neck, like she was cutting it. It's sent chills through me.

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