14 | Bad Actors

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Jungkook drank the poison bottle and started acting. "Ah!" he held his throat as he slowly slid next to Tzuyu. He really is a bad actor.

As their class president and the director of this play, everything must be perfect, but I guess I chose the wrong Romeo and Juliet. Jungkook can't even act well. We have been practicing this scene for hours now, and we even built a beach version of the scene where Romeo and Juliet died. Sand bed, giant stick cross, sand stairs, sand everything, and we even put in luminous lights-all of our classmates efforts will be in vain if these two can't act. This is all Sana's fault; if she hadn't chosen Jungkook as Romeo, we wouldn't have chosen Tzuyu as Juliet. If only I knew that both of them couldn't act.

"Aheem!" Tzuyu cleared her throat. "R-Romeo," she started putting her hands in Jungkook's chest and started crying; she's overdoing it again. "You didn't even leave me a single drop of poison. Let's keep our love." She suddenly stopped talking, and she looks so confused that she might have forgotten her lines again. She suddenly took the fake knife, which is a stick, and stabbed it into her chest-not literally. She suddenly fell down at Jungkook, and both of them fell off the sand bed.

"Cut!" I shouted, gave Momo, my co-director, the script book, and walked towards them while pointing at them. "Are you both really a couple?" I'm starting to doubt them both; if they really are a couple, they should be lovely, just like every other couple is, but them? They were very awkward with each other, and I can't help thinking that they're not really a couple. "You have to act with emotions and feelings."

"What emotions and feelings?" Tzuyu looked disgusted as she started removing the sand from her swimsuit.

"It's hard, Taehyung!" Jungkook said while fixing the bed his girlfriend broke.

These two are really, argh! "You two are..." I stopped when Sana suddenly walked in front of me.

"You always stopped the scene; when will I have my turn?" she said in a very soft voice. The way she fakely smiles, I can tell that she's annoyed, and she was just trying to be nice.

"This scene is very important." This girl is the reason why I'm stuck with Jungkook and Tzuyu, and now she has the nerves to ask me for her scene. "Play the old woman's retreat for me!" I shouted and pointed to her place. Her role is that of the old nurse-the one who helped Juliet be with Romeo.

Her reaction suddenly changed, and she was like an angel turning into a demon. "What are you talking about?"
her eyes were still void. "Sexual harassment; do you know who you're talking to?" I stepped back. I looked back at Tzuyu and Jungkook, and they didn't seem to care about me getting beat up by this mad woman; both of them were busy practicing. "Be careful, or I'll ask my dad to kill you!" She suddenly shouted, which made me run.

"Please don't hurt me!" I ran my ass out, or I'd die.

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This is relaxing. Though we can't enjoy the beach since we still need to practice, just seeing all of them having fun is relaxing enough.

Sana throwing rocks and seashells at Taehyung, Jungkook and Tzuyu practicing, Momo being busy with our schedule, which I think is her way of relaxing, and my other classmates who are just playing around, throwing rocks and seashells at each other.

I smiled, inhaled the fresh breeze, and started to draw my design for Tzuyu's wedding gown for the play. I already finished the other costumes, and the gown is the most important one.

I really wanted to play the role of Juliet, but since fate won't let me, I'll just accept it. Tzuyu is Jungkook's girlfriend, after all, and I have no right to be jealous of someone who is not mine.

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"This Beach Break, a test of courage, championship!" Taehyung shouted at the top of the stage, followed by my other classmates.

This.Is.Bad. I'm afraid of the dark, and I can't skip this activity since stupid Taehyung says so. This day was almost perfect, but not until Haein and Jisoo followed us and this activity Taehyung planned started.

We started lining up in a queue. Taehyung said everyone must take a ball from the box to figure out who her or his partner is or if she or he will play as a ghost.

Sana was in front of the girls line; next to her is Mina, then me. There's two queues side by side: the boys queue and the girls queue.

"Please let me be Jungkook's partner; please let me be Jungkook's partner." I can hear Sana saying it over and over, like, When will she ever stop loving Jungkook? Who can't even remember her? What a pitiful girl.

She got a black ball with a ghost drawing on it, so she was pouting when she left.

The next person is Mina, and next to her in the boys queue is Jungkook. That idiot is making a move again. I knew from the start that he liked Mina since it's really obvious, but this is the first time that I wanted to find a way to keep him away from her. I can't put poison in his drink like what I did to Baekhyun since he's really nice and he's my boyfriend. Ah, fuck this stupid wierd feeling. I need to be my first version of myself, the sweet and patient one. Just like what Jennie Unnie would always say, 'Keep your cool at all times, but if someone annoys you, punch the hell out of them'.

I looked in front again, only to see them both holding a ball with the same number. What did I miss?


"It's okay, Tzuyu-ah; there's nothing to worry about." Taehyung, my partner, is trying to console me. He looks more scared than I am. "You're lucky that I'm your partner, whether it's a monster or a ghost." Does he think that I'm afraid of that? I'm much more afraid of the dark. "I will help you drive them away-ahhhhhh!" And he started running away after seeing a bunch of our classmates wearing costumes.

I ran after him since he is my partner, which is a really bad choice. Talk about bad luck.

"Taehyung-ah! I am so going to kill you if you don't get back here this instant!" I shouted as I walked past those ugly ghosts.

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