10 | Closer

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I slowly opened my eyes, and the first face I saw was Tzuyu's face.

I sat down while holding my head. What happened earlier almost caused my death. To all the girls that can be my girlfriend, why does it have to be Tzuyu?

I looked everywhere, and that's when I realized I'm in the clinic. Our uniform is hanging just above me. Wait... Our uniform?

I looked at my clothes, and I'm wearing our PE uniform. Tzuyu is wearing a PE uniform too.

Did Tzuyu change my clothes?

"I changed your clothes." She suddenly stood up from sitting in a chair beside me and walked near the window. "I'm your girlfriend, after all."

"It's really hard to be Chou Tzuyu's boyfriend." I sat properly as my feet touched the floor.

"Just call me Tzuyu."


"Calling me by my full name will make everyone suspicious." Because of what she said, Sana suddenly appeared in my mind. Sana was suspicious when Tzuyu called me by my last name. Me and Tzuyu sometimes call each other by our full names. I totally forgot that as lovers, we should call each other by the nickname we made or by our first name.

"Okay, Tzuyu."

"Jungkook, thank you."


"The thing you said to Haein was," 'I love Tzuyu, and nothing nor no one can change that. Not you, not the mafia, and not the gangsters! ' That moment suddenly entered my mind. "Even if it is a lie, it's the first time someone said something like that to me."

"If I say the truth, it will definitely lead to war," I reasoned out. I don't want to be attached too much to Tzuyu because I might get killed by Haein. He almost killed me earlier.

"I know," she said, letting out a deep sigh before looking out the window again.

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What Jungkook said earlier really hit me hard. All my life, Haein has always been around, as he keeps me away from danger. I understood him before because he's just doing all of those things to protect me, but when Jungkook said that Haein can't change his love for me, even though it's a lie, it made me realize that every time I have someone or something that is giving me a hard time, Haein will always change it. Even if it's a person or a mere thing, he'll always do things his way.

I guess he thinks that Jungkook is a threat to me and the mafia because his family is gangsters. But hey, Haein is still my older brother.

I turned around and saw Jungkook holding his locket. He's been holding that even though he's in deep sleep.

"Is that important?" I asked as I walked closer to him.

"When I was a kid, I met a girl when I was traveling. I promised her that we'd get married if we met again. She has the pendant key to this locket. Although I don't remember her look or name, as long as she's wearing that key, I will definitely remember her." I'm speechless. He literally made a marriage promise when he was a kid but totally forgot the girl's name or looks.

"You forgot how she looks and her name; are you stupid?" I said, hitting him in the head unconsciously. I feel like hitting him is already a hobby; he doesn't seem to be bothered by it.

"Yah! That hurts! I was only 6 at the time." He reasoned out and turned to me. He seems more hurt by what I said than by what I did.

"But your love story-I don't hate it at all." I smiled. I've always hated romances and love stories. People become stupid because of love. They'll do stupid things for the person they're in love with. But Jungkook's love story with that girl-I actually don't hate it.


It's already 5 p.m.Me and Jungkook are walking near the Han River. Our school is just a park away from the Han River, Jungkook's house is just a mile away from the Han River, and my house is just three blocks away from Jungkook's house, so we both decided to just walk.

"Hey, this Sunday, I have a study session with Miyoui Mina for the final exam," I said. Jungkook immediately flinched and turned to me.

"Mina?" I knew it. I can totally sense that he has a crush on her.

"Yes, and as a payback for the notes you gave me, I'm going to invite you to our study session."

"Why?" Wow, he really is a slow thinker.

"You don't want to come?"

"I do want to come, but,"

"But what?"

"But--- nothing!"

Why is he overthinking? Overthinking is a girl thing.

"Having friends is good, right?" he suddenly said, which made me smile.

"Yeah, it is nice to have friends, except the bean sprout." I giggled and gave him a foolish smile.

"Whatever you say, Princess Gorilla." He also laughed a little.

We rarely fight lately. Me and Jungkook got close to each other.

"You obviously like this Princess Gorilla," I joked.

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Spying on a floating swan in the Han River isn't really the best idea.

I raised my binoculars and looked at Chou Tzuyu and Jungkook again.

"I'm going to take him back," I murmured.

"Miss, we should head back; it's getting late," said Nayeon while paddling.

Today, Jungkook is still yours; I promised that I'd get him back. Just wait and see, Tzuyu.

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