5. Melatonin

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Just to let you all know I changed his name to Zade.


Pulling into a driveway that looks to be about a mile long I start to wonder if Miles gave me the wrong address. After a minute I pulled up to a beautiful house that had flowers and a cute pond in the front. After getting out of my car Caylie and Derek pulled up behind me. We stood talking until Miles pulled up with Zade in the passenger's seat.

They got out of the car and Miles led us to the front door. Well he led me because everyone else was still talking besides the cars. I guess they've all been here before. Once he opened the door my jaw dropped to the floor. This is the most beautiful house I've ever seen. "I love your house. Whoever decorated it should get an award. I wish I lived here." I said as I started slipping my shoes off after noticing the white carpets.

"Girl you are welcomed here anytime." Miles says as he jumps onto the couch. "Miles William Bellings, how many god forsaken times have I told you to not jump on my couch!" I hear a woman yell from the other room. I giggled because I assumed that it was his mom. "Sorry Mama." He said while trying to keep his laugh in.

About a minute later everyone decided to finally join us. I was sitting down beside Miles when Zade came and sat right next to me. My breath hitched in my throat and I tensed up. Out of the corner of my eye I could faintly see the smirk on his face. I let out a slow breath and relaxed into the couch. "Miles, where is your bathroom?" I question him as I start to get up from my seat.

"Oh um it's kinda hard to explain, do one of you wanna take her?" He questions the group. No one else was paying attention but Zade and he nodded his head and stood up. He started walking without saying a word and I just followed behind him. We walked for about 30 seconds before we made it to a door with a sign above it that said "Restroom". I give him a small smile and then walk into the bathroom.

When I went to the bathroom I realized that I started my period but I don't have any tampons with me so I called Caylie. "Hey girl, are you good in there?" she asked as soon as she picked up the phone. "Um not really. Do you have any tampons with you?" I asked in a low voice so no one else could hear me if her phone was up loud. "Girl I'm so sorry, I don't but do you want me to run to the store and buy you some?" she asked. "Please!" I pleaded and she said she would and hung up.

After 15 minutes I heard a knock on the door. "That was..." I was cut  off to see Zade standing on the other side of the door. "Are you okay?" He asked with no emotion in his voice but his eyes looked concerned. "Oh yea I'm fine. Just something little happened and I'm waiting for Caylie." I said with a small smile. I've never been more thankful than I am right now that I haven't bleed through my pants yet.

After staring at each other for 10 more seconds I hear someone running down the hall. Thankfully it was Caylie with a Walmart bag. "Here you go." She said as she pushed Zade aside and handed me the bag. I smiled at both of them then shut the door and finally did what I needed to do.

After washing my hands I made my way out of the bathroom to see Zade standing on the opposite wall with his arms crossed like he was mad. Once he saw me he started walking from the way we came from. "Are you mad at me?" I asked. "Why would I be mad? I hardly know you. For all I know you could secretly be a spy." He said and the last sentence made me giggle. He looked down at me and cracked a half smile.

I think seeing him smile made my heart well up. I have only known this kid, well I should say man, for like 10 hours and he already has an effect on me. We finally made our way back into the living room to see that they were all gone. "They're probably in the kitchen." he says as we start walking to the place I heard the woman's voice from earlier. I walk behind him mesmerized from the muscles on his back.

We finally make it to the kitchen and I go over to Caylie and give her a small smile. "Thank you" I whispered into her ear. She just nodded and started talking about how Homecoming was going to be in like a month and a half and if we all wanted to go. After a 30 minute decision we all decided, and by all I mean Miles and Caylie, that we were gonna go but go to someone's house after. 

After another 4 hours of talking and hanging out we decided to call it a night. "Goodbye everyone. See you all at school tomorrow." Miles said as we got into our cars. Since Zade road with Miles Caylie and Derek are gonna drop him off at the school which is where his car is at. I had to put in my address because I knew there was no way in heck I was gonna be able to find my way home from here.

After a 15 minute drive I finally made it home at 8:19. "I'm home." I said as I put my backpack down by all our shoes and coats. No one replied so I came to the conclusion they were both out doing something. I headed into the kitchen to get some water when I saw a note on the dinner table. "Hey Lani, Dad and I are gonna go get some more groceries. If you are back before we get home we won't be long. Love Car."

At least they remember to tell me they were gone. I walked over to the cabinets to grab a glass and filled it up with apple juice. I know it's a kid's drink but it's my all time favorite drink. I sat down on the sofa and tried to relax by watching a romantic movie. While trying to unwind all I could think about was Zade. I wanted to get his number tonight but there never seemed a right time to ask him.

Thinking about him distracted me for 30 minutes and I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard dad yell for me at the front door. I walked over to him and told him about my dad. How I made some new friends and about how my classes are. Carlos didn't seem to be interested in what I was saying but I just shrugged it off.

While they were out they picked up some Chinese food and we all ate in silence. That was my favorite part about when we ate. No one had to talk to know what the others were thinking. After dinner tonight was my night to wash dishes so I stayed downstairs longer than them and washed every dish from today. It only took me 15 minutes and after I realized how tired I am.

I slowly trudged up the stairs and into my room to get ready for bed. Getting on my clothes didn' take me long but falling asleep in general is the hardest part. Since I was a little kid I haven't been able to fall asleep without any problems. After taking 2 melatonin's I finally was able to fall asleep at 12:45.


Words: 1,310

THANK YOU ALL FOR READING. The amount of people that have now read my story is crazy. I wasn't expecting to kinda blow up on tiktok but here we are. Also don't forget to vote and heads up I'm gonna have a busy weekend so i don't know when the next updates gonna happen.

With all love


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