Drarry ~ Secret for a secret

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~Hogwarts - Eighth Year~

There was a party being held tonight in the eight year common room. After the war, people understood the feeling of being seconds away from possible death, and everyone, especially the teenagers, wanted to make the most of every second they had. They wasted so much of their childhood protecting themselves and the ones they loved from evil, living in fear, and they never had time to truly grow up and have those teenage experiences that everyone deserves to have.

That's why there is a party in the eighth year common room almost every weekend. Harry doesn't usually go to them. Out of everyone, he lost the most of his childhood and suffered the most pain, and he was still recovering from the grief of the war. Everything he had ever been working towards since he turned eleven and found out about his true self, was finally over. And he should be happy. He should be relieved. But he isn't.

It's hard when you have dedicated your whole life to something, and then you complete it. What was he supposed to do now? He never really had a life plan. By the time he was fifteen, Harry sort of accepted the fact that he was probably going to die in his attempt to take down Voldemort. Obviously he's thankful he isn't dead, but because he thought he would already have died about a year ago, he doesn't know what to do with his life. He never made any plans. They had talks at school about possible career paths, but Harry never really got his hopes up. Because of the mess of his adolescence, he never really had time to have any romantic experiences either, so it's not like he has a partner to support or live with when school ends.

He had shared his first kiss with a ravenclaw girl, Cho Chang, and his second kiss with Ginny Wealsey, but neither of those flings turned into anything serious. Luckily, he's still on good terms with both girls, and Ginny has even moved on and gotten herself a girlfriend, Luna Lovegood. Harry was a little shocked at first when Ginny came out to the family, but then it started to make sense. Ginny explained that she didn't want to put a label on herself in regards to her sexuality, and the Weasley's all seemed to take it really well.

When Harry thought about being in a relationship, he often used to get confused and refused to think about it because he wouldn't always imagine himself being with a girl. Until he met Remus and Sirius, he hadn't known that it was ok to like the same gender or multiple. Sadly though, due to his hectic life, he never really had the time to sit down and properly think about it.

Since the war has ended, Hermione and Ron have been nothing but supportive towards Harry, even when dealing with their own grief. They encouraged him to try and think more about his personal life, rather than thinking of things on a larger scale and not so specific to himself. This has caused Harry to think more about his sexuality, and he thinks he's slowly coming to terms with it.

One thing he isn't coming to terms with though, is who has helped him be more aware of his sexuality, even if not intentionally. That's right, Harry Potter actually has a crush on someone, and this someone is actually a boy. Some nights, Harry can't stop thinking of him and wishing that they're dynamic was different, but of course it's not, and it is infuriatingly annoying to Harry that he can't just get over it.

After a lot of thought, he decided to actually attend a party for the first time this year. As he walked down into the shared common room between all eighth years, he spotted Hermione and Ron talking to Neville and Padma. Harry went over, not saying anything to disrupt their conversation, but still turning the corner of his mouth upwards a little in an attempt to smile at his friends.

Sometime during the evening, Harry had found his way over to the drinks table and may have had one too many drinks. He didn't mean to, but it felt so good to just be care free for one night, and he couldn't stop. Usually, he doesn't drink, and he tries to stay away from it in fear of making stupid decisions, but one night should be fine right?

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