All I wanted

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Your pov:
I've never felt a lot of connections with people. Especially most men that I have kissed. A lot of them have repulsed me extremely. Where I felt nothing when we kissed. I felt hollow and empty. My heart yearns for someone to actually love me. But the guys I really like which are like ten percent of the guys I kiss out of the ninety. But I recently started to like this guy. When we kissed I felt butterflies in my stomach. It actually feels right when I kiss him. I can see myself with this guy. I actually want to be his girlfriend. I never ever feel this way with a guy. But obviously he's broken and obviously he doesn't want to date me. Just my luck what I want is the opposite of what he wants. But every concert I go to hes their. I see girls talking to him. Not that it makes me jealous it just makes me extremely depressed. I went outside my comfort zone and did stuff with him that I never did with any other guy. I don't regret it. I just regret doing it with him because he doesn't want to be with me. I don't want to do things with a guy if he doesn't want to be with me. I'm not looking for "friends with benefits". But he is obviously which I wish I would have know. But it is my fault for giving in so easily. He was pursing me though. Like he was so after me. But he stopped completely and I even told him how I felt again. He friend zoned me saying I love hanging out with you and when you feel better. Meaning bitch when you stop having feelings for me we can be friends. But I don't even want to be his friend. Not that I'm going to force him to date me. I just can't see myself being friends with someone who's been dishonest and someone I did stuff with. I feel embarrassed and super ashamed of myself. We didn't have sex tor crying out loud but I was super vulnerable with him. I wish I could take that back. But the issue is I can't. Sometimes I wish I had a time machine where all the stupid cringe mistakes I make I can take it back. Why did I let him kiss me. Why did I even give him the time of day. He was chasing me for a bit and I first I just thought he was kind of odd because how hard he was trying and stuff like that. But now I'm the one she saying after him and the one who's trying to hard. All I wanted was this one guy and he doesn't even want me back. I regret a lot and dating in this generation is super hopeless. Men can't even do the bare minimum which sadness me. But I find it you don't search for something it will come to you.

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