Arnie Grape

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Y/N (P.O.V.)
I have a best friend named Arnie. He has autism but to be honest with you it makes him super unique having it. Just he is always so happy and living his best life. Arnie and I go to the park a lot. Swim in the lake and splashing water at each other just laughing and things like that. He is a great company. I started to develop a crush on him. I told my sister and she laughed in my face saying but he has autism you dumb b*tch. I cried saying that doesn't mean anything. He's a cutie and a great guy. I like him and I don't care what you say or what anyone says. I don't get how someone's disability could be a deal-breaker for girls. Arnie is one of the greatest guys I have ever met. One day we were splashing water at each other at the lake by my house. He splashes water hard at my face. My eyes start to water and they start to turn almost red. Arnie looks at me in the eyes and says I'm sorry y/n. I didn't mean to make you cry. I laugh and play it off saying it's okay Arnie. I hug him to reassure him that I am not mad at him. While he is hugging me he looks deep into my eyes.

But now he is looking at my lips, I smile saying what are you doing Arnie? May I kiss you y/n I have never kissed a girl before. I giggled and said go right ahead, Arnie. By doing that he kisses my lips softly but almost gently. He kisses me as if I'm the most fragile antique. It was a genuine kiss I have never experienced before. After he finished kissing me he smiled. That was great y/n did you like it? I giggled saying I liked it very much so. Looking down at his feet he asks a question very quickly and almost under his breath.

I looked at him confusingly what are you saying, Arnie Grape? He says it slowly and loudly so I could hear, Y/n would you have the honor and be my beautiful girlfriend? I smiled and said I would love to Arnie! I bring him to my home the same night he asked me. Momma, I call her and she comes downstairs, Arnie asked me to be his girlfriend. She smiles saying that is great y/n! He is such a great boy.

She smiles pinching his cute little red cheeks. Arnie smiles big showing all his white pearly teeth. I kissed his cheek and he started to blush. My sister came downstairs and says did you and Arnie had fun. Yes, I said he even asked me to be his girlfriend! My sister starts to laugh, you are dating him? Why y/n you could have someone so much better than Arnie. You see Arnie looking at his feet twiddling his thumbs because he is so upset.

Then his eyes start to water. He runs out of the house. I scream at my sister saying how dare you say that about Arnie! Worry about your own life and don't belittle someone because of their disability.

Arnie P.O.V.

I start to run out of the house because quite honestly I can't deal with what y/n sister said about me. Am I not good enough for y/n? I love her so much and I sincerely care about her well-being. I run under the tree to take a breather. My emotions seem to drown me, almost like a flood. I'm stuck to drown without anyone to save me, anyone to save me from myself. I lay down in the grass looking at the stars.

One of them looking like a bird, but one of them reminds me of y/n. Her beautiful long hair, her soft pink plump lips, her beautiful eyes could hypnotize any guy. I close my eyes as if I am meditating, then I hear y/n open my eyes I see her. Her eyes are red and blotchy almost as if she has been crying.

I take her hand and start to hug her. Y/n said no one could break the love we have for each other. I'm so sorry I was born this way, I wish I was normal. I start to hit my head out of frustration, I start to punch the tree as if it's a punching bag.

Arnie stop y/n screams! She grabs my hands softly, kissing my knuckles that I hurt myself on. You are perfect just the way you are. I love you, Arnie. I smile and say, I.. Lovvee.. You too. I hate when I stutter I thought to myself silently. She giggles kissing me passionately. I smiled hugging her and having her lay with me to look at the stars.

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