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It seemed the Slytherin trio shared more classes with the Marauders than not, which was to be expected as the schedule always seemed to place the rival houses with one another. They were foolish to think that Divination would be their escape. Divination was the easiest class to pass, though Remus thought it was a load of rubbish and picked Ancient Runes. The girls got a low table with three chairs near the back of the room with the Gryffindors right next to them.

Professor Arely was an ancient old mad with wide, nearly white eyes that always seemed to be looking right past you and a beard longer than Dumbledore's. He talked slowly as he told them to open their books where they read all about Palmistry, the art of reading the lines on the palms of other's hands.

Tonya had become somewhat of a natural in the class. She eagerly took Natalia's hand and made small, unsure noises just to piss her off. "What do you see, Tony?" Natalia snapped after an especially long hum.

"Well, your head line tells me that you're someone who doesn't beat around the bush," they all nodded as it was accurate thus far. "Your heart line says you are a jealous individual and your life line says you'll have a very successful life!" 

"I am not jealous," she scoffed, looking down at her hand. 

"Ok, Lacey's turn," she yanked her hand away from the book to examine it. "Your lines. . . they're really depressing actually."

"Way to sugarcoat it," Natalia snorted.

Lacerta rolled her eyes, not quite believing in the art of Divination. "Just tell me what you see."

"Your head line says that you're going to struggle and you might have distress in the future. Your heart line says you're emotionally stressed and subject to mood swings. And your life line reads that there is a lot of unexpected changes to be expected or an interruption."

"That sounds. . . depressing," Natalia said after a moment of silence. 

Peter piped up from his spot between his friends, "Can you do mine? These berks couldn't read my palm if their lives depended on it."

Tonya nodded excitedly, "Your head line states an inner conflict while your heart line says you are very intuitive. Your life line says you are a very anxious individual."

"Nothing about becoming rich? Or meeting the love of my life?" he frowned. 

"Afraid not," she smiled. "Do you want me to do you two as well?"

"That's what she said," Sirius laughed, the girls glowered at him until he stopped. "Ok. Me first though!" 

"Your head says that you are lack common sense," this made everyone laugh as he pouted. Lacerta hated how much she simultaneously missed and hated her brother. "Heart says that you're ruthless and ruled by logic and your life says that it will takes you in many different directions."

"Fair enough," he conceded. 

"Potter?" Tonya asked. 

"I don't want mine done," he took his glasses off to clean them, or to avoid everyone looking at him.

Lacerta was shocked. He seemed just the type to want his palm read and to gloat about all the amazing things it would say about his life because let's face it, James Potter was full of glorious life. His hazel eyes were looking her way when he looked up and she quickly averted her eyes. 

They were quick to leave once the class was over, the girls understood why their friend didn't want to be around her brother and his friends. They were joined by Regulus and his closest friend, and the only one they could tolerate, Evan Rosier. 

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