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trigger warnings : alludes to sexual assaults, mentions of blood.

Lacerta had been allowing Regulus time to himself after Sirius departure. It was what he wanted and she didn't think she needed to interfere until he started associating with Snape, Avery, Mulciber, and Selwyn. They had talked but it had only ended in an argument.

She knew her parents were behind it. They'd been writing consistently about her finding a suitable suitor so that she might become engaged over the winter holidays, which she'd been ignoring. 

Her problems were becoming increasingly difficult to handle on her own. A midnight walk was how she celebrated Sirius birthday. Last year, they held a sleepover in the Marauders dorm where they drank outrageous amounts of alcohol and ate their weights worth of snacks. She hadn't even bothered with a card this year. He didn't deserve one.

The November air was brisk and cold, making her shiver in her uniform. She cursed herself for not bringing a coat or anything. The full moon was in a couple of days and a part of her felt guilty for no longer being there for Remus. She was always the one to cuddle with him in his bed as they sipped hot tea and ate expensive chocolates. 

Her ears were sensitive to every noise, in case she heard Filch or Miss Norris, but she hadn't expected to hear a muffled scream. Her wand was tucked into her skirt. She was quick to grab it as she approached the general area the sound came from. 

She knew the war was upon them and that the streets were dangerous for anyone less than Pureblood, but she hadn't expected the war to come to Hogwarts so brutally. 

A girl she recognized as Mary MacDonald, Lily's best friend, was laying on the ground as her blood pooled around her. The buttons of her blouse were ripped apart as her brother and his new friends gathered around her. Her brown eyes were wide as they met hers with unimaginable fear. 

"--should go before someone catches us," Regulus said with his face considerably paler than it had ever been. 

"Relax, Black. It's just a bit of fun," Avery leaned forward to caress his hand on her chest. 

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" she stepped up, trying not to look terrified at being outnumbered five to one, since Mary probably wouldn't be much help. Her wand was steadily pointed at Avery, who was the closest to the Muggleborn.

"Lacey! It's great to see you again," Selwyn stepped behind her to put his hands on her shoulder, but she kept her eye on Avery in case he did anything. Her body stiffened under his touch.

"Sweet Merlin," she groaned. "You're infuriating."

"You're not going to do anything," Mulciber said confidently as he pointed his wand at her. 

Her heart was beating a million beats per second. Avery was slowly moving away from the Gryffindor and pulling his wand on her as well. Snape refused to make eye contact, stepping back to let his friends do the work. And Regulus. . . and Regulus pulled his wand out, but still kept it trained on the floor.

She wasn't a Gryffindor. She couldn't pull off hexing each one of them without being cursed herself. All she needed to do was outsmart them. 

Selwyn gathered her hair to pull to one side so that he could lean forward, his lips touching her neck as he spoke, "You're outnumbered darling. You can't do shit."

Her silver eyes made sure that Mary had successfully turned around the corner, stumbling as she went but silent as a mouse. "I didn't even need to do anything. It seems she got away."

"What--?" Avery furrowed his brows before looking back. The only thing left was a puddle of crimson red. "You bitch!"

"Maybe you'll just have to take her place!" Mulciber sneered.

"Please," she laughed as she twirled her wand around her fingers. "I'm from the Noble and Ancient House of Black. If you mess with us than I get my family to make yours the laughing stock of the Wizarding World. Not to mention my cousin Bellatrix, who's been feeling a little bloodthirsty lately."

Regulus was shaking with anger. She couldn't tell if it was directed at her or his new friends. Snape was the one who spoke up, "She's not worth it. She's a slutty blood-traitor anyways, you'd probably catch something."

"Always a pleasure, Snape," she rolled her eyes, trying to ignore the slight sting that came with his words. 

"Until next time, Princess," Selwyn kissed her cheek before they all went back to the dungeons muttering furiously, leaving only Regulus behind.

"I didn't think--" he said with tears welling in his eyes.

"Obviously!" she was shaking with leftover adrenaline and fear. "How could you Regulus? She's done absolutely nothing to you and you almost. . . you almost. . ."

"I didn't think they would take it that far," he mumbled. "It was just supposed to be a bit of fun."

"A bit of fun? A bit of fun!" she laughed humorlessly. "I honestly can't be near you right now."

"Lacerta, please," he reached out but she dodged him, walking the opposite ways of the Slytherin common room to find Mary and make sure she was alright.

She followed the drops of blood, leading her to an abandoned corridor where Mary had propped herself up on the wall, breathing shallowly and her eyelids half-closed. Lacerta hadn't noticed it before, but the word Mudblood was etched into the skin of her stomach.

"Ferula," she casted, making a bandage wrap around her torso to keep her from bleeding out. As she helped the girl walk to the hospital wing, she couldn't imagine her brother committing such a heinous crime. The same little brother who would crawl in her bed when thunder roared. The one who would pretend to be a famous Quidditch player and fly around on a stick in their garden.

She felt like she didn't know her brothers anymore. She felt utterly alone. 

"Oh my goodness!" Madam Pomfrey screeched with horror when they stumbled through the doors. "What on Earth happened?" 

She couldn't bring herself to answer as she spun on her heel and practically ran out the door. The feeling of another's blood all over was sticky and her anxiety was so high she felt like fainting at any moment. The second she got into her dorm, she threw up. It took four showers for her to feel clean, but even then the feeling of blood underneath her nails lingered. 

That night she laid in her bed, knowing the moment she closed her eyes she would be stuck in an endless nightmare.

Lacerta Black -- James Potter --Where stories live. Discover now