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"HAPPY BIRTHDAY LACERTA!" her brothers shouted as they jumped onto her bed. They pushed at each other as they both tried to give her a hug. "Bugger off mut!" Regulus managed to shove the eldest Black off the bed with a grunt. 

"After everything I've done for you," he sniffed dramatically, pretending to wipe his eyes. "I pay for this roof over our heads, the food you eat, the toilet paper so you can wipe your filthy arse--"

"Shut up, Sirius and get up here," Lacerta moved to the middle of her bed so that she had a brother on either side. She was still groggy from having just woke up, but she ran her hand through their hair as they shoved their heads on her shoulders. They might've dozed off for a few more minutes when they heard the floo roar and someone stumble onto the floor. 

The siblings tried to ignore it, knowing that they had the fireplace charmed to only let select few in. It became more difficult when a heavy body landed on top of the three of them. "Goodmorning my beloved!" James shouted. 

"What about me?" Sirius asked incredulously. 

"I was talking to you of course," James rolled his eyes, planting a slobbery kiss on Sirius's cheek. The older boy squealed in disgust, desperately trying to get out from under the covers to clean his face.

Regulus tried to leave as well before he got a kiss, but it was useless. He got a smear of spit on his forehead before he punched James in the arm and got away. Once the brothers were gone, he turned to Lacerta who was pretending to sleep. "Lacerta," he said in a sing-song voice. He kissed her forehead, watching her lips twitch upwards. Then he kissed both of her cheeks, her nose, her jawline until she grabbed his face to move it to her lips. 

She twirled his hair around her finger as they pulled away. The August weather was warm with a slight breeze that made her curtains flutter. "What do we have planned for today?" she asked, tracing a finger over his features lightly.

"Something called a carnival," he answered with an excited grin. "Lily's going to get us tickets and said there would be something called a feeris wheel and a hall of mirrors."

"Sounds wonderful," she laughed at how childlike he looked, running her thumb over his lips as he sighed beautifully. He was a work of art, and she could've spent the entire day appreciating him. Lacerta reconnected their lips, tugging at his hair as he slipped his tongue into her mouth. His hand pulled her waist closer, wanting there to be no space between them. 

Before they could get more serious, Sirius slammed the door open. They broke apart quickly to glare at him. He smiled innocently, "Breakfast is ready and I think James should go home."

"Don't be jealous, Black. I'll snog you too," James winked as Lacerta swatted his chest playfully. "And you can't kick me out because I brought breakfast."

"I swear," Lacerta mumbled as they walked down the hall to the kitchen, "that James is only dating me because he can't be with the Black he wants."

"Bellatrix is sadly married," he teased, grabbing her waist lovingly. 

"He just has a thing for the Black family," Regulus added with a mouthful of toast. "Can't blame him. One thing our family shares besides insanity is good looks."

The three went to join him at the table, Sirius wedging himself between the couple. There was an array of toast, beans, eggs, ham, bacon, coffee, and tea that Euphemia had packed with a little note that wished Lacerta a happy birthday. A little scribble indicated that Fleamont had tried to write something, but it'd been crossed out and replaced with a happy birthday.

A couple of letters arrived for her as well. One from the Tonks family and another from Hogwarts arrived for everyone. James and Lacerta exchanged a look as they hadn't quite told the others that they were going to be Heads in the upcoming year. 

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