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The Gryffindors were doing mandatory bonding to try and fix some of the issues the group was currently suffering from. Luckily, Lacerta, Tonya, Dorcas, and Pandora were not a part of the dysfunctional Gryffindors and had decided to purge themselves with an overwhelming amount of junk food and attempted - this term is used loosely since they left their unopened books on the table - to revise. The day for mock exams was approaching quickly, but the girls felt more than confident with their ability. Dorcas refused to study, claiming she did better without reviewing her notes.

Pandora was choking on a strawberry after a rather crude comment about her relationship with Xenophilius came out of Tonya's mouth shamelessly. The girl passed over the rest of the strawberries towards Dorcas and Lacerta while patiently waiting for Pandora to stop choking and answer the question. "We - we've only snogged a couple of times and he's been a perfect gentleman about me wanting to wait a little bit to go further."

"As long as you're happy," Lacerta assured her, giving her a firm pat on the back to get the last of the coughs out of her system. "You're the most sensible one after all. We all happened to fall in love with stupidly brave Gryffindors."

"Have you and James done. . . You know. The devil's tango. Rocking the boat-" Tonya asked, giggling as Lacerta cuffed her upside the head. Her cheeks had a dusting of pink as her brain conjured the idea of being with James like that. It wasn't that she didn't want to, it was the fear that threatened to suffocate her if she let it go further. She was scared of losing him.

"Not yet" she admitted shyly. In truth, she didn't feel close enough to the girls with her to admit that she was terrified. Terrified that when she and James got more intimate, his hands would turn into Selwyns. "I wanted us to wait until we're out of Hogwarts and of course he agreed. James is the best really."

"Marlene and I are like rabbits," Dorcas laughed with a fond memory playing behind her eyes. "Though it would be nice if we could get Lily and Tony to stop walking in on us and vice versa. And poor Mary. . . She's seen too much."

"What're your plans for after Hogwarts?" Tonya asked. She was in love with the idea of the future. In her mind, nothing could go wrong when they were older. She was so sure that the war would be over in the seven months they had left at school. "Lily and I are saving up for a flat and hopefully a couple of cats."

"I plan on moving in with Xeno," Pandora sighed dreamily. "Our plan is to travel the world to find a bunch of interesting creatures or new ingredients for potions. I have a couple of ideas for an experiment!"

"Marlene and I are going to be badass! She's wanting to join a professional Quidditch team, probably Holyhead Harpies, and I want to work in the Ministry. Perhaps Minister of Magic. Then we'll be the favorite Aunts among the group because we don't want children of our own," Dorcas babbled with a faint blush on her cheeks.

"James says that he's doing Quidditch and then a healer," Lacerta snorted as she reminisced the conversation they had. "Wanker said he wanted seven children."

"Bless your privates if you two ever have that many," Tonya said with a mortified expression on her face. "I think Lils wants kids, but I will never give birth. It's horrifying."

They all nodded in agreement. Lacerta thought of what Selwyn would always say to her. She was expected to produce an heir to his family, but he said there would be consequences if she ever got 'ugly' after pregnancy. She hoped James didn't care about that sort of thing. The stretch marks, bloated ankles, mood swings, saggy breasts. 

Things were just too good between the two of them that she was certain something awful was going to happen. That he would suddenly turn into a monster - into Selwyn. If her innocent baby brother could turn into a merciless death eater, then of course it was possible for James. He was the sun in her eyes, but the sun was also a star, and all stars went out eventually.


The Gryffindors were bonding after a tear-filled apology that made James want to engulf them all in a suffocating hug until the world was perfect again. He assured them that there were no hard feelings, wanting to just put it behind them as long as they tried harder in the future to be more understanding of his own feelings. They were quick to agree.

"I really understand if you need to have a go at us, Prongs," Remus said with a nervous twitch in his eyes. James was too kind for his own good and wrapped an arm around his friend's shoulder.

"I was never mad at any of you," he said with a fond look directed towards all of them. The exhausted look was carefully hidden behind them. He was trying to get caught up in all of his classes, with a lot of help from Lacerta, Lily, and Remus. James bit his tongue to hide his rather large yawn. 

"We love you, Prongs," Peter gave him a wet kiss on the cheek that James couldn't even pretend to hate because he loved to receive physical affection. 

"Loads," Marlene placed herself across the boys to join in the cuddle, Lily and Mary squeezed themselves in and Sirius pressed himself against Remus to join. James's heart swelled from the affection - a drastic difference from the overbearing stress he'd been under just a couple of weeks ago.

"You know what we need to do?" Sirius said with a mischievous grin. 

"A prank!" Him and James said at the same time, making the girl's groan at their childishness. James continued, "We can enchant all of the handles to be portkeys! They can lead to broom cupboards or bathrooms or even the lake."

"Won't it be cold?" Lily said as she nervously twirled her hair around her finger. 

"Live a little, Evans," James rolled his eyes. "Plus, you guys owe me a night of fun. Please."

"Fine," she sniffed with a guilty expression, "but you guys have to take the fall when we get caught."

"If," Sirius reminded her.

"When," Mary patted his cheek with a smug smile. "You guys are too proud not to own up to your pranks."

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