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All day, students complained to the staff about feeling watched and hearing metal clanking behind them as they walked through the corridors. No matter how hard the Professors tried, they couldn't seem to find the knights that were typically posted along the walls. It left everyone paranoid and unable to focus during their lessons.

"I swear," Natalia whispered, afraid someone would overhear her. "Whenever I'm walking by myself I always hear something a few feet behind me."

"Me too!" Tonya said, looking over her shoulder for good measure. 

Lacerta shrugged, "I haven't had any problems with that today. Maybe you two are just going insane."

"No," the brown haired girl replied. "I've talked to three other people and they all said the same thing. Madeline Greengrass even said she heard metal."

"That's preposterous," the Black rolled her sliver eyes. 

James watched her walk into the potions room. He hated how she always straightened her hair to please her mother. When they had gone swimming in the Black Lake in their fourth year was the first time he'd seen her natural curls. She had looked so carefree that he knew then and there that he'd fallen for her.

Of course he couldn't pull a prank on her. He had made up his own spell to get the suits of armor to trail after everyone except for her. Even the Marauders were stalked as they walked to their classes. Though all the Professors knew exactly who were the cause, they had no proof and therefore couldn't give them a detention. 

Potions was boring, he couldn't concentrate on anything. His mind was racing a mile a minute as he tried to think of ways to get Lacerta to give him the time of day. In the past, he'd had trouble with being subtle. When he thought he had feelings for Lily he jumped on top of tables to proclaim his love. He knew he couldn't do that with Lacerta.

Whilst in his thoughts, he leaned too far over his cauldron making it spill on the people in front of him. . . all over the girl he couldn't stop thinking about. A couple of other students got covered but his focus was on her as she was absolutely fuming. 

"What. The. Fuck Potter," she hissed while wiping the green gunk from her uniform. 

He smiled crookedly, trying to seem nonchalant and not like he was freaking out. "Green really is your color, Lacey." 

In the blink of an eye, she wiped out her wand and sent a stinging hex to his face. James didn't have enough time to cast a shield charm, making his cheek turn a bright red. Like the lovesick fool he was, all he could think about was how good she looked when she was angry.

"That is enough!" Slughorn bellowed. He waddled over and with a wave of his wand, the potion was cleaned off the floor yet it stained their clothes. "Mister Potter please escort yourself to the Hospital Wing and I'll see you and Miss Black tonight for detention."

"But sir--" he attempted to talk his way out of it.

"No buts," Slughorn said sternly. "I know this was your way of getting out of class. After six years of you boys in my class I'm well aware of your shenanigans!"


He couldn't even be upset about having detention because it was the perfect opportunity to get Lacerta alone and it fell right in his lap. He practically skipped all the way to the dungeons, making the boys whisper about his strange behavior. 

There she was. Looking completely pissed off as she scribbled on a sheet of parchment. Even though there was a whole plethora of seats to chose the one right next to her with a grin that was just a bit too bright. 

"Why must you be so annoying?" she groaned. "Is it just to punish me?"

"If anything," he smirked, "you should find my presence to be a blessing! Aren't I the highlight of your day?"

"If you think ruining my uniform was the highlight of my day then yes, by all means, you win," she rolled her eyes.

Before he could respond, Slughorn entered the room. "I should be making you two scrub cauldrons," he grumbled. "But I'm saving it for later in the year when Mister Potter or his companions pull another stunt. Today, all you have to do is write lines. I'm going to be in my office. Please try and be on your best behavior. I'm looking at you Mister Potter."

"I'm both offended and honored that you think of me sir," he grinned. When he was sure that Slughorn was gone, he turned back to Lacerta. "What do you say about getting out of here?"

"Didn't you hear him? We have to do lines."

"Easy," he said, using a spell to produce a bunch of sentences in their own writing. "Remus invented that spell in first year. Now, will you accompany me to Hogsmeade?"

"I think I'd rather chew off my toe," she smiled. 

"I'll buy you all of your favorite sweets," he offered and she was sold.

Lacerta Black -- James Potter --Where stories live. Discover now