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trigger warnings alludes to abuse, disgusting men, and kissing

Natalia had always been jealous of Lacerta Black. Who wouldn't with her effortless good looks and her status as a member of the House of Black? She had always tried to be just like her. She wedged her way into her friend group, even tolerating Tonya's unpure blood for the sake of being close to the Black. 

She copied her makeup, her mannerisms, even trying to mimic the way she walked to please her parents. When Lacerta had not one but two wealthy purebloods chasing after her she almost tipped over the edge, coming close to shaving her head in her sleep as revenge. Of course, she was oblivious as ever. She wouldn't know a boy fancied her if it hit her upside the head. It took Selwyn kissing her after a Quidditch match for them to finally start dating the first time around.

When they were together, he only had eyes on the Black. Natalia did everything she could to get him to look at her instead of Lacerta. The relationship didn't last very long and neither did the brief affair the two had afterwards. He was a terrible shag. 

She would never lower herself to sleeping with a blood-traitor, though she had been tempted once or twice due to Potter's charm and good looks.

Maybe when they were younger, there had been a time when Natalia could honestly say that she liked Lacerta. That lasted hardly one year as her parents gushed over the girl anytime she came over and began to compare the two endlessly. 

Now, it was her turn to get engaged to someone with power and money. Her parents had made more than a few poor choices, leaving it up to her to marry well. Her first pick would have been Regulus or Sirius Black until the two turned into blood-traitors. 

Her next best thing, Rabastan Lestrange. He was in the year above, so she had to make her move as quickly and effectively as possible. He had a sturdy build from being a beater on the Quidditch team, his hair was a dark brown that swooped in front of his equally dark eyes, his skin was pale except for the Mark that stained his forearm. He was also as daft as bread when it came to flirting. 

"I'd give up if I were you, Lia," Avery snickered as Lestrange walked off with a hurried goodbye, most likely to study more dark spells. "I reckon he's got a crush on his sister-in-law. She's fine as hell, all the daughters of the Black family are."

"They aren't that special," she scoffed. "Besides, their family tree looks more like a wreath than anything else."

The boys didn't seem to have heard her as Mulciber continued, "If she wasn't already saddled to Charles than I'd rearrange Lacerta's guts."

Snape turned his head to hide a grimace, she remembered the day Lacerta told her that the greasy boy had kissed her. She had been grossed out because he was a blood supremacist. Natalia had been grossed out because his father was a Muggle. She wondered vaguely how Lacerta felt knowing that two boys loved her, yet she was stuck with someone who could only love himself.

"Careful," Avery warned as the couple made their way towards the group who were sitting on a bench outside. Lacerta was sporting a rather hideous bruise down the side of her face that had been poorly concealed with a charm. Her eyes had lost the adventurous spark they held at the beginning of the year, but she still managed to wear a convincing smile. 

"What are you gits talking about now?" Selwyn joked as he sat on an empty bench across from them, having his fiancé practically sitting in his lap. 

"Your futur--" Mulciber attempted to say with a teasing grin before Avery slapped him upside the head. "Our future. What we are going to do after Hogwarts."

"That's easy," Selwyn leaned forward so that his chin rest on Lacerta's head. "I plan on being the Dark Lord's right-hand man and become the next Minister of Magic. You guys?"

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