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They were silent the entire trip through the passageway, but it wasn't uncomfortable. She'd always liked being in his presence, even if Lacerta didn't want to admit it at the moment to keep her unfeeling façade intact. She also wasn't ready to admit that he looked adorable in his Quidditch hoodie. His messy black hair was sticking out in every direction and could see the dimples in his dark sienna skin even in the dark.

She pretended that she was not sneaking glances his way and that she did not notice him doing the same when he thought she wasn't looking. He was the first to go into the cellar of Honeydukes, holding his hand out for her when he was done which she pointedly ignored. 

Last year, they would've made the trip down to Hogsmeade as a group. They would be laughing and pushing each other around. Now, it was just them and even that felt strange after everything.

It was cold, especially since she was still in her uniform. The only clothes her parents got her were stiff and uncomfortable so she opted to stay in her uniform even on the weekends. The door of the shop was opened, letting in the cool autumn air and instantly making her shiver. 

"Oh shit," James said with a flush creeping up his neck. He brought his hoodie over his head, not helping his hair situation. He held out the sweater with wide eyes.

"I'm not taking your hoodie," Lacerta rolled her eyes, intending on being difficult. He gave her an unimpressed look, keeping his hand extended. "It has your name on it!"

"Embarrassed to be seen with Potter on your back, Lizzie?" he teased. 

"Who wouldn't be, Potter?" she said playfully and suddenly it felt like they were falling into their old pattern. They would pick on each other one minute and be nestled in each other's arms the next. 

Then Sirius popped into her mind. The nagging voice that always seemed to kill the mood kept repeating its mantra: they only hung out with you because of Sirius. The smile that had been creeping on her face disappeared completely as she moved through the crowd to get the sweets she'd been promised. 

If she had been looking she would have seen the fallen expression on James' face. Instead, she focused her attention on fudge flies. Money wasn't a problem for him so she didn't feel bad grabbing five boxes before moving to another shelf. 

"Are you sure you don't want one of these?" he said holding up a cockroach cluster. 

She grimaced, "No thanks, but help yourself."

"Maybe I will," he added them to the growing pile. "Want to get some butterbeer since you won't let me give you my jumper?"

"If you're paying," she smirked, his grin widened.

James greeted Madam Rosmerta with a wink, making the young woman blush and giggle at his antics. He tipped heavily for their two drinks and got them a window seat, something he knew would make her happy.

He didn't notice he was staring until she cleared her throat, "Why are you doing this?"

"Doing what?" he asked genuinely confused.

She huffed in frustration, "Sirius ran away. You don't need to keep pestering his siblings. He made his choice. He left us so you don't need to keep acting like your my friend."

"You're still on that?" he laughed humorlessly, feeling an overwhelming urge to shake her while he screams just how much he cares about her. "Why is it so hard for you to believe that people actually care about you?"

"Maybe because everyone who says they 'care' about me. . . leaves," she said, her face was growing red with anger. She took a long sip of her drink to hide her face as unwanted tears welled in her eyes. She quickly blinked them away. 

He slowly reached out to take her hand when she set her glass down, he internally sighed with relief when she didn't immediately yanked it back. "I know that you're not going to believe me, but I really care about you Lacerta and I'm not going anywhere. We used to be -- no, we are best friends and I can't just let all those years go because Sirius made a dumbass mistake."

She didn't look convinced so he continued, "Why did you come out with me today if you think I don't care about you?"

It took a moment for her to form a response, "Free sweets?"

"You know that's not true," James smiled. 

She shrugged, "I thought if I entertained you then you might leave me alone, plus you got me out of detention."

His smile faltered but he was quick to plaster it back on, "I know that you're not ready to admit that you missed me and my charm, but you'll get there eventually Lizzie."

She rolled her eyes for what seemed like the billionth time around him, "If that's what you want to tell yourself. Now can you sneak us back into the school? I have stuff to do and important people to see."

"I'm not important?" he teased as he opened the door for her. 

"No," she smirked, but they both had a feeling that she didn't quite mean it.


As September faded into October, Sirius Black lazily strolled through the halls when he came across the one person he loathed most in the school. Snape. His hair was long and greasy, practically dripping with it he thought with his face screwed up in disgust. 

"Snivellus," he sneered. "What an unpleasant surprise. Don't you have a cave to dwell in?"

"Very funny coming from you, Black," he retorted.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Only that your brother has told the entire Slytherin common room about you getting disowned over the summer. Where do you stay now? Slumming it with Mudbloods and Half-Breeds?"

He pulled out his wand, putting it right to his neck, "You'll watch your mouth if you know what's good for you."

"Hit a sore spot have I?" he laughed, not acknowledging the wand pointed at his jugular. "You're probably with the biggest blood-traitor in the school, Potter. Can't see you hanging around the Lupins. He was looking a little. . . rough the other day, wasn't he?"

"What does he have anything to do with this?" he asked, but Snape didn't miss the fear that flashed through his silver eyes. 

"Just know that I'm going to find out your little secret and tell Dumbledore," he growled. "I'll make sure that you all get expelled from this school and you'll be known for something other than the Black family disappointment."

"I can see why my sister stopped hanging out with you. Your nothing but a slime ball."

"And you're a disgrace. I can see why she stopped associating with you."

"You really want to know our secret?" he leaned in, dropping his wand to his side with a look that strongly resembled his father's. Snape's curiosity got the better as he hesitantly nodded. The October full moon had already passed, but there was one coming up, a few days after his birthday. 

"On November sixth, go to the Whomping Willow. There's a knot on the tree, levitate a rock or something and it'll stop the branches. Make sure you wait until nightfall or you won't see anything."

"If I find out you're lying, Black--"

"Don't you worry," he smirked as he teasingly patted his cheek, immediately rubbing it on his pants leg afterwards. "No lies on my part. Smell you later, Snivellus!" 

Lacerta Black -- James Potter --Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora