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Severus Snape was happy for Lacerta, truly. He knew that she would be happiest with him, but he was glad she was no longer Selwyn's lap dog. He created multiple curses during her time with him, wanting nothing more than to try them out on his fellow Death Eater. They were nothing compared to ones saved for James Potter, who he loathed with his entire being.

Word had spread that she had been disowned over the brief break and every day since they were forced to endure Selwyn's long rants.

"She was getting to be a real bitch anyways," he said stiffly one morning as they tried to butter their toast in peace. "The reason she ran off was because I'd broken off our engagement."

"You didn't put her in her place enough," Avery spat out bits of muffin on the table as he spoke. "Is there someone else you're interested in?"

"I'll probably go for someone like Meadowes," he said, talking about a girl in Regulus's year that mainly kept to herself or was seen by Pandora's side. She had long, dark braids as well as brown skin and eyes. Snape instantly pitied the girl.

They began to compare the eligible, pureblood bachelorettes while he tried to nibble on his toast. The others were too distracted by their conversation to notice a charmed piece of parchment land on Snape's plate. He looked around before carefully opening the message.

Meet me outside the Great Hall asap 


His heart thrummed against his chest as he pushed the forgotten toast aside and leaped from the bench. His 'friends' didn't bother to ask what had him in such a rush, nor did they care. He found the girl he loved leaning against the wall alongside the Marauders and Regulus. 

Snape's face instantly darkened as he turned on his heel to walk away. Lacerta reached out to grasp his wrist. "Please Severus," she begged. "It's important."

"If it was important then why did you bring them?" he gestured to the Gryffindors, not particularly bothered by Regulus. He had created spells meant to viciously cut them up as they bleed out slowly, he wanted them all dead. Not to mention, Lupin was a filthy half-breed who deserved his own cell in Azkaban.

"Look Sni-- Snape," Potter seemed like he was about to choke on the words. "We don't want to be around you either, but this has something to do with Lizzie. I find it hard to believe you have a heart--"

Lupin punched his shoulder before he continued, "Let's get straight to the facts. Lacerta and Regulus are dying and need your help creating a cure."

His beady black eyes darted to Lacerta's face. He hadn't paid attention at first but now that he was, he could see the sickness taking over her features. Her grey eyes were the same, he focused on that. 

"Is what it said true?" he asked quietly.

"What he said is true," she narrowed her eyes slightly. "We don't know what potion it was, but our father snuck one into our tea that resurfaced a blood curse. We have about a decade left according to the healer."

The fact that there could be a world without Lacerta seemed impossible to him. He refused to believe and knew that he would spend every spare second he had creating a cure. A small part of him, that he didn't want to acknowledge, wished death upon her. It would be the perfect payback for her rejection - to get back at the Marauders for everything they'd done.

Severus Snape would never be able to let her die if he could help it. He may have thought about it for a spilt second, but it would be impossible in the end. He sighed, "I'll help you only if you do something for me in exchange."

Lacerta Black -- James Potter --Where stories live. Discover now