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trigger warning: abuse, disgusting men

Regulus Black was given a lot to think about as he sat at the dinner table of Grimmauld place for their first holiday without Sirius, who was staying at Hogwarts instead of going to the Potters for unknown reasons. He glanced at his older sister, trying to conceal his worry. She was stoic, completely void of emotions as she absorbed the news.

"You can't possibly think a marriage to Selwyn is a good idea?" he spoke up, trying not to recoil at his mother's fierce glare. 

"I've been saying that it would be a perfect match for quite some time now, Regulus," she sniffed hotly. "He is receiving the Mark during the break and has shown some interest in Lacerta for Merlin knows why."

"His family will be over for dinner tomorrow night and when he proposes you are to say 'yes,'" Orion said with a tone that they didn't dare argue with. "You don't have to get married until the summer, but we've let you be too independent for far too long. You're still hanging around Mudbloods and Half-Breeds like they are your equals."

"Muggleborns and Half-Bloods," she shook herself out of her shock to correct him. "They are lovely people if you just took the time to get to know them--"

Regulus flinched back as if his mother's open hand had struck his cheek instead of Lacerta's. His throat felt tight as her hand rose to her reddening face. "If you go through this willingly and play the part perfectly then we can delay Regulus taking the Mark. Think about the family, Lacerta. Someone has to do something to make up for Sirius' embarrassing display," their mother said with a cruel face, knowing that the girl would do anything for her younger brother.

"May I be excused?" she said coldly. Her food was still untouched and already begun to grow cold. 

"Yes, your mother bought you a new dress for tomorrow. It should be on your trunk," their father dismissed. 

"May I go follow her?" Regulus said as he desperately wished to talk her out of it. His siblings had always done things to keep him out of harm's way. To protect him. He felt that it was his turn to do something for her. 

Orion studied him for a moment. "Don't do anything stupid," he waved him away.

He nodded curtly as he tripped over his chair to follow Lacerta to her room. They were up on the fifth floor, and he cursed the dark hallway as he stumbled up the many flights of stairs. He paused at the door with his estranged brother's name carved on the nameplate. It was right across from his own and they couldn't be more different. 

Lacerta's was right down the hall. He eagerly knocked on the wood, "Lacey? Can I come in?" They hadn't really spoken except for the occasional greetings in the corridors. He was to blame of course. In an attempt to make his parents proud, he had followed the wrong group of people as they nearly. . . he didn't like to think about what could've happened. 

He was too far in the group to just leave. He had been trying to gradually distance himself from them as they were all set to have or already did have the Mark. 

Lacerta still looked far too calm as she swung the door open, "What can I help you with, Regulus?"

"You can't marry him," he shoved them inside, whispering in case the portraits outside decided to report to their parents. "H-He's a pig. He only likes you because of your looks, he could never love you or anyway. The way he treats women is disgusting and I won't have him do the same to you."

"This is none of your business," she sneered, her arms crossed as she glared at him. 

"Yes, it is," he defended. "You're only staying in this hell hole for me and marrying the worst fucking person in the world because they said they would delay me getting the Mark. I'm a terrible person, I deserve the Mark."

"Don't say that!" she snapped. "You're not like them. You have a chance of making the Black name something good."

"Sirius is already doing that," he said, his eyes felt warm and throat thick with tears that begged to form. 

"No," she shook her head. "He wants nothing to do with the name. To them, he's just Sirius. To them, all we are is Blacks -- well, Black and a future Selwyn."

He scrunched up his face, "I'll figure something out. You're not going to marry someone like him."

"And you're not getting the Mark if I can help it," she smiled slyly. "Leave it to the adults, Reggiekins."

"You're only sixteen," he muttered. 

"I'll be seventeen when I get married," she laughed. It sounded hollow, so unlike the familiar giggle he was used to hearing, the one that felt like home.


They looked like a stuck-up bunch. There was Charles Selwyn with his smirk boring right into him as if to say that he won their countless arguments. His father, Watson, looked just like his son as he admired his future daughter-in-law hungerly. His mother, Cindy, looked very young for her age - most likely from the use of de-aging spells. 

"Orion, Walburga, how lovely it is to see you again," Watson greeted as he shook their hands. "This must be the young Lacerta all the boys talk about. My, my, their words hardly did justice to describe your looks, darling."

Her smile was thin and didn't reach her eyes, "Pleasure to meet you, sir."

Her dress was a sparkly black with a loose neckline, sheer sleeves that went past her hands, and the hem landed just above her knee. It was a bit more modern than what they usually wore and the most revealing. Regulus made a clenched fist as he saw where the men where blatantly staring. 

"Shall we all grab a seat? I had our house-elf fetch the finest wine we owned just for the occasion," Orion said, making Cindy perk up.

Charles rushed forward to pull out a chair for Lacerta. Regulus watched in amusement as reached out for a different chair, that was until their mother swatted her hand away and pushed her into the awaiting seat. The older man took the ends of the table and he found himself stuck in-between their wife's, across from the future couple. 

Kreacher had prepared a wide spread of everything from roasted chicken to a bright red lobster. He reached for the wine before getting scolded by his mother. Lacerta on the other hand was using her distraction to chug down a full glass. 

The children listened as the parents began to discuss politics. Charles was either pretending to be interested or he really cared about politics. Lacerta didn't bother to be present in the moment, staring off into space. She was so distracted that she did not acknowledge the boy's hand on her thigh. 

Watson stood up, clearing his throat as he tapped a silver knife against his glass. Regulus strained to not roll his eyes. "The meal has been heavenly, but now it is time to address the Hippogriff in the room. The uniting of our two Ancient and Noble families. Charles has something he'd like to ask Lacerta."

His sister's eye twitched as Charles grabbed her hand to help her stand. The families moved to the drawing room, right in front of the family tapestry. He stared longingly at Sirius' old spot, now nothing more than a piece of charred fabric. Selwyn knelt down on one knee as Regulus began to pray that she would heed his advice and say no.

"Lacerta Walburga Black," he said slowly, soaking up the attention and he took her hand in his. "Would you do me the honors of becoming my wife?"

There was a pregnant pause. Lacerta stared down at him blankly. Charles began to sweat. Walburga's hand rested on her wand. Orion tried to send threats with his eyes. Cindy was playing with her hair. Watson was beaming at the pair, oblivious to the tension. And Regulus. . . he had high hopes that his sister would stand up to his parents and proclaim that Selwyn was nothing more than a bastard undeserving of her hand.

He was wrong.

"I would love to," she said with that perfect pureblood smile that was so obviously fake to anyone that knew her. The ring seemed more like a shackle than a piece of jewelry. 

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