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Sirius and Lacerta hadn't been ready to return to their small cottage for the holidays, opting to join the Potters at their large mansion. They were joined by Peter and Remus. Unfortunately for the siblings, they were stuck in the same room since Monty and Effie didn't want any funny business in their household. The older couple had tried to give them 'the talk' when they had first arrived but they were quickly stopped by a blushing James Potter.

"Mum!" he groaned.

"James," she sighed, looking slightly amused by the whole ordeal. "It's a very natural thing. When your father and I were young our parents had to go through a lot to keep us away from each other."

"I'm going to throw up," James mocked gagged while a snickering Sirius patted his back. Lacerta was biting her tongue to stop herself from laughing at her boyfriend even though she was just as mortified as he was. As much as she loved his parents, she did not want to hear about how sex crazy they were when they were younger. 

"His stamina hasn't faltered at all with his old age," she smirked wickedly whilst Monty choked on the last sip of his coffee. James gave a startled cry, covering his ears and throwing himself to the floor as if he'd perished from a heart attack. Lacerta kicked him. 

"I'm not that old!" Fleamont half-heartedly scolded his wife. They were nearly in their seventies. Lacerta admired how in love they still were even after all the years they'd been together. She hoped her and James were that way when they were old and gray. 

James made grabby hands in her direction. She rolled her eyes before helping him up, melting into his side when his hand wrapped around her waist. "Don't worry Mr. and Mrs. Potter. I don't even like James enough to snog him."

The couple laughed at the offended look on their son because they could see how much adoration the girl held for their boy. It was clear as day. "Geesh darling," her heart stumbled over its next beat at hearing that word come out of his mouth so beautifully. "And here I thought we had something special."

"No," she grinned cheekily. "I'm secretly in an affair with Remus." 

The boy perked up with a matching smile. "Finally," he leaped up. "The secret is out, and we can finally be together!" The taller boy stole her from her boyfriend's side by throwing her over his shoulder. She was laughing until she realized that he was heading outside. 

"Remus John Lupin! You better -" she was thrown gently into a pile of snow, but the cold was enough to leave her gasping for breath. "I'm breaking up our affair. Prewett can keep you."

"Hush," he said, glancing over his shoulder to see their friends giggling behind their hands but not close enough to hear what she had said. "I haven't found the time to tell Sirius yet."

"Tell him," She ordered, snatching the boy's coat from his shoulder for a bit of warmth. "And then invite Gideon to the New Year's party so that I can properly meet him."

"I can't do that to Sirius," he whimpered. 

"It's been a year, Rem. Stop holding yourself back from your own happiness. Now, go make me a hot chocolate before I freeze to death."

"I love you, Lacey," he pressed a sweet kiss to her cheek as they both made their way inside the Manor. Her clothes were soaked through with the cold snow and her body shook slightly.

"Don't let James hear you say that. He gets quite jealous."

"I did hear it," her boyfriend grumbled from his place at the table. On the stove, a pot filled with boiling milk, and a few crushed up bars of chocolate waited for them. Remus rushed over to add his own ingredients to the pot as well as a good stir, as it had been neglected. Lacerta took a seat on James's lap, feeling strangely powerful and light. His nose scrunched, "You are freezing."

His warmth was enough to sooth her shivers, so she pushed herself further into his body. She giggled at the offended look on his face, his own jumper collecting some of the water seeping through her sweater. "I love you!" 

"I love you too, Liz," he put his head on her own as Remus passed them two steaming mugs of cocoa topped with cream and cinnamon dust. She held the cup between her hands for some semblance of warmth. James's free hand went around her waist while the other fiddled with the handle of his mug.

"Hey Prongs," Remus said nervously. "Would it be alright to invite a date to the New Year's party?"

Her boyfriend's startled expression only faded after she sent a sharp elbow into his side. He shook the look away, "Er - yeah. Of course, Moons. Got to give him a proper talk after all."

"You have a date?" a rather pale Sirius said from the doorway. "I mean. . . course you do. You're handsome enough and very intelligent. I'm. . . I actually feel like I'm going to be ill. Uh, yeah."

"Sirius," Remus started towards him, but her brother flinched away. With an embarrassed blush on his cheeks, he darted up the stairs. Her heart hurt for him. She remembered how it stung to see James when he had dated Lily and knew that it would hurt ten times worse if they ever broke up. 

"Leave him be, Mate," James gently moved her so that she was on the chair, and he was standing. "I'll go talk to him."

"I was supposed to talk to him in private," Remus looked horrified at what had occurred. 

"It'll be alright, Remus," she went to give him a hug, but he simply smiled gently and pushed her back. 

"I don't want to get wet," he gave a wet chuckled, wiping at his eyes. "I know it'll all work itself out, but I will always love Sirius and too see him in pain. . . it sucks."

"Eloquently put," she held his hand. "Falling in love sucks, but it is also beautiful in all ways imaginable. Sirius was your first love. He always will be. That doesn't mean he was your right love, or it could just be timing. We have to hold onto the good and do what is best. I love Sirius, he's my brother, but it wasn't the time for you both."

"Promise you'll never leave me, Lacey?"

"I'd never leave my soulmate behind," she said with a dazzling smile that hopefully let him know that she meant it.

Happy Birthday Hazza! 🥳

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