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Wasp always knew her mother was too weak to own a throne. When she was old enough, she should have handed it over to her. The other heirs were too weak anyways, it would have destroyed them. No matter, she would be able to take it soon. Soon, she would challenge her mother and take the throne that was her's by right. Soon, she would have power, the power to rule over subjects her mother was always too lenient towards. Subjects that would bow to her. As long as the HiveWings were the dominant tribe, they would be fine. She wanted all of the Pantalan dragons to unite under her rule.

She was currently striding her way through the halls of the Cochineal hive, her and her mother's home. She was looking for a certain dragon in particular, a dragon that she wanted to speak with. She spotted an almost black HiveWing walking beside a brownish-orange LeafWing. Found you, she thought. He's a tough dragon to find these days. Shady character. She strutted toward him,

"Blackjack!" She called.

The HiveWing turned his head in surprise. The LeafWing followed with the same movement, except he turned around and bowed his head.

"Your excellency," he stated proudly, "what do we owe the honor of this pleasant surprise?"

"Yes, I was here to talk with Blackjack," she responded, narrowing her eyes at the dark HiveWing.

"Well, what do you need me for?" replied Blackjack, gruffly.

"I'm just gonna head off now, then," said the LeafWing, slightly confused and unaware of what was happening in his turn.

"Hah, ok then. Laters, Aspen!" Blackjack returned his speech, as the brown LeafWing trod away.

"Right then, Blackjack, I need you to follow me," Wasp snapped as Blackjack turned to face her.

"Sure thing, your excellence," he said with a drawling tone, dripping with sarcasm.

Wasp began to move for the exit of the hall, Blackjack padding along next to her. He's walking beside me! I'm not sure if he knows, but that can be seen as treason.

"So, Wasp, what did you need me for? Or, I might just leave," Blackjack casually asked.

Wasp turned round to face the disrespectful dragon.

"Now, you listen here, you keep your mouth shut and maybe I won't throw you into the darkest dungeon we have."

Blackjack winced, inclining his head. "Alright, your highness," his words still dragging sarcasm with them. "I shall not disobey thou ever again while my life stands present in this world."

"Stop using that disrespectful tone this instant," Wasp barked, slamming her foot onto the ground. She drew her snout up into a snarl; this dragon was testing her patience.

"So, your excellency, may you answer my question, to need me you?" Blackjack scorned, keeping his tone from reaching, somewhat, disrespect.

"Well," she dragged at her voice, trying to annoy her soon-to-be subject. Blackjack paused as if he was about to snap something back at her, but stopped at the last second. "I plan to challenge my mother for her throne, it should be easy, she's way too soft anyways," Wasp finished, a grin spreading over her snout.

The black-coloured Hivewing halted to a stop next to her, no words coming from his jaws.

"You what?!" He exclaimed, completely forgetting about being polite.

"I don't see what's so confusing about it, it's simply that my mother's time on the throne is up and I am the perfect candidate for her replacement," Wasp purred.

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