Chapter 22

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Acacia didn't know what to do. They were caught in a ring of HiveWings, controlled HiveWings, that wanted to kill them. There weren't really many options. Sure, they could fight back, but Acacia fighting back? He'd be killed in moments. They could try a peace talk, but considering the current situation, it seemed Wasp wasn't very interested in talking.

"What do we do!?!" He yelled frantically. "What do we do, what do we do?!?!?"

"Calm down!" Locust roared. "I'll get us out of this."

Dragonfly snorted. "Good luck with that."

"Any help would be much appreciated." The sun-coloured HiveWing barked back.

The group wound themselves back to back, each facing one angle, of the sea of white.

Scarab, much to their annoyance, had slipped away, somehow.

She could've at least helped us. Or, or even shown us how she got out...

"Look who came running back to the hive." Wasp spoke through the HiveWing in front of them, presumably the leader. "Off much?"

"We're here to take back something you stole." Acacia hissed.

Does that sound frightening? I think it does. Hopefully.

"Oh? And what might that be?" Wasp snickered. "Something to do with a helm by any chance?"

Acacia turned to find a menacing glare through his soul, from the one and only HiveWing duo.

"Way to go! You just revealed everything, in one sentence!" Dragonfly hissed.

"I agree with fancy pants for once, way to go!" Locust growled.

"I-it's not h-his fault!" Cobalt protested.

"Sure, sure..." Locust mumbled.

"Y-you know," The blue SilkWing began to flare, picking up her voice. "I thought you knew better, Locust. I thought you did!"

"What's the matter? I thought you were my friend?"

"I am, but I'm also Acacia's friend. You can't change that."

The yellow HiveWing hissed through his jaws, about to protest, before Mallow beat him.

"Now is not the time guys!" She inputted. "In case you haven't noticed, we are LITERALLY SURROUNDED BY HIVEWINGS!"

"I never thought I'd say this," Dragonfly barked. "But I agree with the LeafWi-"

"Mallow." The mint dragon stepped on Dragonfly's tail, causing him to yelp. "My name is Mallow."

The amber HiveWing muttered something under his breath, before reluctantly turning to Wasp.

"If you're all done here, I would like to get on with your capture." The front HiveWing stepped forward.

Oh, for the love of the wood... Acacia trembled. WE ARE SO GONNA DIE!

"Mason..." Locust stated.

"What?" Acacia tilted his head, toward the HiveWing. Locust had his gaze fixed upon the leading HiveWing, which in Wasp had chosen her jaws. A blank stare met by that of a roaring ocean, before the sun-coloured HiveWing repeated.


"And that means what exac-"

"Oh, shut up, Leaf..." Locust's voice became harshly firm.

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