Chapter 8

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Mallow watched as the CavernWings re-chained the group. The silvery one came in dragging a pale looking SilkWing dragonet, "Mica, stay here and keep an eye on the prisoners, make sure they don't try anything." she ordered, gesturing to them with her tail, "particularly the blue one."

"Yes mother." replied the SilkWing. The silvery dragon snorted before leaving. Mallow stretched out her legs, the scratch that had paralized her was numb and her talons and wingtips had a pins-and-needle feel to them. She glanced at the red SilkWing, Admiral, who was clawing at his shoulders and wrists. She growled rolling onto her back and stretching out her wings. "So, what are we going to do now?" growled the HiveWing, which didn't have Cherry's attitude. The blue SilkWing hid her snout beneath her claws. "So who are you, what are you, why are you here, what do you want, who do you serve?" squawked the pale SilkWing they were stuck with, "Do you-"

"Shut up you little moth-brain." snarled the HiveWing. The SilkWing blinked, before continuing, "I'm Mica, I'm a SilkWing CavernWing hybrid, I'm here because of my mother, I want to meet Lunate properly and I serve Skull. Now you tell me." she squeaked. Mallow yawned, "Well then, I'm Mallow, I'm a LeafWing, I'm here because that HiveWing dragged me here," she flicked her tail at the HiveWing, "I want to leave and I serve Oak." She finished rolling back onto her stomach.

They all introduced themselves and she learned that the blue SilkWing was Cobalt, the HiveWing that attacked her was Locust, and the other HiveWing was Dragonfly or fancy pants, she couldn't decide which was better. Mallow curled her tail thoughtfully, "Hey, Mica, would you like to see something?" she asked. I'm going to regret doing this. "Oooo, what?" squeaked the dragonet.

"Well, I can't show you if you're in the room, it's a secret." she whispered. The tiny dragonet wayed up her chances before, sliding outside the hallway. I can't believe that worked, how old is this dragonet? Thought Mallow, she felt out for a root network, finding one, it was grass though, she pushed energy in it to make it grow and ensnare Mica. Long strands of grass dripped from the hole in the ceiling, twisted across the walls, before ensaring the little dragonet outside the door. She struggled. That isn't going to last long. She then pushed energy into more growing strands, so they could unlock their chains.The grass wound its way down before working into the locks in the chains, the strands curled and twisted, before there were several clicks and the chains fell off their claws. Mallow lifted her head, "Run." she hissed, before darting out of the entrance and past Mica. I'm sorry, it had to be done. She heard the clicks of claws on stone as the other dragons scrambled after her, running as quietly as they could down the tunnel where the glow of daylight could be seen. She rounded a corner and her jaw fell in dismay, the daylight was coming from a hole in the wall, only just big enough to squeeze a small dragonet through, or a wingless one. "Admiral, can you squeeze through this hole?'' asked Mallow. The red SilkWing was scratching hard at his wrists, "I- I don't know, I think I- I'm-" he spluttered.

"Just try." hissed Locust, "we're desperate here."

It didn't help that Mica's triumphant roar echoed down the tunnel. Admiral stiffened, his tail waving, then something unexpected happened.

Two strands of silvery silk shot from Admirals wrists, his talons began to move, weaving a shape around himself, slowly his form disappeared and what was left was a cocoon, glistening a silver colour. "Ahh, good work, you retreated into a rock," mused Acacia, he turned to Cobalt, "You going to do that too?" he asked her. Mallow stared in disbelief, what had just happened? So, I never knew SilkWings could use their silk to create a small defense. But we need him now! Mallow nudged the cocoon with her claws. "Come on Admiral, this is no time to hide." she said, huffing. The cocoon made no movements. "Cobalt, is there any way to get him out of this?" she asked, turning to the blue SilkWing. "Y-y-your not getting h-him out for five d-d-days." stuttered the SilkWing. "But we need him-"

"STAY WHERE YOU ARE WITH YOUR TALONS ON THE FLOOR!" roared Skull, standing at the end of the corridor, his under scales glowing brightly.

We're screwed, we're screwed, our only chance to escape and fate screwed us over. Skull prowled forward followed by his comrades, each one of their underscales glowing. He twisted to the silvery one, "Ghost, look outside and see if you can find the red one, he couldn't have gotten far."

"He's right in front of you," snarled Locust.

"I knew it," the pure white one shreiked, swiping his claws in front of his muzzle, "We snagged ourselves a wingless RainWing."

"W-w-what no! He's in h-his cocoon." squawked Cobalt.

"Also, What's a RainWing?" asked Acacia, at the same time as Cobalt.

"Do you think we should tell 'em?" Skull asked one of the dragons beside him.

"You shouldn't keep secrets from royalty!" huffed Dragonfly.

"Calcite, bring the... cocoon, the other two help me escort these ignorant little dragonets to see Lunate." hissed Skull, stalking toward them.

"Move it, bumble-fluff." snapped the white dragon, who had just grabbed her arm.

They were escorted through twisting tunnels, past a large open cavern and into a smaller cave, much like the one they were trapped in. The cave was lit with jars of fireflies and had many shelves that were littered with herbs. Mallow wanted to stop and look at all of them. But they were pushed to the back of the cave, where some bedding was laid out, in the center was an ancient looking dragon. The dragon had pure white scales and its wing membrane was translucent. Its bones were visible beneath its scales and there were deep hollows beneath its eyes. "This is Lunate, our ghost speaker, he's been in a coma for almost a year now." growled Skull lowering his head to the dragon's side, "We can't risk him becoming our enemy."

At this the dragon squirmed its tail whipping back and forth. "No..." it whimpered, "I don't want to see it anymore, please stop."

"Hush, Luny, it's okay, they can't hurt you." murmured the pure white dragon, resting his talons on top of Lunate's head. The white dragon raised his head, "We were captured by your army as soon as we set our talons on your land. We lost a dragon that day, Mandible." The dragon shot a glance at Skull, who turned his head away, "We managed to escape the dungeons, but not without losing the crystal helm in the process, we've had to keep Lunate in a coma ever since."

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