Chapter 14

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Acacia awoke the next morning, as tired as ever. Their fight over dinner had lasted for a whole two hours, somehow, and had left Acacia weakened.

"How about we use our epic training from Mr. Skull to decide who gets the first pick?" Locust had finally suggested.

"Yeah I'm up for that, knowing that I am the greatest Spy in the whole of Blackwood, you will stand no chance." Mallow stated.

"Again, you're the only Spy in Blackwood." He pointed out.

"Again, still makes me the best." She eyed the dinner set in the crate.

"Hey uh, it looks like there's less in here?"

"That's just a trick!" Dragonfly hissed.

"No, no, she's right." Locust strolled over.

"Oh." Acacia shifted.

"You ate some, didn't you?" The yellow HiveWing accused him.

"M-me?" he stuttered. "False accusations!"

"Sure." Locust growled.

"Oi peasants, you were laughing about something earlier. Did you eat them?" Dragonfly eyed Cobalt and Admiral.

"W-what n-n-o..." Cobalt paused. "W-why would we e-ever...."

"Yeah, you shouldn't blame your problems on us." Admiral stated.

Dragonfly snorted.

"Well if it wasn't Admiral and Cobalt then who was it?" Mallow questioned.

"Honestly, in my royal opinion, I think it wa-"

"Oh shut up, we don't care."

"Well you should..."

"Well we don't."

The HiveWing prince shot an annoyed glare at Locust.

"Can we just like, fight already? I'm getting hungry." Mallow hastily glanced at the crate of their 'dinner'.

"Yeah, I'm starving." Acacia drowsily held his underbelly.

Thinking back to those moments, Acacia thought their fight was rather pointless.

Fighting over pebbles like two-year-old dragonets. He snorted. I think I'll leave the blame on Locust for that one.

He staggered up from his bed of dried grass and looked around the darkened cave. It was unusually quiet. Acacia half thought this was because Dragonfly and Locust were asleep, for once, and not arguing.

He stretched his jaws and yawned, eyelids nearly closing over his sight.

W-w-wow... I'm r-really tir-

With that, Acacia toppled over his own talons in exhaustion, expecting to hit the solid granite ground with a sharp pain.

Readying himself for the endless amounts of agony, something pulled him upright with a sudden twist. What felt like four wings brushed past his own, sitting him down in a more 'comfortable' position.

Acacia looked up to find Cobalt staring down at him, her iridescent blue scales contrasting with the bore of grey from the underground nightmare. In normal terms, from the underground cave. Acacia just liked to describe it in that way.

"A-are you alright?" The SilkWing stuttered in front of him.

"Y-yeah never been better... Thanks..." Acacia shuffled himself level with her.

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