Chapter 34

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Dragonfly felt like a criminal. Well, he was a criminal. But not that much of a criminal.

He, Prince Dragonfly, had just broken into his Aunt's private property, the Queen's private property, and now he was attempting to steal.

But for some, unknown reason, Locust had just slammed the very item they were looking for onto some random dragon's head.

"Uhm, wha?" The dragon stated.

"Yeah, what's supposed to happen here?" Another tied up HiveWing baffled.

Locust's victim began to blink rapidly, before slumping upward to face the sun-coloured HiveWing. His head thrashed forward, before he began to speak again.

"Wait a minute, who am I?"

"Oh my moons, Izula, what are you trying to pull now?" Another HiveWing commented.

"No, that's not my name."

"Uh, yeah, it is."


"Cochineal?" Dragonfly blurted.

"What? That's our blasted QUEEN'S NAME YOU IDIOT. Well, actually, Wasp won, didn't she?"

"Wait, whaaaaaaaaat? How do you not know that Wasp won? Where have you been? Wasn't there like, hm I don't know, THIS MASSIVE WAR THAT WASP STARTED?" Acacia shouted.

"Hey, you look like Aspen."

"What is it with everyone comparing me to my father these past few hours? Like come o- WAIT."

Acacia was a little too slow for reality, as Locust beat him.

"Aspen? As in, Dad's friend that he would never shut up about for betraying us? He's your father?"

"Well, yeah. Thought that was kinda obvious, not gonna lie."

"And- and- you-" Locust turned to the dragon lying on the ground. "You know his father?"

"Yeah, he was my best friend."

"Wait, Aspen always told me his best friend was Blackjack. OH MY MOONS, I TOTALLY FORGOT, LOCUST IS THE SON OF BLACKJACK!"

The dark-coloured HiveWing's eyes widened as he stood up, looking down upon Locust.

The next few words spilled by the HiveWing froze the room to a stop.

"Locust, I am your father."

HE'S LOCUST'S WHAT? Dragonfly almost screamed, Locust just as shocked.

"W-what? You can't be. This can't be! My father is BLACKJACK."

"Yes, there's no doubt about that." The HiveWing frowned. "I am Blackjack."

"Noyou'renot." Locust spat hastily. "Thatsnowherenearpossible."

"Yeah," Mallow inputted. "I- I killed you. I killed you in front of my own eyes."

The HiveWing, or new Blackjack, snorted. "You mean you finally killed my excuse of a brother..."

"Your excuse of a what?" Admiral clasped his talons on his snout.

"My brother. My excuse of a brother, that I ended up being too kind to." Blackjack hissed. "I asked Wasp, in return for my training, for the sweetest HiveWing on Pantala. Not for me, but for my brother. My idiotic brother. Instead, my wondrous gift was repaid by my brother taking my moon-damned identity, and somehow memory-wiping me. Also, did he actually get his HiveWing?"

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