Chapter 20

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Since leaving Admiral's cell, Dragonfly couldn't keep his thoughts off one thing, Vinegaroon, His mother. It was an awful change in subject from his usual, but he couldn't drive it away, she kept on coming back.

She's probably not even worried about me. Dragonfly told himself. Yet, Locust said Vinegaroon had contacted Wasp, specifically saying 'Precious son'. Ah! Why can't things just be normal for once!

The group were currently waltzing their way through the streets of Vinegaroon hive, disguises and all. The LeafWings were given their SilkWi-, no, peasant disguises, and looked equally as horrible. They even had their own fake names, Mallow being Meadow and Acacia being Adonis.

As to his and Locust's disguises, they were far more wealthy and included capes. Dragonfly was wearing a full, sun-coloured cape to complement his scales, along with a head dressing, made from the finest gold they could catch their claws on. Locust was wearing similar clothing, his cape being of blue colouring.

The SilkWin- peasants, were wearing a collection of worn rags, trying to indicate workers of some kind. In all, he was the only one that looked at least a little decent.

"H-how are we supposed to find intel here..?" Cobalt whispered.

"I wouldn't know." Adonis, or fake Acacia replied. "We can't really go asking everyone, Hey! Do you know any information about a certain tribe that exists half-way across the world? Oh! Or about where Queen Wasp may be keeping a crystal helm?"

"I agree." Meadow, or Mallow, declared.

"Why don't we just go ask my mothe-"

"NO!" The group yelled, attracting unwanted eyes to their presence.

"Suit yourself." Dragonfly huffed. "It would be a lot easier, mind you."

"We're not looking for easy, now keep moving." Locust hissed quietly beside him.

"Guys, maybe you should pretend to be interested in some of these stalls. It's going to look a little off if we're just walking." Admiral stated.

"Yeah, let's go." Mallow knocked her head to the closest stall to her right.

"M-me and Acac-, I mean, m-me and A-adonis will go to this one." Cobalt pointed to a stall a few rows up.

"Ok, got it." Locust nodded.

"I'll go to that one then." Admiral swiped his tail.

"Aye, me and Fancy-pants will find one further up." Locust stated, padding up the street.

Rgh, we're wasting time. Time, time I could be spending with my mother.

Reluctantly, Dragonfly followed Locust, changing his gaze from stall to stall. I'll go to that one, it's selling capes. Oh boy, do I need a new one round about now. This. is. hideous.

Strolling up to the stall, the Prince was greeted by a yellow HiveWing.

"Good day, my young fellow. What may I help you with?"

"I-i'm looking for a new cape," He paused. Ugh, do I really have to say this? "Sir." He blurted.

"Ah yes, you may find no finer capes here at Beetle's Cloaking! We have everything here, every size, ever colour, ever shape, every-"

Dragonfly lost control of his thoughts, the sale dragon still talking.

I need to see my mother. Before it's too late.

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