Chapter 16

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Dragonfly was in shock. Mallow, the deranged LeafWing spy, had just disappeared. Right in front of his eyes, without trace. She was just gone, literally gone.

"Where on Pantala could she have gone?!" Acacia frantically spun in circles.

"Pft. She probably ran back to the oh so great LeafWings with her new, enchanted object of doom." Dragonfly hissed.

"N-no, I don't think so. That's not like Mallow." Cobalt commented.

"Yeah, I agree." Admiral inputted with his opinion.

The dragon prince growled quietly. We've only known each other for what, like five days? How do you know it's not like her? She could have secretly betrayed us or something. Like we don't even KNOW.

"We don't know what she's capable of, you know." He addressed the group. "She could be back with the LeafWings, she could be halfway across Pantala. You know, she could even be plotting to kill us any moment now."

"Did you ever think that, maybe, just maybe, everyone isn't as rude and self-hearted as you?" Locust shot back.

"Excuse me? How extremely rude of you. Talking to me about being rude, when you're literally behaving like a two-year-old mannered dragonet to me! Hah, hypocrite." Dragonfly snorted back. "And also, did you forget that I am a pr-"


The amber HiveWing growled. "Well, you don't act like you do..."

"Alright, alright! E-everyone just... calm down. We need to find M-mallow." The jittery blue SilkWing stuttered.

"But she could be anyw-" Dragonfly was interrupted, yet again.

"I agree! We need to find her!" Acacia pranced around the plateau.

"Well," Admiral started. "I agree with you two, Mallow wouldn't just run away like that. I think, maybe the whistle that she got may ha-"

The crimson SilkWing stopped in his tracks. Standing before them, beside a water-filled stream, stood the mint-coloured form of Mallow.

"A- a- a-..." Acacia began to stutter.

"H-h-how in the n-name of...." Cobalt stood with a shocked expression written across her snout.

"I'm over here, idiots." Mallow grunted.

A wave of silence washed in over the dragons, Admiral being the first to break it.

"Oh, well that's useful. Moving on," the red Silkwing stretched his wings.

"No, no, not moving on. I seem to require knowledge of, WHERE DID YOU GO?" Locust roared.

"I was standing here, the whole time." The green LeafWing stated, almost as if it were obvious.

"No you weren't. Liar." Dragonfly spat.

There's no way she was here, and for the whole time too? It's been like what, ten minutes? She's obviously lying. Probably went to report us... LeafWing filth.

"Actually, know it all, I was." The mint LeafWing hissed. "For the record, I wrote that on the rock face too." She finished, pointing over to a slab of rock near the stream.

Dragonfly hauled over to the rock, studying it with a menacing glare.

It read:

Over here, Idiots.

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