Chapter 13

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Cobalt hadn't been out in the open air for five days, and she forgot how much she missed it. The aqua-blue sky and the pearl-coloured clouds, the morning-chirps of migrating birds and even the swaying emerald-grass. It was a step back into reality, and she loved it.

"One day, I am going to fly all the way to Pyrrhia and stop the war!" Mica beamed excitedly.

"Sure, go ahead," Admiral stated, ruffling his new wings.

"S-so what do we do?" Cobalt shifted her talons. "I mean, we could fly more because you know, flying's amazing, or-"

"I want to see the red butterfly's silk." Mica pointed out.

"We're n-n-not butterflies, w-where did you get that from? S-skull?" She questioned.

"Well, they all say it soooooo."

"W-want some advice d-dragonet?"


"Skull and his u-uhm," Cobalt stopped. Skull and his what? Friends? No, that's too babyish. But Mica is a dragonet... Mm nah, rather not sound dragonetish.

"Comrades. Skull and his comrades. They aren't the n-nicest, and maybe you s-shouldn't l-look up to th-them. M-maybe, you could look u-up to C-clearsight? She was kind..."

"Clearsight, smeersight." Mica responded. "Mum says that the CavernWings are heroes! Apparently NightWings are filthy liars too, whatever that means, but I know it's bad! So nooooo!"

Cobalt opened her jaws, about to protest, before the little grey dragonet beat her to it.

"I should report you to Skull for saying that! Then mum would be so proud of me! I will, I will!"

"Uhm, how about we end this conversation, and not report anyone to said Generals?" Admiral asked politely.

"Where's the fun in thaaaaaaat?" Mica bounced around.

This dragonet. Oh my moons. She is both adorable and annoying at the same time. Cobalt thought. Wait. I have an idea.

"M-mica?" She asked.


"I-I have an o-offer. I-if you don't tell Skull, I-i'll let you s-stroke Spike...?"

"Who's Spike?"

"My Bird."

"YOU HAVE A BIRD? Lemme seeeeeee!"

"Only, only, If you don't report us to Skull."

"I won't report you to Skull now let me seeeeeeeeee!"

"Do you promise?"

"I promise, now let m-"

"Do you swear on the moons?"

"I swear on the moons now let me s-"

"Alright! Alright! I'll go get him!"


A few hours later, darkness had fallen over Pantala. The three moons illuminated the cave entrance, sending an everlasting beam of light down the tunnels. Cobalt was walking through one of these tunnels, shifting her tail across the polished floor as she went by.

Skull said tomorrow's day... She gulped. The day we steal the crystal helm.

Over the course of the past hours, Admiral had a training session with Skull, where the general decided that the crimson SilkWing was fit enough for the job. Admiral and his newly grown wings had just been relieved a few minutes ago, and Cobalt had the job of bringing back food for the group.

Why me? They're all too lazy to get their own food! The exception being Admiral of course, as he just finished his 'training'.

Cobalt grunted as she turned a corner into the so-called 'kitchen'.

Now... What do we have here?

Laying in the middle of the room was a pile of rocks and boulders, along with a claw marked slate. That looks like writing!

Cobalt hurried over to the slate and examined it.

Little insects and trees,

This is your dinner for tonight. Please don't complain about it being 'rocks'.

We have nothing else.

General Skull

"Oh greaaaaaat..." She muttered. "More boulders..."

Cobalt quickly shoved the solid matter into a wooden crate before dragging it outside and back to their sleeping cave.

The worn crate made an irritating shuffling noise as she pulled it, scraping right through her ears.

Yowch, that stings.

As she entered their cave, Cobalt immediately let go of the box and catapulted onto her bed of grass.

That was almost as tiring as pulling the moons. She sighed.

"Are you ok..?" Admiral came bounding up next to her.

"I-i'm fine. Just tiring." She responded.

"Next time I'll help you."

"N-no honestly it's fine. It's not that hard..."

"You look like you just carried a full-grown HiveWing, Cobalt, I'll help you ne-" The red SilkWing got cut off by the hasty dragon-prince.

"They expect us to eat rocks!?!" Dragonfly hissed, "Do they even know who I am!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. For the fiftieth time, you're royalty." Came Metatarsals' voice.

"I wasn't talking to you!" Dragonfly answered, steaming.

"Well, if we're all done here, I would like my dinner." Acacia waltzed over.

"Not so fast." Locust shot in front of him, "I'm getting first pick of their stupid rocks."

"IT'S ALL WE HAVE SO SHUT UP AND EAT ALREADY!" The CavernWing's voice came from outside.

"Well, they can't be that bad. I actually quite like them." Mallow walked over to the group, reaching her talon out to the crate. To this remark, Locust spat acid straight toward her claw, missing by seconds.

"I said, '' I'm picking first." He growled.

"Why should you pick first? After all, you were the one who got us into this mess." Mallow snapped back.

"Oi, royalty over here! I should get to pick first!" Dragonfly inputted.

"Nobody cares!" Mallow and Locust hissed.

"U-uhm, since you all can't decide, maybe I should pick first to solve this argument?" Acacia suggested.

"NO." All three dragons roared.

"S-sorry..." The orange and green LeafWing looked towards his talons, hurt.

"Pfft. They're fighting over rocks." Cobalt whispered to Admiral next to her.

"Are you sure we didn't get kidnapped with dragonets?" He laughed back.

"Hm, that is a relevant theory, I'd say you're 99% correct." She burst into giggles.

Admiral joined her laughter, before all four fighting dragons turned to face them.

"What's so funny?" Acacia asked.

"Y-you wouldn't understand." responded Cobalt, barely able to speak over laughter.

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