Chapter 2

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Admiral turned to look over his shoulder seeing the HiveWing that had stopped in front of him storm toward a stall. He sighed, HiveWings always think they're better than us.

"Admiral, there you are, I've been looking everywhere for you." his sister, Peacock, called rushing up to him. Admiral glanced at his sister, his eyes getting drawn to her new wings.

"Come on, Lady said that Swallowtail's going through metamorphosis, so do you want to go see him or not?" Peacock asked, walking alongside him.

"Yeah, I would like to see that, though it's strange seeing all my friends getting wings while I'm still wingless." Admiral responded.

"Look don't worry I'm sure you'll metamorphose soon, it can't be too long after me, and Crimson hasn't gone through his yet, neither has Atlas." Peacock replied, resting one of her wings on his shoulder.

"Sure." replied Admiral glumly, sometimes he envied the HiveWings gifted with their wings from birth, able to fly and do acrobatics, at younger ages than he could.

He turned his head glancing around the marketplace glancing from store to store, not like he could buy anything, his family never seemed to have enough. Just then he noticed a strange dragon wearing a long robe that concealed their wings and claws. Strange, he thought, why would anyone do that? He turned and called toward Peacock, "You, go on ahead I need to check something out!"

"Okay, but be careful!" His sister called back.

Admiral gulped as he walked toward the strange figure, heart of a lion, that's what his mother said. He reached the figure noticing the rich yellow green colour of their snout. Admiral gulped and gently tapped the dragon's shoulder, "Excuse me sir..." he began before the dragon's head whipped around startled,

"What, no I don't know anything about- oh, it's just a SilkWing." the dragon sighed. Admiral looked at them in confusion, "Ex-excuse me... mam?" Admiral asked.

"Y-yes mam, I use mam." the dragon said, hurriedly.

What a weird dragon. Something's off. "I just wanted to know, you seem awfully shady." Stupid. You're acting like an idiot.

"Am I?" the dragon squawked, "Oh, dear I'll have to get Goldenrod to get me a new disguise. Oh, thistle-fluff. Mallow, you're such an idiot."

Admiral paused, taken aback. Mallow? What kind of name is that, unless... I've caught a LeafWing!

"Hey you're a- mff" Admiral began before the dragon clamped his snout shut with her claws.

"Shush, I don't want to get caught, in fact because of the stupid policy, I may have to take you with me. It's dumb I know but can't have our resitance getting uprooted." At this the dragon reached into her cloak and pulled out a small vial, she then uncorked it with her teeth and waved it beneath his snout. Admiral began to feel drowsy, before slipping into a deep slumber.


When Admiral woke up he was in an unfamiliar den, with thick green leaves cloaking the ceiling. He heard some voices coming from outside, "Mallow, I can't believe you kidnapped a SilkWing and a dragonet for that matter, their family must be going bananas" said the first voice, laced with scorn.

"Birch, I had too, he was about to out me as a spy." replied a second voice, this one he recognised as his kidnapper.

"Well, I'm sorry but you'll have to explain that to Oak, he's furious we have to keep a hostage for who knows how long." snapped the first voice back.

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