Chapter 32

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Acacia was beginning to grow weary. Admiral and Cobalt had just disappeared off to who knows where, and Locust was counting on them to move soon.

"We can't just leave them!" He protested. "Not on their own!"

"Geez, relax. Admiral has that key thing, and your girlfriend has flamesilk," Locust snorted.

"WHAT?" Acacia yelled, earning unwanted stares. "Oh, uh, I mean," he made a half-cough-half-grunt noise at the back of his throat. "What in the moons do you mean? Cobalt's not my-"

"Pfft, you knew who I was talking about too. You definitely ar-"

"Who else do we know that has flamesilk? Cobalt's the only dragon we kno-"

"Ok, ok, cool it, I'm just joking with ya'," Locust snickered. "Anyway, they'll find their way back to us."

"But what if they don't?"

"Duuuuuuuuuuuuude, they're fine."


"They're fine, Acacia."

"But what if-"

"Nothing's going to happen to them."


"Can you just, like, shut up? I told you, they- Cobalt is going to be fine. Now, get on with it"

Acacia lowered his brow. "Fine..."

"You see?" Locust muttered. "Now, DARNER, MEADOW, get your backsides over here! We're going to loo- WE'RE LEAVING."

"Yes, my sire," Dragonfly mocked.

"Shut up, that's my thing to do to you," The sun-coloured HiveWing snarled. "MEADOW, GET OVER HERE."

"Coming!" Meadow, or Mallow, paddled over to them. "Sorry, sir, I just got a little interested... talking to the locals."

"Mrgh," Locust hissed. "Come on."

"HELP!" Acacia heard a voice wail. "HELP! HELP! FIRE! THERE'S A FIRE!"

The commotion in the market square was unreal. Dragonets screaming, SilkWings running, HiveWings flying, guards chasing to the uproar. Although it would usually be deemed destructive, Acacia was quite happy to see the fire.

Fire has to have a source. Fire means flamesilk. Flamesilk means Cobalt.

Acacia paused for a brief second.

Ok, what has gotten into me? Shut up Acacia, shut up.

"That's the perfect distraction," Locust's whispering entered his thoughts. "They did it well, credit to them. Come on, let's go look for the helm."

"But what about Cobalt and Admiral?" Mallow asked.

"Oh, don't be an Acacia." Locust snorted.

"Hey!" Acacia shot the HiveWing a glare.

"I, for one, agree with Locust, I thin-" Dragonfly started, before Locust inputted.

"What? Has this EVER happened before? Oh my gosh, this is REVOLUTIONARY! This changes EVERYTHING!"

"Ok, now you're being an Acacia."

"I'M STILL HERE YOU KNOW!" Acacia grunted.


"Thank you!" Locust sighed. "You heard her, let's move!"


The group, minus Cobalt and Admiral, had come to an immediate stop. Mallow had noticed a heavily armed, barricaded door in the hive, in some of the lower levels.

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