Chapter 12

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Admiral nosed his way out of his cocoon, tearing away at the silk that held the cocoon's shape, he was ravenous and was pushing hard against the walls. Eventually he broke through the walls and shoved his nose into the open air, he took a deep breath in. He then shoved his claws into the gap and outwardly ripped a larger hole in the cocoon. Slowly he shifted his weight and did his best to slide out of the tear. He slumped on the ground letting himself rest, his legs aching a little and he felt like he should be in the sky stretching out his wings. He lifted his head looking to see Cobalt's blue eyes looking down at him. "Are you alright? How do your wings feel? Do your wrists itch? It's really hard to get out of the cocoon, isn't it? Did you dream about anything cool in there? Are you hungry? Oh! You're probably hungry. I'll go get something for you." she cried, before rushing out of the cave. Admiral blinked in surprise, well I didn't expect that for my metamorphosis. He stood up shakily glancing around, Locust was looking at him with interest, his silver and gold wings resting on his back. Admiral turned his head seeing Dragonfly nearby; he was trying his best to look dignified, despite having several bandages and a cut on one of his amber wings. Mallow was across from Dragonfly, she was ruffling her mint-green wings as she looked down at the scraps of the cocoon. Acacia was next to her leaning on Mallow's shoulder, his light green wings brushing against her side. Then Cobalt came back in, carrying a clawful of mangoes and strawberries, her wings glinted with dazzling shades of blue and white. She tossed the fruit onto the ground, "Here you go Admiral, tried to find the best stuff 'cause you haven't eaten in days, plus after this you could stretch your new wings!" she said, a smile lighting up her muzzle. Admiral picked up the nearest mango and began peeling it with one claw. Wings! I can fly now, then maybe I won't be jeered at as much by the HiveWing dragonets! He gulped down the mango, its sweet juice filling his mouth. He scooped up a few strawberries and tossed them into his mouth, swallowing them in a few bites.

After he had finished eating, Cobalt grasped his claw and pulled him out of the cave. "Come on! Come on! There's so much I have to show you." she cried and pulled him toward a large cavern. It was tall with several ledges in different places, some leading into different tunnels, a river cut across the floor and there were several table-like rocks scattered about the room. The walls were scattered with maps and battle plans, in one corner sat, what looked like a young SilkWing dragonet, wait they have their wings already. How? They don't look older than 2 at least.

"That's Mica," murmured Cobalt, "remember her, the one who was sent to watch us."

"Right, yeah, I remember." replied Admiral, before he was tugged away to a different tunnel.

"Through here is the training hall." Cobalt explained as they entered a fairly large cave, "And down that hall is the sleeping cave."

Admiral nodded as he scanned the room, Cobalt nudged him to show that she was heading to a different room. They plunged through the caves until they came to a simple room lit with firefly jars. A pure white dragon was curled in the corner, whimpering in their sleep. "This is Lunate." murmured Cobalt, "He's been in a coma since before we got here, but now you've seen everything, let's stretch our wings!"

Admiral dipped his head and followed Cobalt, they entered back into the large cavern, where another white dragon was now settled. "E-excuse me G-g-general!" Cobalt called out. The dragon lifted his head, "What?" they growled.

"W-w-we would t-to go flying." murmured Cobalt, tapping her fore-claws together.

"Eh? Okay sure, take Mica with you, she's becoming quite the clawful." growled the dragon, "And don't try anything, we'll find you."

"O-o-okay!" replied Cobalt, "M-m-mica, c-come on w-we're going flying, b-b-because S-skull said so."

The tiny dragonet squeaked before bounding up to them. Cobalt slowly began walking down through the corridor, heading to a tunnel that sloped upward. They walked up it, Admiral then noticed a small circle of daylight that was slowly getting larger. Eventually they stepped out into the daylight, Admiral lifted his snout into the air and took a deep breath in. He knew that it had recently rained, both from his antenna and the slick wetness on the rock beneath his claws. He suddenly felt the need to fly, to glide in the blue sky that was now in his sight. He paused looking down at the valley that stretched out beneath him.

Admiral took a deep breath, he crouched down sighing, before kicking off the rock. He closed his eyes, expecting to feel wind rushing through his antenna before he fell to his death. But instead, he heard the soft thud of wingbeats, Admiral opened his eyes slowly one at a time. He was flying! Admiral gave a whoop of delight before twisting and diving into the valley. Instead of the wind bringing fear it brought joy. Before he could hit the ground he pulled up and flapped up toward the sky again. He looked across at his wings, white and brown and red, all shining in the sunlight. If only mother could see me now. He twisted, flapping jerkily back toward the rock shelf he had taken off from. "Your wings look gorgeous. I've never really seen that colour on a SilkWing before and isn't flying amazing!" smiled Cobalt, looking at him with a twinkle in her eyes.

"It is indeed, I'm no longer afraid of falling, if I do, I can just open my wings and keep flying on." Admiral replied, scanning his wings. Mica flopped onto the stone next to Admiral, "It's not fair you're faster than me and you've only had your wings for a day." she whined, before standing up and looking as huffy as possibly, which just made her look even more adorable. "Aww, sorry you're just so cute." chuckled Admiral, rubbing the top of Mica's head, this only made her frown deeper, "I'm not cute I'm a fearsome warrior, see."

At this she crouched before pouncing on a pebble. She grinned looking at them with wide pale magenta eyes. She reminds me so much of Mulberry. Admiral twitched his tail tip. He glanced at the sky, could he escape he had the chance, maybe he could see Freefly and Mustard, as well as Peacock and Postman, maybe he could see his family again, but then the dragon's words came echoing back to him, don't try anything, we'll find you. Would he really put his family in danger, just to see them again?

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