Chapter 28

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Acacia awoke the next day, feeling as refreshed as ever. He could definitely say, he needed that slumber after all that running around.

Reluctantly, Acacia pried his eyes open. The light startled him, as he hadn't expected it to be this bright. He was in a sinkhole after all.

The LeafWing clambered upright, scanning around the room to see if anyone was awake yet. Mallow and Admiral were in deep sleep, breathing heavily to themselves. Locust was perched upon a slanted rock-form, yet again, in daunting, deep sleep. Cobalt seemed the only normal one, sleeping lightly in the far, rounded corner. As for Dragonfly, he appeared to be missing.

Did I like, miss something? Actually, did me and Cobalt like, miss something?

Acacia stopped silently.

Wait, what's that noise?

Acacia spun around to face the other end of the sinkhole, eyeing it with curiosity. To his confusion, Dragonfly was encased in a heap of vines, snoring loudly.

Well, uhm, that explains the noise...I guess? But, WHAT IN THE ACTUAL MOONS HAPPENED HERE? Did Mallow and Dragonfly like, have a full-on battle frenzy or something? Cause' these vines are obviously her work, no one else here has leafspeak.

Acacia waltzed past Dragonfly to the other end of the sinkhole, settling down on his underbelly.

Hm, Ghost said she'd consider my request, but I haven't exactly had the time to look in this satchel.

Acacia looped the bag off his scaled neck and onto the cold-reaction ground below him. Careful not to damage anything, he rummaged inside the claw-made satchel. His talon hit something flexible, in which he pulled out.

It looked like a book, but not a book, it looked like paper, rolled out into this crafted, wooden frame. Along the frame, was a metal-marked, green and orange pattern, which showed carvings of dragons and more dragons, all cooperating, together.

It was the most beautiful, yet devastating thing he had ever seen.

Its crafting was beyond measure, yes, its patterns and styling were excellent, yes, but paper came from a natural source, paper came from trees.

He didn't know what to think of it, as he had asked for it, but he unravelled it anyway. Inside, held rolls upon rolls of paper, followed by a note, which Acacia read.


I have decided to fulfil your request. Here is 'writing material' as you asked. If you don't know what it is, it is a scroll. It's like a book, but better. Some may disagree, but it is. I picked this one out for you because it reminds me of your maniatic colour scheme.

Have fun writing, I guess,


Well I guess she's nice. Acacia thought. A 'scroll'. Hm, cool.

Along with the paper and note, was an attached ink pot of quartz colouring.

Unscrewing the lid, and dipping his talon in the pot, Acacia began to write. His handwriting wasn't the best, but it would do.

The tale of

Cavernous Promises

Documented and witnessed by Acacia the LeafWing

He wrote on the first blank roll, also adding a contents and introduction, which he would add to later.

11/05 - 38 years after The Tree Wars

Wings of Fire - Cavernous PromisesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora