Chapter 9

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Dragonfly didn't know what to say. For the first time in his life, he wanted to ask questions. Questions! Really? Vinegaroon would be so disappointed in him. Yet, so much had just happened. He wanted to ask about LeafWings, why they even existed still, and Cobalt's flammable silk that he had never heard of. He wanted to ask why Admiral had just kidnapped himself. He wanted to ask why the other LeafWing could control plants. He wanted to ask about his kidnappers, the kidnappers. He wanted to ask about the crystal helm, he wanted to ask about Lunate. He wanted to ask so many questions that he could hardly count them.

"Allas," continued Skull, the really creepy pale dragon that had just imprisoned them, "We can't bare to keep him like this much longer. That is why you are here."

Pffft. Dragonfly thought. He expects us, not even us, he expects me to do his dirty work. It's your problem in the first place white head, you go deal with it without dragging me, royalty, into this.

"We cannot go ourselves as we would stick out, rather... much." he finished.

I am NOT doing anything for this excuse of a dragon. Honestly, they aren't even from my TRIBE. Which I am royalty to by the way, creepy snouts.

"We have to get back soon, as Ulna will just send more dragons into this death trap of a continent."

"Continent?" Cobalt shot. "What do you mean continent? Are you saying the distant kingdoms are real?!"

"Well one of them's caught up." laughed the pale orange dragon behind Dragonfly.

Caught up? What does he mean by cau- OH WAIT. How could he have not thought of this before? He, Prince Dragonfly, was royalty. He was supposed to catch onto these things. That means... THESE DRAGONS ARE FROM THE LOST CONTINENT!

Skull must have seen the realisation in his face as he laughed, "Caught up to you little grasshopper?"

A- a- a- a-. Dragonfly was lost for not only words but thoughts. The lost continent, Clearsight, they were all real! There were other dragon tribes out there! WAIT. What did those freaky faces mention? SondWings, SioWings? OH SANDWINGS! THAT MEANS-

"W-wait! SandWings. SandWings are tribes from over the sea aren't they?" Dragonfly shot.

"WHY OF COURSE THEY ARE!" the pure white one chuckled. "They're in the middle of a massive war! Over the throne of all things too."

Dragonfly's jaws dropped. THEY HAVE WARS FOR THE THRONE? An idea formed in his mind. D-does that mean, I, Prince Dragonfly, could start a war against Queen Wasp, for her throne. Oh my moons! I could! I could! I could be the first ever king of Pantala! Oh my oh my!

"Yes yes, those RainWings of sisters had to drag other tribes into their war too." responded the same pale dragon.

R-rainWings aren't the- His thoughts were cut off by Skull.

"I'm so glad Ulna decided not to join. Yet I'm unsure if Scaphoid agrees."

"E-excuse me." Interrupted Locust, "But who on Pantala is 'Scaphoid'. Don't even get me started on who Ulna is. Is she your moony-eyed Queen you were talking about?"

"Oh shut it." responded Skull. "They are none of your concern right now."

"I, Prince Dragonfly, think that they are of our concern a-"

"Oh, so you're a prince now!" mocked Skull, "My oh my, this changes EVERYTHING!"

You little monkey of a dragon. Dragonfly hissed in his mind. Nobody from across the seas shall offend me today! Oh no, oh no!

He opened his jaws, about to comment something snappy, before the dragon general beat him, again.

"I have decided that your little group here is decidedly more valuable."

Yeah, probably because of me. The HiveWing prince.

"Does that mean you'll let us go now?" asked Acacia.

The foreign dragons only laughed. Way to go, orange speckles.

"We have..." Skull forced his gaze down upon the dragonets. "Plans for you."

"Wow, I'm honoured." smirked Locust.

"You should be." snapped Skull.

"I'm beginning to become concerned now." stated the yellow HiveWing.

"Again, you should be."

"Mhmmmm sure."

"Silence you little bumblebee!"

"Calcite, go put Mr Silver's cocoon somewhere... empty." ordered Skull. "The rest, to the main caverns."

Before Dragonfly knew what he was doing, he was being marched down a tunnel back out into the open expanse of caves. And guess who was shoved next to a supposed-to-be-extinct-dragon who wouldn't stop talking? Dragonfly.

"What are you exactly? A-and how did you even get here?" The green LeafWing pestered.

"Did we not tell you enough?" growled one of the pale dragons.

"Well, it's not my fault you kidnapped us. Also I have the right to know."

"Pfft sure."

"And also how do you shoot those beams and how do you find us so quickly when we escape like how..." the LeafWings voice faded as Dragonfly stuck himself in his own thoughts.

Will that Acacia dragon ever shut up? Honestly! If he were a SilkWing peasant or HiveWing I would have ordered him to chain his snout closed. But NO, he's a LeafWing! Of course he is.

The dragons entered a medium-sized cave, a river flowing inwards and around the base. The water ended up on a high ledge before cascading down back into the endless stream. Hm. That's cool. I wonder if I can convince mother to take it for me. Or I'll take it myself because I can so do that. Small patches of grass occupied most of the room that wasn't water, forming bedding.

"Drink." ordered Skull, pointing with his wings toward the river.

"Uhm, why?" hissed Locust.

"Because otherwise you will die. I mean unless you want that."

"Haha, very 'funny"

"I said, drink."

Acacia was the first one to bend down and consume the water, quickly followed by Mallow and Cobalt. Locust and Dragonfly were more reluctant, but admitted defeat eventually.

They sank down before drinking the cave water, disappointed. It tastes like rotten eggs. It's faint but ew! They shouldn't be treating royalty like this! I should demand better.

"Oi, pale face." He started. The dragon general turned around immediately.

"What." he hissed.

"This tastes disgusting. I demand that you give us, I mean me, otherwise."

"Pfft how about no. What's even wrong with it?"

"It tastes like metal."

"Too bad."

"No, give me something else."

"We don't have 'something else' so go to your invincible mother and cry about it. OH WAIT. She's not here."

"I'm royalty standing right here you know, right here."

"Yeah, we don't care. The only royalty I fear is the crazy animus kind, now drink."

"What the h-" Locust started.

"Shut up and drink."

Dragonfly snorted before taking another gulp of water.

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