Chapter 40

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The mist changed form in front of Acacia, revealing the sulking form of Scaphoid.

The CavernWing's eyes dropped and flipped, his voice becoming an ever deepening growl.

"Ulna!" The prince shouted. "Why do I have to talk to these dragonets? Do you not know, I am TIRED?"

"Say thank you to them, ok? Then meet me at the Hatchery." Ulna's voice echoed through the mist.

Scaphoid sighed with annoyance. "Thank you, now goodbye."

And with that, the CavernWing evaporated, until no trace of his appearance was found.

"Well, that was pretty lousy..." Dragonfly muttered under his breath.

"Mate, you can't say anything," Acacia shot back. "Your thanks are pretty lousy themselves."

"That was before."


The former prince hissed. "Do dragons not accept change..."

"Both of you, shut up." Skull growled, turning round to face the group. "You say you want to come, now is your final decision, before we leave." His eyes narrowed like spears.

"But what if-" Mallow began, before the General cut her off.

"No buts, you either come or you don't, last offer."


The wind whipped past Acacia's face as he flapped his wings, effortlessly, in the breeze. The three moons were shining down on him and the group, two full, one on the breaks of disappearance. It was night, and they were making their trek back to Pyrrhia, so the CavernWing's called it.

What if there really is no continent, and- and this is just some wild fantasy? Acacia trembled in his mind. What if they didn't really come from overseas, and they originated from Pantala? What if they're just delusional?

But they can't be. The back of his mind whispered. Think about Lunate. There's no way his powers originated from over here. Even the animus dragons, even Scaphoid, they can't be from here, they just can't.

A silence flooded Acacia.

I need to stop.

He scanned his surroundings in the little light he had, before his gaze landed on Mallow and Cobalt, talking quietly under the moonlight. Their scales shone with the moons, making them appear pure diamond. Acacia reluctantly knocked his head down in frustration.

You tried to convince her, and she said no. End of. He hissed.

You still have Admiral. You still have Locust. You still have Dragonfly. You still have... Cobalt... You still have the CavernWings.

Argh! But the group isn't complete without the six of us!

No, Acacia, stop. It's Mallow's choice if she wants to leave, not yours.

Acacia had tried his best to convince his friend to stay, to travel with them to the new mysterious continent, to have the group whole. In his consistent efforts, Mallow had declined.

"B-b-but-" Acacia stuttered.

"Look, Acacia, I've told you like a trillion times, I'm going back home to Black wood." Mallow said, pacing around the training cave.

"But it's not the group without you!"

"The group actually likes you, not me."

"That's not true, we all love you!"

"Pfft, not a chance..."

"Yes, a chance."

"Look, that's not the point. My home is Black wood, my family is Black wood, my life is Black wood. It would be foolish if I were not to return."

"But we're your family! Me, Cobalt, Admiral, Dragonfl-"

"I'm going to stop you right there, that's YOUR family, not mine. They wouldn't and don't accept me."

"Yes they do!"

"I'm sorry Acacia, but it's not your call. It's mine, and- a-a-a-a-a I'm making a point. I know you're trying to make me feel better and want to stay and stuff, but it's my choice, and I'm going back to Black wood."

Acacia sighed. He knew there was nothing much else he could do to make Mallow stay. He just had to go on without her.

And then there were five...

"Wait guys, I think I can see the Black wood post up ahead." Mallow flicked her tail in the air. "See down there?"

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