Chapter 27

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Mallow woke up with a start at the sound of shouting. She looked over her shoulder and saw Locust wrestling with Dragonfly, but something was off.

"You will regret this!" screamed Dragonfly, but it was clearly someone else behind his scream. The idiot didn't take off his ring, did he? Mallow glanced around looking for the ring, she eventually saw it, the diamonds sparkling in the light of Cobalt's silk. Mallow rushed over to it, grasping it in her claws. "Locust catch!" She cried, throwing it to Locust. His claw shot up and barely caught it.

"So the LeafWing joins the fight." drawls Wasp, turning Dragonfly's head to face Mallow. Wasp-onfly's tail whipped out, hitting Locust in the chest. Locust stumbled on them, growling Wasp-onfly swiped their claws over Locust's shoulder. He opened his jaws as if to roar but his face seemed to freeze at that moment. No, we won't be able to wake him up for ages, I think? Thistle, why didn't you teach me more about HiveWings, than 'avoid them or kill them'?

Wasp-onfly growled, turning to face Mallow.

"Now, he's out of the way. It's time to kill you." they hissed and leapt at Mallow. She ducked and swiped her tail upward. Wasp-onfly gasped, as they were launched into the wall. Mallow swallowed and reached out to something, anything that could help her, please capture Wasp-onfly, hold them down and keep them there until I say, please.

Nothing happened and Mallow began to panic. Then vines wound into the cave and lunged toward Wasp-onfly. They howled in surprise as the vines wrapped around their claws and wings, pinning them to the floor.

Oh, thank-youthank-youthank-youthank-youthank-youthank-you.

No problem.

Mallow turned back to Locust, who was still frozen. She bounded up to him and looked around, seeing the ring a little ways away from his claw. Mallow picked up the ring and walked back to Wasp-onfly.

"You won't get away with this LeafWing." snarled Wasp, twisting Dragonfly's head to face Mallow.

"My name is Mallow and I think I just did." replied Mallow, then slipped the ring on Dragonfly's claw.

"Yes, that went exactly as planned!" cried Dragonfly, as soon as his eyes returned to normal.

"Reeeeally." inquired Mallow, "So getting Locust paralyzed, you tied up and gave me a panic attack was part of your plan?"

Dragonfly looked lost for words, he hung his head and looked at the ground. Admiral just then woke up with a sleepy sneeze. He opened his eyes and looked around, "What happened?" he asked, looking between Dragonfly, Mallow and Locust's statue.

"Dragonfly was an idiot." replied Mallow.

"Oh." Admiral murmured, "Okay... So does this mean we'll be held back a day?"

"What do you mean?" asked Mallow, glancing at Locust.

"Well one of my brothers, Gunmetal, gets into trouble a lot." Admiral explained, "He gets captured and put in Misbehavour's Way, they paralyse him and he stays like that for a full day, so we're going to have to wait for Locust to come to."

"But I woke up when Locust dropped me when the CavernWings attacked me." Mallow squawked, puzzled.

"Then we'll have to drop him from the top of the sinkhole." replied Admiral, shrugging his shoulders. Mallow looked at Locust, whose ice blue eyes were still glaring at the stone wall where Wasp-onfly was. His face was frozen in a look of absolute fury.

"Let's do that." replied Mallow, before leaning into whisper to Admiral, "You make a springy web to make sure he doesn't die, we still need him."

"Surething, you take him out to the top of the pit." replied Admiral, standing up. Mallow nodded and walked over to Locust, grabbing him by the horns and dragging him to the tunnel exit.

They reached the open air and the rain was pouring down, a full on storm. Mallow beat her wings getting herself into the air, she then reached down and fastened her claws around Locust's wings. She and Admiral had managed to remove his armour with some difficulty, as some of the straps were difficult to get too. Even so he was very heavy and Mallow wouldn't be surprised if she dropped him at any moment and she'd have to send some vines to catch him. Somehow she managed to struggle to the top of the sinkhole, where she dropped Locust amongst the long grass and collapsed to the ground. She was exhausted and it had been a long day. But it felt nice to be among nature again. She glanced at Locust, who was still in the same position. Mallow waited, until Admiral called up, "I'm ready, toss him down!"

Mallow obliged and ran into Locust's shoulder at full force, sending him teetering over the edge. For a few seconds there was nothing, then Locust gave a loud roar and Admiral shouted up, "HE'S FINE! OW!"

Mallow swooped down to the group, landing in a puddle with a splash. Locust glared at her, puffing out his chest.

"What was that?!" he spat, narrowing his eyes at Mallow.

"We were only helping you." replied Mallow, glancing at Admiral, who had a gash on his snout.

"My quarrel's not with you, now where's that idiot Dragonfly?" Locust snapped, his eyes flashing as he stormed off toward the tunnel.

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