Chapter 19

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Cobalt was utterly amazed, yet utterly confused. Admiral's family had managed to defy hive laws, putting an entrance or exit, whatever they called it, out the back. It was such a brilliant feat, yet a confusing one. Why would they need this? Couldn't they just buy food? Or even collect rations? It made no sense.

I did hear Gunmetal before, trying to sell the key... She quizzed. I wonder wh- OH OF COURSE! Such a big family, little income. Where have I been these past few minutes? The distant kingdoms?

Admiral, and what looked to be someone of his kin, strode through to greet them.

"Everyone, this is Peacock, my twin sister."

"Hi!" The red and marine SilkWing stated energetically.

"Peacock, this is Locust," He gestured to the HiveWing, making the same motions for the rest of the group. "Mallow, Acacia, Dragonfl-"

"That's Prince Dragonfly, I have you." The amber HiveWing hissed.

"Yeah, Prince fancy-pants, and Cobalt." Admiral ended with a smile.

"Oooo, I like your scales." Peacock examined Cobalt.

"T-t-thanks... yours too." She stuttered back.

"Really? Why, thank you! I do try my best to keep them clean." The crimson SilkWing grinned.


"You must tell me, how do you keep yours that colour though! Like wow!"

"W-w-well, simple routine really, all I do i-"

"Mhm, mhm!"

"All I-I do i-is a cold w-w-water shower now and a-again."

"Ooo! I must try that!"

"Y-you really s-should,"

"Oh! And your wings!" Peacock beamed, "They're so beautiful!"

Does this dragon really think so highly of me? I think I'm a disgrace.

"T-thank you, may I s-see yours?" Cobalt asked.

"Of course!" Peacock brushed past her, enlarging her wings outwards. An array of blues, reds and whites shot out toward Cobalt, shining with the lamp-light. They glistened all sorts of shades, brighter than a rainbow.

"W-wow..." Cobalt stood, spellbound. "T-they're brilliant."

"Oh, thanks! Yours too!"

Cobalt couldn't help but smile.

"If you two are done over there, I would like to get going." Locust called.

"Already?" Peacock moaned.

"Yeah, already?" Admiral joined his sister.

"Yes, in case you have forgotten, some of us have family too, like a certain Prince perhaps." Dragonfly inputted to the conversation.

"Actually, that's not what I meant, insect." Locust shot back.

"Says you, you're named after one too, remember?"

"Shut up. I meant, we should probably get going. I don't want to see my father as much as we wouldn't want to run into Wasp, and I don't think we really need to visit a psycho Hive owner, who, let's not forget, would probably imprison us."

"My mother is no psycho," Dragonfly hissed. "And let's not forget about Cobalt, Acacia and Mallow, who may want to see their family too."

"Oh, look who cares for us now," Mallow growled.

"It's called truth," the Prince roared.

"Guys, guys, cool it!" Acacia pried his way to the centre. "We don't want to make a mess of Admiral's home, do we?"

"There will be no mess, if this idiotic Prince will give up." Mallow scorned.

"You're pushing it way too far, LeafWing..." The HiveWing glared.

"Hm? So are you."


"NEVER!" Both quarrelling dragons hissed.

In this time, Cobalt had made her way over to Admiral, him being the only sane dragon in the room, besides Peacock and herself.

"Another typical day." She sighed.

"Never ends." He laughed back.

"One day, I hope they do. It wouldn't be wise to keep this up, while in the open." Cobalt stated reasonably.

"Yeah, we'd be caught in moments." Admiral agreed.


"I am not to be made a joke of by some dumb founded, wingless SilkWing!" Mallow roared.

"Heard that!" Yelled a voice from the door.

"For once in my life, I agree with the LeafWing. No baby peasants, thank you very much!" Dragonfly roared.

"We are not peasants!" Came another voice.

For the love of- I have an idea.

"Admiral, you reckon we can tie 'em up with our silk?" Cobalt asked.

"Probably, let's give it a shot." Admiral replied.

With that, the two sprung up from their positions, each going round a separate way.

In one fell swoop, they lassoed the quarrelling dragons together, careful to avoid Acacia and Locust. Once the dragons were wrapped together, they stopped to look at their work.

"Pretty impressive, don't you say?" Admiral laughed.

"Our finest work so far." Cobalt lifted her head sarcastically.

"It needs a name." The crimson SilkWing declared.

"GET US, I mean me, OUT OF THIS AT ONCE!" Dragonfly snarled.

"Hmmmm names..." She ignored him. "Something to do with annoyance..."

"Large catastrophe of mayhem." Admiral suggested.

"Perfect, suits the situation with fine standards."

"Couldn't agree more."

Name in place, the two SilkWings burst out into hoards of laughter.

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