Chapter 21

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Mallow walked down the Hive's main street, which was filled with stalls and barterers, there were a few stores built into the walls of the hive, those seeming to be more expensive. Mallow had been here a few times, almost getting caught on all occasions. But now she felt more confident, the Night Whistle bounced off her chest, giving Mallow the constant reminder of her most reliable escape method. Plus, with Oakleaf's disguises they passed off as SilkWings, Meadow, I still like that name, it's close to mine and it still is kind of LeafWing-y, so I can remember it. Better than 'Moth' or 'Butterfly' or 'Colourful', Goldenrod, what were you thinking?

"Guys we have a problem." muttered Locust, as he walked between them.

"What is it?" asked Acacia, or Adonis. Mallow found that it helped, call the dragon their disguise name in your head, you can more consistently remember to call them that out loud.

"Mason," replied Locust, "my older brother, he's the kind who, even without the hive mind, would follow every order Wasp gave him, even if it was to jump off the top of the hive. Also if he's here that can only mean my father is too."

"Oh, that's just great." snorted Dragonfly, who had just appeared.

"Where did you fly off too?" snapped Locust, glaring at him.

"I flew off to the distant kingdoms, of course." Dragonfly replied, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Guys." Admiral called, rushing up to them, "I found someone with info on the Crystal Helm! Follow me!"

Mallow followed Admiral for a good while, before they reached a elderly HiveWing resting by a stall. "Here she is." breathed Admiral.

"Admiral," intoned Dragonfly, "Do you know who this is? This is Lady Scarab, so you may have just doomed us all."

Admiral fell back, glancing to the ground.

"Well, look who hasn't changed." Lady Scarab motioned to Dragonfly, "Cocky and self-full as always."

"We're here to discuss about the C.H." Admiral murmured, glancing back at the group.

"Ah, yes that, alright, come here I'll get you something if you want." Scarab gestured to the stall, which seemed to be selling coffee, "If you can give back the same amount of scales."

Mallow swallowed, she was in the presence of an important leader of the HiveWings, What would Thistle do? She would kill her on the spot, but I'm not Thistle and would need as much information as possible. "No, I'm good, I don't have anything on me at the moment." replied Mallow, glancing at Scarab, she's got glasses, hopefully she won't realise that I'm not a SilkWing.

"Oh, it would be my... pleasure, just pay me back later. Anything against Wasp's rule." Scarab snickered. "May I ask, your names? I know the prince here already, and Admiral has had me acquainted."

"M-meadow." replied Mallow, feeling her insides squirm, as if she'd swallowed a snake.

"I'm Locust, the son of Blackjack." replied Locust, flickering his wings a little.

"Blackjack, I remember him, he was always so... showy, never liked him myself." Scarab said, looking at Locust, "You have his snout you know."

"I get told that a lot." growled Locust.

"I'm C-c-c-c-cobalt, your... your... excellency." stuttered Cobalt.

"Stutter-y one, aren't you?" Scarab pointed a talon toward Cobalt. "Nevertheless, Lady or Madam will do fine."

"I'm Acacia." replied Acacia, before Mallow gave him a jab with her elbow, "Oh, sorry, I'm Adonis."

Scarab looked at him with narrowed eyes before saying, "Alright then, come, take a seat."

Mallow walked over to the stall and settled down, remembering to hold her wings out, rather than fold them. The others followed suit, Acacia ruffling his wings awkwardly. Lady Scarab only sipped her hot beverage, in wait, before starting.

"You wanted to know of the crystal helm?" She lowered her voice so only the group could hear her.

"Yes of course," Mallow said, before lowering her voice too, "We're on a mission to... recover it."

"Recover it?" Scarab said coldly. "I highly doubt that. In all, if you must know, Wasp guards it like honey to a bee. No matter the circumstance, it's always got guards posted. Unless, you can fight off the highest ranked and trained soldiers, you serve no chance."

"That should be no problem, I know a few moves from my father." snorted Locust.

"Your father?" barked Scarab. "The imbecile? You'll be killed in a matter of moments."

"We'll deal with the guard problem later, where is the Helm kept?" asked Mallow, glancing at Scarab.

The Lady stiffened, shallowing her voice, "It'skeptinWasphive."

"What?" asked Acacia, wrinkling his brow.

Scarab scowled. "It. Is. Kept. In. Wasp. Hive."

"Got that." snapped Locust, twitching his tail.

The HiveWing sighed, before continuing. "This information is vital. How do I know, you will use it with a good cause?"

"Because it's not for us." blurted out Mallow, putting her claw on the table, "It's for a little, no not little, it's for a friend who lives in the hills north-west of here."

"Lunate." Scarab eyed her. "It is, isn't it?"

"Yes, he really needs it, if not he'll die." replied Mallow.

"I should have known... I know very little of them, but I witnessed their escape. The helm, Wasp, took it. Whatever it is. I saw her do it."

"Guys." Admiral called, "Look."

They turned around, several of the dragons around them were looking straight at them, all their eyes milky and white. One of them at the front, a HiveWing with amber and black stripes, let out a loud roar. Before all the dragons in the marketplace charged at them.

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