Chapter 2

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Lisa's PoV

"Can you get Dr.Kim for me?"I said to the nurse and she smiled nodding. "Thanks."I said before she could even walk away.

I sighed heavily and sat beside Seulgi who's eating her bread silently while answering some emails on her laptop.

"Was it bad?"She asked and I nodded.

"The tumor spread-"

"Excuse me ma'am, are you Dr. Manoban?"A guy wearing a black suit interrupted me.

I nodded, confused. I don't know him.

"Yes, why?"

"I'm Mr.Kim's secretary and he's asking for you."He said politely.

Nervousness invaded my feelings. I feel like I just want to be glued down to this chair and sat here forever than talk to him. I was about to stand up but Seulgi pulled me back.

"Give me the file. I'll go with the guy."She said standing up instead of me, making me chuckle.

She's afraid for me. She doesn't know Mr.Kim nor know his face but she do know what that guy made me do. I never really told her the exact details because I can't but she do get the point.

"I'll be okay. Just wait for me here."I said standing up. 

I followed the guy from behind as I heard my phone ring. I was getting my phone from my pocket that I didn't even notice that the guy stopped that made me bump my forehead on his back. I mumbled "Sorry" and successfully get the phone from my pocket. 

"Ms.Kim..."The guy bowed at Jennie which made me instantly bow too without thinking. Damn, this nervousness is killing me. She looked at me confused, probably asking herself why I did that.

"Where are you taking her?"She asked the guy who's wearing a black suit.

"Your father asked for her."He answered politely.

"Wait for us in the corridor. I have to talk to her with something first."She said and the guy immediately obliged living us both alone.

"Follow me."She said and  walking away not even waiting for me but that's not a problem since I have long limbs, I can keep up with her pace easily.

"Do you want me to start talking about your mom's tumor?"I asked and she didn't answer me. We entered a room where I recognizes as a office. I looked around as I let Jennie do her thing and I realized that it is her office.      

"You got an office you must be the head of cardiothoracic surgery!" I sounded very proud than I anticipated.

She ignored what I said and hand me a new scrubs saying, "Your clothes are soaked up of my mom's blood, change."

"I don't need to change into that, you can just lend me a shirt." I said refusing to take it and hand it back to her.

"I don't have extra shirts with me."She said 

"It's fine. I'm going home after telling you and your dad what your mom's condition is anyway."

"My dad wouldn't like to see you this way."She said making me shut up. 

My heart feel like tearing apart right now.

"You mean, your dad wouldn't like to see you with me?"I said playfully trying to ease the tension. I chuckled it out, tucking in my shirt to my pants. "Is this good? I don't really feel like wearing those scrubs that you're offering me right now." I asked avoiding her gaze.

I'm afraid that if ever i look in her eyes right now I might end up crying. 

"Okay then, let's head out."I said when my peripheral vision caught her nodding.

We head out and I only walk from behind her this time. Intentionally, slowing my pace, preparing myself from what's about to happen. We entered an empty room that Mr.Lim's secretary lead us to. 

I bowed as soon as I saw his presence and he only nodded and asked me and Jennie to sit down but I didn't. Instead, I went to Mr.Kim's way and started spreading out the files orderly.

"Good evening sir, this is what I have discovered..." I started to explain everything step by step to him and Jennie. Jennie will asked me questions when she don't understand a thing I stated and of course I would stop and explain it to her accordingly. 

She's a surgeon, I know she's determining whether my approach is good or not.

She's anxious. If I could, I would go to her right now and embrace her with my warmth, then tell her that everything would be okay. I will do my best to get that tumor out of her mom's head without any complications.

I've done it to times already and I feel confident about it.

"If the doctor is gonna poke the needle accidentally on the optic nerve there's a chance that she might get blind."

"Did any of your past patients with almost the same case as my mom got blind?"Jennie asked making me shook my head.

"The both of them survived without any complications."I tried to make my explanation as short as possible because it might come out as if I'm arrogant.

Well, I have high self esteem but it looks like that's gonna fade soon.

"Thank you so much for you explanations doctor. Would you be so kind to repeat all you said tomorrow when the head doctor of this case is arrive?"Mr.Kim stated making my mind blank

"Pardon me?"I asked

"What do you mean, dad? She's the head doctor of this case."Jennie said,confused.

Me and her dad made eye contact and from there I think I already know what he's trying to say.

He's firing me as her wife's doctor.

I clenched my teeth, trying to calm myself. Ten years has passed and he still have the same attitude.

"Of course, sir. But why would I need to repeat what I explained to you earlier to him? If you're replacing me with him doesn't that mean he's clearly way more skilled than I am? I don't think it's necessary for me to do that."I said slightly smiling.

Why am I even trying to prove myself? I didn't even want to be in this case in the first place? Stupid fucking self.

"My daughter,your boyfriend's gonna arrive tomorrow from Japan. I already contacted him about this and he said he's happy to help." He said answering her daughter then glance at me again saying, "Thank you for your help doctor. You may leave now."

Oh fuck me.

Will be updating every after four days!

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