Chapter 20

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Lisa's PoV

We excused ourselves from Mujin and Yohan and told them we'll be back in a moment. Mujin looked at us with concerned as he got some sense on what's going on.

We head to our apartment across Mujin's but the the door is at the other corner. We entered the place and suddenly I felt overwhelmed.

It has been a decade since I stood here with her. The last time was when we broke up.

"Why is it so clean?"I asked after I noticed.

"I had this place cleaned up every after 2 weeks." She confessed.

So that explains why this place is not that all dusty when I came here last time by myself.

"Should we talk in our room?" She asks and I shook my head.

"We promised to not argue in our bedroom, remember? I feel like whatever we are about to talk about we are going to still argue. We will always have disagreements and its understandable." I said and she nodded and told me to sit on the couch with her.

"Do you want to know how me and Kai met?" She said that made me scoffed.

"Don't you think that's a emotional damage to me, no?"

"I will be in pain telling this to you too so listen,"She said irritated and pulled my hand so she could hold it. "Do you still remember that we planned to go to Paris on our 5th anniversary?"

"But we broke up."I said

"Yes. But I still went there by myself during our 5th year anniversary. It's stupid I know-"

"It's not stupid. What you did crossed my mind too but I was a coward. I didn't go."

"Well, I wished you went there too," Her eyes went down to our hands. "I was so lonely until a few days after I met Kai. My mind was off and I was walking on the sidewalk with a coffee on my hand and I bumped unto him."

"Let me guess. He fell in love with you after he took a glance on you eyes?" She rolled her eyes with what I said and chuckled after.

"Is that how you fell in love with me?"

"How did you know?" I asked in all seriousness that made her laugh.

I never told her about it!

"Kai, he didn't get angry at me even though the coffee I accidentally poured on him was hot and his clothes got stained because of it. He was with his dad that time and I was so confused how his dad know my name. He told me that he and my father are friends. I wanted to do something for Kai because I feel bad about his clothes so I offered to buy him a new one. He refused at first but his dad pushed him to come to me. After all that when I got back to Korea, a few months after, I met him again in some party where my dad asked me to come with him. It was when me and Kai realize that they're starting to set us up together."

"I'm sorry but your dad is a terrible one." I commented

"I know. Me and Kai tried to date each other for real after 3 years of our parents trying to set us up but it never worked out because we confessed to each other that we still love our exes so we decided to just date fakely to make our dads happy because we know they're never going to stop trying."

"Do... you love him now?" Because if you do I really need to let go and find someone new.

"Would I be here, holding your hand, if I love him? Of course not, silly." She rolled her eyes again probably getting irritated of how stupid my question was. But that doesn't matter now, my heart is fluttering.

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