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"Rise to your feet!,... Should we be hopeful huh?" The king inquired, she fell back on her feet and pleaded for her life..

"I failed to assassinate the young prince your majesty!, however I came to you with a new bid, which when successfully implemented won't fail..!". She informed and raise her head to their faces..

The king took a moment to stare at his son .."and what bid is that huh? The prince questioned this time.. Aria took a bow and began, "King Nathan returned, failing to bring his bride,.. it's just a matter of time that crowning a queen will become a priority to the Valloany kingdom!"

She continued ,"if the king wills, groom me to the standard of a queen, raise my standard so high that no other candidate will match up, and once I find myself on that throne, the kingdom is as good as yours!, I'll be the best pawn for your success, your majesty!"

She ended ,her statement seemed pleasing to the king but the prince interrupted his decision.. "how can we trust your words this time? ,you failed one already! ,what's the guarantee?" He probed..

Aria took a moment to respond ,she hoisted her right arm and slashed it with the seal, her blood oozed onto the floor.. "this is my promise and commitment to South Akilis and your majesty Fabian!" She smirked sinisterly,

Whiles the prince showed their approval by placing his sword on her shoulders simultaneously... She was welcomed to the family with joy ..

When given assistant to help her with her wound, she objected.. "no !,I need to see this wound daily, it will be my source of inspiration and motivation !"

After receiving a warmth congratulations from Nathan, Sandra went to the store room to pick up the ancient book of magic and spells, just then ,she stumbled upon the dagger ..

She smiled knowing Jemilla was still alive, "need any help huh!" Lloyd who was observing her movement from the entrance politely asked.

Sandra smiled at his formalities.. "since when did you begin to ask?, it seems Jemy returned for a bit..!" She showed him to The dagger..

It's five days now since Devan began his revolt and has been successful, to the point that, he evaded Pearl's chambers when Lucious was out in the Southern Province planning what to do to save his family...

He captured Thessa, Kimbling and got Pearl moved into the throne room , he was in that hurry to take the throne, but unless Pearl willingly steps down or dies ,the throne will never be his..

Jemilla hovered around observing his every move, from her point of view ,she cast a spell which created a shell, encamping about Pearl..

Devan turned her chambers to his and got new decorations done ..he made sure to keep Kimbling by his side everywhere he went, got the palace gate locked and heavily guarded to make sure Lucious has no access to enter ...

Jemilla made out his plan and decided to bring Lucious in on her own to take away Pearl from the palace moreover ,she had some documents to hand over to him..

News began to spread within and out of the empire, a false news suggesting Pearl was possessed by a demon which had been exorcized now, and that she's stepping down from the throne the following day, and return it back to the formal royals...

Devan planned to keep a clean slate by hiding every act that will be regarded as evil from the public and the world at large..

Kimbling remained dumbstruck through out the day, carrying out Devan's orders like a will less puppet ,at the end of the day ,she ran to the throne room to be with her daughter..

FATE #3 *(A ROSE IN BLOOM)*Where stories live. Discover now