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The boundary began closing up whiles I felt the energy being drawn on a high pace, .. "Sandra snap out of it will you? , She's gone already, nothing you do can bring her back.. here keep the boundary open, I've got to get to the other side, .. I... I can feel her close!" I passed the seals to her and sped off to the human world , alone this time..

I thought she was dying, how's she coming here, is he bringing her himself ?, That would have been the biggest mistake he could ever make , there's no way he will return alive for touching my Pearl..

He had sex with her, he touched her when I only asked him to take care of her for me .. how dare you Luscious..

Upon arriving on the other side , I began feeling her strongly , I could sense how drained she was from the amount of energy that was bolting out of me, in a jiffy, a horse neighed and Pearl with her friend came in view ..

She hopped off the horse appearing worn out even with the energy she has drawn from me .. " Pearl !, " I whispered.. she burped blood instantly and fell to her knees..

"Pearl!" Her friend yelled as I sped to hold her up , once our bodies touched each other she began glowing like myself, it was so bright, it hurt the eyes to watch . ..

"I'm here Pearl!, I'm here nothing will happen to you..!" I whispered to her whereas her eyes fluttered twice whiles she kept a gaze on me .. " hurry your highness!, There's not much time!" Sandra yelled to me...

"Wait !" Her friend began .., " I have to come along..!, I can't leave her side !"... After a moment of consideration, I held onto her when we heard Luscious' voice .. " Pearl !, .. Pearl?".. he called out!..

Think of the devil .., to my utmost surprise he appeared swiftly, as if he sped here with an enhanced speed.. I looked twice and went wide eyed to what I saw, " what the hell!" Luscious was a vampire !, ..he wiped the blood stain off his mouth .. a rogue one too..

Jemilla did this?, But why?.. " your highness!" Sandra called out again when I sped off with them .. He in turn followed us to the other side too...

Everyone stared dumbstruck .. looking down to Pearl's face she had tears in her eyes , she avoided my stare and looked his direction.. "Pearl !" He calmly said..

I placed her in the arms of Sandra to confront him when she held onto my arm .. " don't.., don't hurt him please!, Don't do anything to him !" She struggled to let it out..

" Pearl, that's .. that's not Luscious'!, He's dead already !" Sandra said to her when I rushed towards him .. " I don't know why she did this to you , but I'm certain it's not because you slept with my beloved !" .. I communicated when he let out a sarcastic chuckle..

" Don't flatter yourself Nathan!, She brought us together rather, I had to make a choice because of what you did to her ?, What were you thinking back then huh?, Do you even have the slightest idea where she's been, what she's gone through and.. the toll this has taken on her !"

He enunciated to my face .."may be you had no right to touch her !, You made the mistake of touching what was actually not yours and do you actually realize you can't live like this huh?, I'm supposed to end you right now with no excuse.," I pulled out my sword..

"Yes I know,!, I just want you to hurry with it !, I don't like how I'm feeling right now !, It will be joy unto me if, .. I lose my life for her sake, .. I'm the bruise on her seal right!, I hurt her too!," .. he smirked unshaken to death..

" you betrayed her Luscious!, just to get what you want, you did not care about her and her happiness it was all out of your selfish interest .. I need not waste time discuss with you , I should just claim your life right now .. she belongs to me Luscious and I'll make sure she accepts that too, !" he got to me !.

"No !, Don't touch him please!, Let him go !" I noticed Pearl struggling back there to be on her feet,.. all for his sake , does she even know about his betrayal huh?.. " take her inside Sandra !, Hurry!" I yelled..

"it's actually a pain living like this you know, very very uncomfortable, this sucks !, you left no stone unturned to let me feel inferior to you!, You remember?," He leaned in , ..

"what was the word again ?, A useless living sand ?.., but I tell you I'd give everything it takes to be born as a human again !, You're a curse Nathan .. you all are, the greatest harm you can ever do to her is to .. turn her into one of you , " he began,

" A little secret, she nearly killed Jemilla for planning to turn her one .. and on one side , she did it also to save me , regardless of what you do?, I'll forever have a space in her heart if not all of it Nathan!, kill me !, Do it now if you can, I can't hold myself any longer from running to her !" He continued whiles staring over my shoulders.

" For some reason I'm feeling this bond right now Nathan , and you can't imagine how strong it actually is , I'm feeling like a part of her is beating inside my chest , there's a force grabbing my will , I'm thirsting for her blood, her blood and only hers , , I'd rather I die than steal from her a second time , .. if you don't do it now something will go wrong ! DO IT!!.. !" He took off his ring and swallowed it whole..

He actually got married to her, he left no stone unturned I see!..

With fury and hurt I separated his head from his body .. "No!" Pearl's voice called me out .. for a moment I forgot she was still back there .. Swiftly taking a look back at her, she fell unconscious ..

" Pearl!, .. I told you to take her inside !" I took hold of her and asked Sandra to take care of his remains...


She's right , but that's hard to accept, that my Luscious is gone , why Will you take everything away from me like that?, Do you care about me a little huh? , Everyone I loved, .. the clutching sound of a sword called me out..

Nathan..! " No !, Don't touch him please!, Let him go!" I yelled as high as I could, no I have to stop him , ..

" take her inside Sandra !, Hurry!" Nathan commanded when I tried escaping from Sandra's arms .." please don't!, Please do something, he will kill him ! , Sandy please.. no ! , I can't lose him !" I desperately reached out to her when she shook her head ..

" I can't disobey my king Pearl, snap out of it , Luscious died the very moment she pierced him, the universe was formed with its very own principles that cannot be defiled without consequences , it's only a true born vampire who can turn a human vampire!, What you are seeing is a leaving dead , he's neither a vampire, a ghost nor is he Luscious,.. just an error that has to be .. wiped off!, .. Your health must come first now , let me take you in !" She explicated breaking my heart the more..

"Wait at least I can bid him farewell right?, .. I wanna say goodbye to him okay , that's.. that's all I want to do.. !" My heart thumbed at the sound of a stroke emitting from the sword, all I could hear was my heartbeat on a lone race , I subconsciously turned towards them ..

Luscious' head fell off his body like a leaf dancing along a deceitful wind, it's swayed away never to return .."No!" Was the only word my system unanimously thought of , I could neither feel or hear my heartbeat in that moment before the world around me suddenly turned dark ..

FATE #3 *(A ROSE IN BLOOM)*Where stories live. Discover now