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Three days passed and none of the sorcerers had received Avghar's mantle , they were assembled and a ritual was performed to quicken the process. Just as the ritual was going on, Sandra had a deep revelation, she saw herself in the human world holding Pearl's hand and giving her the seal to the boundary but not by hand.

she saw her lying unconscious, in front of the energy, she then hoisted the two seals and they melted like ice, before the liquid penetrated her heart into her system. She then saw the boundary penetrate into her system and her garment melted away, Pearl's glory was too bright to her eyes.

Sandra opened her eyes to see the mantle hovering above her head but she wasn't ready to declare it and also heard a small voice telling her to remain calm, till it became louder in her ears.

"don't be afraid, Sandra! I am the creator, the great mantle of your realm stands upon your generation, but it is not for South Akilis that I give you this honor , but for the sake of my chosen one who will bring my defective creation to its extinction, and the universe I intended, to hold dominance, Pearl Messilinah ! be calm while I do my work amongst you!"

Sandra stood awestruck for the first time, she has heard the creator's voice too and he is as real as Jemilla used to say, one boy amongst them yelped and tumbled to the ground like an epileptic episode.

He was declared the chosen after a moment of observation, Sandra was so overwhelmed with her vision and her ability to hear the creator's voice to the point that she couldn't utter a word throughout the day not sparing the night.

Until they were departing the next day, when she got to the kingdom, she went to where the boundary was , remembering her old friend Jemilla and their conversations about her encounter with the creator.

" I .. I heard his voice yesterday and I still can't believe I did, Jemy! There's really a creator and he communicates with us!, " She teared and sat on her legs,

" he's giving me the honor to continue from where you ended , the mantle wasn't with Avghar Jemy! It was with you all along and I didn't humble myself to learn from you ! I couldn't value you enough and I'm sorry! I need all the strength I can get to carry on!"

She took a moment tearing in honor of her friend before heading back to show herself to the king , she waited on him in the throne room.

Nathan was pleased to see her again, he welcomed her back home, and briefed her on the recent happening and she concealed the truth about the mantle falling on her, from him.

She left to meet Pearl, but took a moment staring at her , " did you miss me that much huh?" Pearl inquired winning a smile from her, "can't deny that, ..I heard about what you did recently Pearl?" She replied and motioned towards the window.

" And you believe I'm only capable of such less chaos?" Pearl questioned again and she turned towards her, " I heard you went through a phase of rebirth, did you consider the possibility of her causing that in your name ?" she uttered getting a scoff from her.

" I know what I'm saying, Sandra! your cousin or whoever she is to you has mastered the art of black magic, we had a fight earlier and she tried to use it against me! She returned after a while with a smell of smoke lingering on her" she narrated everything to her, capturing her understanding and trust, Sandra decided to investigate it also.

Pearl walked towards her and stared up at her face, " I hope you do this time, Sandra! and you make sure he knows the truth, unlike what you did to Gary's little boy!" the reaction on Sandra's face gave her away as Pearl smirked to the confirmation,

" I really want to know what could make you watch such a kid die for a crime he never committed but, from where I'm coming from nothing can ever justify such an act of cruelty, It's not a big deal here though, I'm quite disappointed you saw it so too .. welcome back Sandra!" Pearl walked away from her presence.

She flashed back to what happened three decades ago, Sebastian, the previous king and Nathan's father's youngest wife , who he married a hundred years before that period after defiling her, had a deadly virus eating her up .

Millicent, Sandra's elder sister, who was a medical practitioner and sorceress, who would have also succeeded Jemilla, was most recognized even though Gary was the kingdom's doctor, her excellence at combining the two was widely admired , the king commanded she takes care of the queen and reinstate her back on her feet .

Though it seemed that was impossible, but upon the king's instructions, she kept doing her best all the time, one day the king woke up to see her lifeless but not yet dissipated so he sought Gary's hand also and after his diagnosis, he claimed Millicent was giving the queen the wrong concoction, hence the queen's death.

Millicent pleaded for her life but to no avail, so to not die a cursed death in the hands of the king, she pleaded to take her own life.

She was meant to carry the queen's corpse with her towards the boundary and slaughter herself, Sandra wept bitterly and pleaded with Gary to carry out the diagnosis again, but he snubbed.

The royal family escorted Millicent and the corpse to the boundary, but before she would slaughter herself, a flick of doves took over the sky, they cried out but none could understand their message except every sorcerer that was in the kingdom, but none could come forward to her aid , Sandra tried her best but was thrown into the dungeon, being deprived of saying goodbye to her only sister.

Night fell that day even before sunset after she slaughtered herself and dissipated, the queen's body was discarded into the boundary and dissipated.

Sandra wept again after reminiscing about her loss, she recalled also the period she watched Gary's son slaughtered, she felt that wasn't enough, that his pain was nothing since he still had three more left.

She rushed out of the room and held onto Pearl's hand, she sped off with her to the mausoleum kept for sorceress, they're basically empty but their lives' history and symbolisms are kept in memory of them.

" Never you listen to a story in part and draw conclusions, Pearl! it undermines your integrity, there are always two sides to a story before the truth!" Sandra advised and pointed out her sister on the other side of the wall .

She briefed her on the entire story and the root of her passionate hatred towards Gary, Pearl stood shocked after hearing what she had to say, " but what if that was the case, that she really made that mistake huh?" She calmly said even though her heart went out for her.

Sandra laughed, " how are you acting clueless Pearl? That was a lie, he saw her as a competition, he was afraid that seat he's been coveting over six hundred years, would come to my family, if not for anything her concoction was what preserved the queen, Vampires dissipate instantly ones we die but she never did, because of how she was taken care of, Pearl! He killed my only sister just for his own selfish agenda.!"

Pearl was helpless against the situation, she could only tear as she watched her cry too, her previous scar has become a fresh wound all over again.

FATE #3 *(A ROSE IN BLOOM)*Where stories live. Discover now