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Nathan waited patiently for Pearl to arrive and dismissed the servants, " welcome, did you have a wonderful time out there ?" Nathan inquired while reaching out a hand to her.

She avoided his gaze  and  walked pass him into his chambers while he followed her, he watched her enter his room and followed suit.

He watched her enter the closet and came out wearing his t-shirt again, he was quite fascinated but curious to know why. " Looks good on you, I must say!"  He complemented and watched her silently climb onto his bed.

He used telekinesis to open the curtains and sat on the sill , watching her from that end. " Good night!" He said as she turned the other way, away from his eyes.

About thirty minutes later , Nathan listened to her heartbeat and realized she had slept, he sped to her side and observed the wound on her back, he found her tale hard to believe looking at how deep the wound was.

He suspected Avghar's immortality might have done that to her. " Don't suffer in silence Pearl, you can't while I'm here with you."

He patted her hair , and felt her temperature rising, that seldom happened in the kingdom , " Pearl !" He whispered and laid behind her, he cuddled on to her while she slept

Nathan later removed his clothes and held her close to his skin, he bared her shoulder so that he could see the surface of her wound which appeared quite unnatural.

Even though her temperature was rising, she still slept like a baby in his bosom, through out the night, he held onto her and watched her wound slowly close up somehow.

Early in the morning, he went to shower, dressed up and came back to meet her still fast asleep, he left her to sleep a little longer and attended to Sandra who was leaving to South Akilis .

Ariana paid him a visit to talk about her new skills and how he would want to utilize her, he thought it would be a bad idea to let her guard Pearl , not until she proposed he give her that role.

He looked straight into her eyes and watched her soul, " Pearl is my heart Aria , and whoever tends to guard it must be ready to lose their lives at the slightest mistake!" He cautioned winning a smirk from her, " want to test my prowess  huh?" She bragged and smiled along.

Pearl woke up and took a shower, after which she yelled out to Nathan a couple of times, thinking something was wrong he sped into his room, he went ahead into the closet and saw her hoisted at par in front of his armor

" What the ..?" He went speechless and caught  her back down, she beamed a cute innocent smile to his face which got him raising his brows !" I want to wear that, get it down for me will you?"  Nathan realized something was wrong after her statement, he looked at the armor and back at her lit eyes.

"Are you alright Pearl, come with me first!" He motioned  back to the room but Pearl began sobbing like a child he looked down at her dumbfounded,

And suspected she was going through a phase of rebirth, " oh no!" He mouthed and place her on the bed, " I said I want it, get it for me!" She spoke through her tears, "stay calm sweet... You!" He stuttered having no idea of what to do.

" I'll get it for you alright, just stop crying okay!, Bad timing Sandra!" He lamented and brought out the armor, only then did she stop tearing, he gave her space to wear it and kept thinking about how long that would last.

He watched her stagger trying to walk in it, because it wasn't sizeable and was long too , a knock came on his door and he instantly let him in, as Lloyd's gaze fell on Pearl giggling like a kid while struggling to take a step in the armor and the King left in total dismay, he  wished to know what was happening.

He looked over at Nathan and hoped for inclusion . " Do I have the right to know what's happening here your Majesty?" Nathan drew him closer and detailed him on everything including his suspicion.

" Rebirth?, That explains it !" He watched her in the light as he would a kid which perfectly fit her considering her actions and little happiness, he laughed to complement her cuteness, Nathan instructed he supervise the  factory generals to make a sizeable similar one for her in the next thirty minutes.

He quickly sped away to carry out that order , " Nathan, I want to  go out , take me out will you ?" She requested acting all innocent and cute but he wasn't prepared to let her out in that, " you can't even walk in that , how are you going to roam outside with that huh?, " He carefully spoke  to coax her from crying regarding that.

" Look!" She happily said, cast a spell and saw herself floating, she smiled to him, " I can roam around like this, see that, it's not hard at all !, Please take me out will you huh?" She pleaded.

He was lost for words knowing that works too, " girl you're too brilliant!" He whispered while looking up at her,

" well yes you can , but the problem is , no one roams out there like that okay, they all wear nice clothes that, fits them perfectly and actually walks on the ground like this !" He demonstrated, while she tilted her head and mouthed her thought,

" But why? That's.. that's not fun and this is nice, look ! It has  pretty phoenix, I.. I want everyone to see it and become my friends, I have no friends, I want some, Nathan!"

He rubbed his forehead realizing he was going back and forth with a child, he sighed wandering how to convince her against that idea,, he thought of  reverse psychology hoping it works.

" I thought we were friends? How can you tell me you don't have any, you mean to say I'm not your friend? you don't even like me or care about me, that hurts Pearl Ouch ! That breaks my heart!"

She broke the spell and nearly fell onto the ground but he was fast enough to catch her, he sat her on his bed and took a squat in front of her so that they were at par.

She hesitantly rest her fingers on his cheeks, " of course I didn't mean it that way, so don't get hurt, you .. you are my friend, my beautiful friend and I like you very much, when I grow up I'll buy you all the pretty things in the world okay so don't cry !" She clarified, innocently staring him in the eyes.

" Then will you listen to me?, I don't want to have other friends, so will you  not want anyone else too huh? If you stay here with me alone  and take this pretty phoenix off, then I won't get hurt and I'll believe you like me, then later we will wear similar beautiful phoenix and go out to play  okay!"

With his Fingers crossed, he hoped for success, Pearl tucked in her lips and nodded, agreeing to stay with him in there..

He went into the closet and got her one of his shirts , but returned to find her only in undergarments.

FATE #3 *(A ROSE IN BLOOM)*Where stories live. Discover now