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At the same time, Ariana was done and had taken her seat in the throne room, where the ceremony was being held, Sandra was wondering why the king had kept long, so she came to his chambers to find him and realized he wasn't there, she saw Gary and one other person,  being dragged in shackles into the king's inner court, and she followed them.

As they entered Pearl realized what was happening before Gary's son was called in too, she took a knee and pleaded for a chance to defend herself " I asked for one, but got two instead?" Nathan motioned towards Matrona who was in a veil, 

" and who do we have here?" Nathan removed the veil and stood wide eyed to who he saw, Matrona quivered and fell under his feet, Pearl shut her eyes to that whereas Nathan hesitantly shot his gaze to her, he stared at her with crimson irises after realizing her true identity,

" Lloyd! place everything on hold! " he commanded and walked back to his seat, Pearl shot her teary eyes towards him and was trying so hard not to let the tears out, " Sandra! who should I blame for this, tell me?  I look like a fool to you all don't I?" He calmly inquired when Pearl suddenly took a knee in front of him.

"don't take this out of contest, please! no one else is to blame for this! " she claimed but that pissed him off, " shut up, will you? I'm pretty sure , you are not Sandra!" he rebuked ,

 when she went on to say, " but what do I do when no one else knows anything? I just can't watch you punish the innocent! please, if you do not want to hear my explanation, then punish me, I'm ready for it, just leave them out!" her rebellion got him flying out his seat, as he stepped behind them, 

" come with me Sandra! bless my marriage first!" Pearl's heart thumbed as she was struggling to shed her pride, " no! You must not go ahead with it Na..! your majesty!" she finally took precedent over it, causing Nathan to clench his jaws to the skip in his heartbeat.

He was holding on to his stoic while his heart wanted to dictate to his mind, that feeling he wanted to have those days, began lingering with respond to that semi meaningful words. 

"please don't go ahead with it, she's not who you think she is, your majesty, trust me on this ! she's part of a greater conspiracy that seeks to destroy you and the kingdom.!" Nathan scoffed. 

" that person who won you that deadly punishment, wasn't me Nathan! it was her! that lady is capable of black sorcery and, you can't imagine what she has in stored with your enemies for you! Please believe me, I may have come too late, but then this is the only chance I've got to do something about this! If you would kill me and yet, believe what I've told you, trust me I'll be more satisfied!"

Nathan scoffed and turned to her, " should it always be about you huh? you held that against me right! besides I'm not living my life base on your opinion, you've got no right to ever question my decision and you certainly don't have that freedom to disrespect my authority! .. take them all to the dungeon Barrack and put in place all necessities to make sure none escapes, including that old man who thinks the law's under his feet... this mask do something about it if you know what's good for you!"

Nathan walked out on them, while Sandra took her voice from her so she  won't be able to cast spells. they were carried away to the dungeon, on their way out, Sandra felt to add her voice, "Pearl can be anything except a liar your highness, I'm just saying!" Nathan gave her a stern look, " you are already on the table for failing to carry out the task I gave you, be careful where you step next!". He uttered and led her into  the throne room, on the front row were the five other realm leaders and it appeared the two newly coronated rulers had been wedded.

" what kept you Nathan? I was told something urgent came up?" Ariana asked when he kept his gaze on her, processing what Pearl had said to him, Aria felt worried and suspected something was not right, " were you ... were you with Henry?" her question got him wearied of what Pearl said.

" why would you ask about him? is there anything he knows that I should know?" Sandra listened into their conversation, " I .. I took him with me the other day to South Akilis to personally invite the king and his family, I think on our way back I noticed him glaring at me, that felt strange , that's why I thought he must have misinterpreted my visit!" she lied, meanwhile Sandra was having a vision reoccurring to her, the one she had during the selection of a new diviner.

where she saw herself burying the boundary and its seals into Pearl, Nathan kept calling her out but she couldn't hear, Lloyd rushed to her side and tapped her, immediately calling her to her senses. Nathan asked her to proceed with the rituals which she did.

In the dungeon, there was a big screen for everyone to watch the union! the prisoners could make up a city, Pearl and the rest were taken to a special one meant for the royals in case any was to be under punishment , there was a screen there too where they could also observe it.

Barrack was gentil with Pearl, he offered her another space within that cell and got her new clothes to wear, she squeezed herself in the corner of the room, hugged her legs to her chest and listened while the other two watched, she teared silently when they were finally united, she joined the rest after that and Matrona consoled her.

It was time for Nathan to embrace her with his true form, so that Sandra can bind them with a spell, before her blood fusion with his phoenix form, immediately he activated that, Pearl was getting weak, Gary held her from falling while they panicked, Barrack sped to the venue to inform the king, meanwhile, Sandra had seen why that won't be possible.

she knew that bond could only be done ones, and if he wishes to marry again, that person can only become a concubine and not a queen too.

Barrack informed Lloyd and she overheard it, she carried ahead anyway, knowing it won't work, "it is done your highness! I now pronounce you, man and wife, ladies and gentlemen I give you the king and the queen of Valloany!" Nathan's excitement couldn't be found, while Fabian introduced the newly united rulers to them too, Nathan felt they did that because of the compensation he planned to ask for.

Pearl was left to rest a while, after the event, Nathan went to the music academy alone , he ordered for fresh blood only and no performance as he wined alone with his thoughts, memories with Pearl was all that came running to him, keeping her locked up and marrying someone else hunted him too.

Lloyd invaded his privacy but apologized before relaying Barracks message to him, " inform Sandra and go with her, I don't need to be there!" He replied quite harshly, Lloyd left and went with Sandra while they talked on the way there.

FATE #3 *(A ROSE IN BLOOM)*Where stories live. Discover now